Chapter 294 Full of True Love (25)

Fan Yichuan and Fan Yiming straightened their bodies nervously, and Chu Yin asked, "Have you memorized this book by heart? Have you understood it?"

"Yes." Both nodded.

Chu Yin began to spot check, one by one.

Just reciting is not enough, Chu Yin also asked them to tell the meaning expressed in the book.

Therefore, Fan Yichuan and Fan Yiming successfully failed to answer two paragraphs.

"Go and stand outside first, and punish you later." Chu Yin waved his hand, feeling a little headache: "I understand, but I don't understand such a simple truth."

"Mother, I was just too nervous to answer." Fan Yichuan tried to defend himself.

Chu Yin looked at the past with cold eyes: "There are many times in a person's life that they are nervous, but most of the time nervousness is not the reason for mistakes."

"Shuanghua, go and rest first." Chu Yin pushed Shuanghua away directly.

Fan Yichuan and Fan Yiming were afraid that they would not see Shuanghua, so they could only be obedient.

Now that Shuanghua is in Mother's hands, they can only obediently obey Mother's words.

Fan Yiming and Fan Yichuan went out to stand, Shuanghua went back to rest, Fan Yiyue said: "Mother, are you using Miss Shuanghua to threaten them?"

"Threats? You only see threats in your eyes, and you don't see the good intentions of being a mother." Chu Yin was not worried.

Fan Yiyue pursed her lips: "Maybe it's because I didn't speak well."

"Then think about it again, what else did mother do?" Chu Yin supported his forehead.

After thinking hard, Fan Yiyue said: "Anyway, mother saved Shuanghua girl and rescued Shuanghua girl from the building."

Chu Yin: "What else?"

Fan Yiyue frowned, and muttered softly: "Mother, you are asking me to boast."

Chu Yin looked at her expressionlessly.

Fan Yiyue said again: "It's good to keep my brothers in the mansion to study instead of going out to spend time and wine."

Chu Yin emphasized her tone: "The most important thing is not to go out and lose face!"

"Yes... and no, but brother and the others are pursuing true love, so there's nothing to be ashamed of." Fan Yiyue said.

Chu Yin sneered: "Well, sooner or later you will understand how embarrassing your behavior is."

"You don't feel ashamed of your own behavior, and naturally you don't feel ashamed of them, it's all because of your good father!" Chu Yin angered Fan He again.

"Shen Qing, this general's mansion belongs to you alone, right? How can there be a husband in the world who can't see his wife immediately, but has to wait outside for so long?" Just as Chu Yin was angering Fan He, Fan He outside couldn't wait. , roared outside the door.

Fan Yiyue shivered for a while: "Daddy is angry."

Chu Yin was indifferent: "When you get angry, you get angry."

"Get out of the way, I want to go in, who gave you the guts to keep blocking me, this is my general's mansion, not your Shen mansion, you servants of the Shen mansion who don't know what to do!" Fan He got angry at the people outside.

Chu Yin got up and walked out, and stood at the door: "If you have anything to say, just say it here."

"I heard that my husband is plagued by a strange disease. It's better to stay outside, so as not to be difficult to control inside. When the time comes, my husband will have to delay for a while when I go back."

Fan He's face was instantly gloomy: "Shen Qing, you still have the nerve to call me Husband!"

"Do you consider me your husband? Did you find out about the poisoning last time?!"

"Since the poisoning, my health has been deteriorating. You have disappeared with your daughter. Have you ever cared about me?"

Chu Yin looked at Fan Yiyue, then at Fan Yichuan and Fan Yiming who were standing at the door, and burst out laughing.

After laughing enough, she said, "Did you see it?"

"Your father, what are you asking for now? It's my concern!"

"He has sworn vows with other people, and he has a deep relationship with other people's husband and wife, but he needs my care."

"He Ruman, did you hear that? He said that he only loves you and has only you in his heart, but now he wants me to care about him!"

He Ruman's face became extremely embarrassed, he opened his mouth, unable to speak.

"Why can a person be so greedy? Do you know what kind of children he abandoned for a woman?" Chu Yin glanced at everyone's faces and said, "She abandoned his own healthy child for the sake of your respected aunt." body, disregarding your own safety, that is, disregarding the future of the general's mansion, and disregarding your future."

"His decline is the decline of the family. He doesn't care about the future of the family or yours. He has completely forgotten all the burdens on him."

"And I have been husband and wife with him for many years, and the affection of raising three children for him, and the affection of taking care of this family, he also threw it away, turned a blind eye, and made me a complete joke in the capital."

"This is the father you respect, you sing and admire his love, and admire his choice."

"But he abandoned so much and brought me to this situation, but he is still so greedy and still needs my care, he no longer gives me love, he doesn't even give me the most basic respect, congratulations Ruman came in, he didn't even go to my room, so disrespectful, but he wanted me to provide all the services of the wife of the wife."

"Help him take care of this house and the business of Zhuangzi's shop. Even if the general's mansion is in decline, there will be a steady stream of money for their consumption."

"I want me, the wife of the wife, to sit here, so that the world will not poke his back and call him a ruthless person who divorced his wife for the concubine's house, so as to avoid being attacked by the people in the court."

"My existence is to ensure the smooth operation of the family and to preserve his reputation. He is so selfish..."

"He supports you in the pursuit of the so-called love, and he doesn't care about the joke of letting you all be reduced to the capital. What is he trying to do? It's not that you have a future, but that you have a heart with him and his concubine."

"He didn't care whether you have a future or whether you will be laughed at. He only cares that you can support him and his concubine at the moment. He doesn't wish you well, he just hopes that you will affirm his so-called love!"

"He is so vicious, he took your hearts away, so that you are a family, and you will not embarrass his concubine. For this reason, he will not hesitate to sacrifice your future!"

After being bloodied by Chu Yin in front of the children, Fan He was so angry that his veins were exposed, and he shouted like thunder, "Shen Qing, shut up!"

Fan Yiyue looked at Fan He in astonishment.

On the furious father, she suddenly seemed to see Lin Lang.

Feeling the sad breath of the mother beside her, she seemed to see Mrs. Liu.

And in He Ruman's body, she seemed to see herself.

Is the love between father and He Ruman really beautiful?What was sacrificed was the mother's love and dedication.

Is the love between myself and Lin Lang really beautiful?It contains Lin Lang's concealment and deceit. If his love succeeds, then the kind Liu is destined to be hurt.

Her mind was very confused, and she suddenly understood too many things.

I couldn't help covering my mouth and sobbing and crying.

(End of this chapter)

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