Chapter 300 Full of True Love (31)

Chu Yin: "Then you have divorced your wife, how will you deal with the relationship with the prostitute daughter of the Cheng family?"

Lin Lang looked at Chu Yin in shock, shook his head and denied, "I have nothing to do with her."

Chu Yin: "Why doesn't it matter? It doesn't matter. You know who I'm talking about? In the past half a month, you and the daughter of the Cheng family have visited the lake once and exchanged letters six times."

Lin Lang couldn't see Fan Yiyue for a long time, thinking that there was nothing going on here, so he already looked for another target.

The prostitute of the Cheng family is Lin Lang's candidate.

The head of the Cheng family is also an official in the court. Although the official position is not high, it is also an unattainable family background for Lin Lang.

Chu Yin understood so clearly that Lin Lang could not deny it, and could only say, "I will never contact her again."

Fan Yiyue held her heart, feeling very painful and uncomfortable.

Before seeing Lin Lang, Chu Yin told Fan Yiyue about Lin Lang's relationship with Cheng's prostitute daughter, and Fan Yiyue said it was difficult to accept.

I don't believe that Lin Lang can change his mind so quickly and be so realistic.

But now that Lin Lang admitted it, she was completely disheartened.

It turns out that Mrs. Liu is not his only one, nor is he his only one. There is no one like him at all.

He is close to himself, just for some greed.

It's not uncontrollable, it's not true love, and it's not an accident of love.

It's just coveting something, just coveting something.

She finally saw this heartless man clearly, she saw it very thoroughly, everything in the past was like a joke.

"Ma'am, can I not tell Yiyue about this?" Lin Lang looked at Chu Yin.

Chu Yin laughed, and suddenly became very easy-going: "Of course."

"Of course you've dealt with it, I won't tell her."

"After all, you're all for Yiyue, you're divorced, and you're letting down the daughter of the Cheng family."

"To pay so much!"

Lin Lang was speechless.


This is obviously mocking him.

Chu Yin said: "Okay, now I also know what you want, and now there are two roads in front of you."

Lin Lang's head was full of question marks, why there are two paths.

"One, after you divorce your wife, I will fulfill your wish. I will drive Fan Yiyue out of the house without any gold or silver, and then I will live with you."

Lin Lang: "?"

"Secondly, you broke up with Fan Yiyue, I will give you a sum of money, and you will not have any contact with her from now on."

Chu Yin asked Lin Lang with great interest, "Which one do you choose?"

Lin Lang: "..."

"Choose." Chu Yin looked at her calmly.

Lin Lang said: "Madam, can you bear to treat Yiyue like this?"

Chu Yin: "Why can't you bear it? Hasn't my reputation in the capital reached your ears?"

"I can do anything."

Lin Lang thought deeply and was finally discouraged.


It can be seen from the brief contact that the general's wife is moody.

If that's the case, what's the point of Fan Yiyue getting married? It's not worthwhile to divorce a wife for a rich lady who has nothing to offer and can't bear hardships.

It turned out that the general's wife was waiting for him here.

She is willing to help herself and Fan Yiyue, but she will not let herself take advantage of it.

Or is this a test?

At that time, Fan Yiyue's life will be too hard, they will not be able to bear it sooner or later, or will her heart soften after a long time?

But if this is the case, I have to bet on whether she will soften her heart in the future.

If you don't feel soft-hearted for the rest of your life, then you will lose such a virtuous wife as Mrs. Liu, and you will get a Fan Yiyue who knows nothing. Most importantly, your mother will definitely not be able to get along with Fan Yiyue, and the family will be a mess.

Lin Lang fell into a long silence.

Still thinking.

Fan Yiyue fully understood that Lin Lang's hesitation was all about weighing pros and cons.

She rushed out from behind the screen, tears streaming down her face and screaming at Lin Lang tremblingly: "You don't have to choose."

"What qualifications do you have to choose?"

"I won't marry you, let's make a clean break."

"Lin Lang, you really disgust me, why are you so disgusting, your love is all about greed, why don't you die." Annoyed, Fan Yiyue slapped Lin Lang hard on the face.

Lin Lang's face swelled up quickly, and he looked at Fan Yiyue in astonishment.

Why is Fan Yiyue so strong?
But Fan Yiyue was still angry, and slapped Lin Lang again, and Lin Lang's face was instantly swollen.

Chu Yin couldn't help laughing. It seems that it is very useful to focus on training Fan Yiyue's arm strength these days, and the effect is so good.

Fan Yiyue looked at Lin Lang's rapidly swollen face, she was taken aback for a moment, and then said: "It seems that what mother said is right."

"It hurts more to hit someone after you exercise."

"It's really useful."

Lin Lang stared at Fan Yiyue in astonishment: "Miss Yiyue, listen to my explanation."

Chu Yin thought that Fan Yiyue would hold her head in pain, and then say "I won't listen, I won't listen", this is a routine plot.

But Fan Yiyue unexpectedly calmed down quickly, and looked at him coldly: "Say it."


"I'll see how you continue to be disgusted."

With two slaps, all the grievances in her heart were vented, and her mood stabilized a lot.

Lin Lang was at a loss for words for a moment, and then said falteringly: "Things are not as you imagined..."

"You still want to lie to me? I've been listening behind!" Fan Yiyue said.

Lin Lang was so embarrassed that he wished he could find a crack in the ground and sneak in.

He couldn't find any words to justify, how to justify?
After reading so many books in vain, one day I ended up in a situation where I couldn't justify myself.

"I'm sorry..." Lin Lang said hesitantly.

"I have been to your house, I have seen your mother and wife, your mother is as disgusting as you, and your wife is very poor." Fan Yiyue said: "Meeting you, her life is really miserable."

Lin Lang panicked: "She knows?"

Fan Yiyue wiped away the tears on her face: "We didn't identify ourselves, your wife doesn't know what you did in the capital."

"I'm really not worth it for her."

But thinking that Liu Shi said that she would forgive Lin Lang even if there was someone outside Lin Lang, Fan Yiyue didn't know what to say.

If Mrs. Liu didn't love Lin Lang so much and would reconcile her, she really wanted to go back and find Mrs. Liu now, tell her Lin Lang's true face, and keep her away from this scum.

But Mrs. Liu said that she would not leave Lin Lang. Even if Mrs. Liu knew what Lin Lang had done outside, she would forgive her, so she couldn't tell Mrs. Liu so much and disturb her happiness.

It doesn't make any sense to say it, and it can only make Liu Shi sad.

Lin Lang breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't know.

Seeing that Lin Lang just breathed a sigh of relief, but there was no guilt on his face, Fan Yiyue was even more disgusted.

"Get out, get out, get out of here, and disappear in front of me immediately!" Fan Yiyue pointed at the door.

Lin Lang had no choice but to turn around and leave, it was too embarrassing to stay any longer.

(End of this chapter)

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