Chapter 302 Full of True Love (33)

Fan Yiyue's reputation improved, and Chu Yin said to Fan Yiyue, "I can only save you to this extent."

Fan Yiyue was also content: "Thank you, mother."

"It exposed Lin Lang's ugly face, ruined his reputation in the capital, and prevented other women from being deceived by him."

"I think it's a punishment for him."

Chu Yin laughed lowly: "The Cheng family knows about this matter, do you think the Cheng family will not take action?"

"Will the daughter of the Cheng family tell the family?" Fan Yiyue asked.

Chu Yin: "The Cheng family knows."

Fan Yiyue: "How do you know?"

"Earlier when I sent people to watch Lin Lang, I knew that the Cheng family was also investigating the secret relationship between Lin Lang and the daughter of the Cheng family."

"Especially now that Lin Lang has a wife and family, and the news that he specially deceived the official women is also spread, and the daughter of the Cheng family is also a victim."

Fan Yiyue pursed her lips: "Whatever."

"If the Cheng family doesn't take action, mother, you will help me vent my anger, right?"

Chu Yin smiled, this is the correct way to deal with scumbags, and Fan Yiyue knew revenge.

"They don't do it for their mothers." Chu Yin asked Fan Yiyue: "Have you read the books you should read?"

"Reading can calm your mind and cultivate your character."

Fan Yiyue: "Look at it all."

"Mother, thank you, if you hadn't helped me see Lin Lang clearly, I wouldn't have made many mistakes and lost face." She took Chu Yin's hand: "Mother, hit me!"

"Now I don't think my mother's beating is hard enough, let's hit again, let me improve my memory."

"Also, I was confused with my father before. I didn't understand why I favored my father and hurt my mother. I should be beaten and punished. Mother, you can hit me. You will feel better if you hit me."

Chu Yin patted Fan Yiyue's face lightly twice: "Okay."

"Knowing your mistakes can make a big difference."

Fan Yiyue: "It wasn't hard enough."

Chu Yin couldn't help laughing: "If I'm heavy, I'll break my appearance for you, and then you won't cry to death."

"I am very pleased that you can tell right from wrong."

Fan Yiyue sighed: "Daughter has thought about it carefully. Daddy is just like what mother said. He only cares about his own love, and the whole family doesn't care about it, and he doesn't care about us."

"In order for us to affirm his love, we will not hesitate to make us as confused as him."

"When I think of Daddy being such a person, I feel very uncomfortable."

Chu Yin looked at Fan Yiyue in relief.

Fan Yiyue suddenly thought of something, and said: "By the way, mother, will Lin Lang's reputation reach Mrs. Liu's ears?"

"Sooner or later, it will reach Mrs. Liu's ears. Wouldn't that hurt her?"

"She loves Lin Lang so much, and she won't leave Lin Lang, why bother to let her know that these things make her sad?"

Chu Yin asked: "Who told you that Mrs. Liu would not leave Lin Lang?"

Fan Yiyue: "Mr. Liu said it."

Chu Yin smiled and said, "I don't think it's a big deal if it reaches her ears."

"A good woman should also be rewarded accordingly, instead of being a bull and a horse for this kind of scum, and it is particularly easy to end up being abandoned."

"At any time, as long as Lin Lang has a better choice and will abandon her, she will at least understand this truth."

"It's already hard for her to serve her mother-in-law at home, and Lin Lang is such a scumbag. I don't think I did anything wrong. It's up to her to choose."

"Little girl, let's make a bet? I bet Liu will reconcile after knowing the truth."

That is actually a woman who is soft on the outside and strong on the inside. She is determined and brave to give, so she naturally has the courage to withdraw quickly.

After all, Lin Lang has someone he likes outside, and there is still a big difference between Lin Lang who is greedy for wealth and specifically cheating rich women outside.

There are people you like outside, which can be understood as uncontrollable emotions. Most women in this era can tolerate men who have other women in their hearts, which is related to the system of monogamy and multiple concubines in the era.

But with the intention to cling to the powerful, this intention is even more sinister, which means that Lin Lang is ready to abandon his wife at any time and any place. In order to improve the situation at all costs, Lin Lang's pursuit of the powerful not only despises her emotional strength. Paying, also despised the value she created economically, and the whole person was denied.

The nature of things is quite different.

"You bet she won't reconcile?" Chu Yin pinched Fan Yiyue's cheek.

Although Fan Yiyue was a little hesitant, she still nodded: "Mmm..."

"I bet she won't..."

Taking advantage of the dark and windy night, the Cheng family lured Lin Lang to a remote place, where he was beaten violently until he was dying.

Warn Lin Lang, don't go out and tell others that he had a relationship with the prostitute daughter of the Cheng family.

At least the world didn't know about Lin Lang and the daughter of the Cheng family, so the Cheng family sent someone to deal with Lin Lang, and sealed his mouth by the way, so as not to affect the reputation of their daughter.

Lin Lang was beaten half to death, and lay down in the alley overnight. The next day, he was found and sent to the hospital, where all the money was spent.

The money included the money that Chu Yin gave to Liu Shi at that time. Liu Shi had already entrusted people from his hometown to bring it to the capital. As soon as it was delivered to Lin Lang during the day, Lin Lang was beaten at night.

While still lying in the hospital, Lin Lang received the news that he was disqualified from the autumn exam.

He found some faults in Lin Lang, and said that he was lacking in virtue, and he would not be able to take the exam again within a few years.

Lin Lang had no choice but to follow his fellow countrymen back to his hometown with his wounds all over his body.

Chu Yin was very satisfied with Lin Lang's end, the Cheng family did a good job.

Lin Lang will not be able to take the test again for a few years. Even if such a tainted person takes the test again, he will be targeted. Considering his reputation in the capital in the past, no examiner can appreciate him.

His chances of getting ahead in this life are almost gone.

Chu Yin specially sent someone to Lin Lang's hometown to pay attention to the situation of Lin Lang and the Liu family.

After all, he still had a bet with Fan Yiyue, although he didn't place a bet.

After one month, news came that Mrs. Liu and Lin Lang had reconciled, and Mrs. Liu left Lin Lang to become an embroiderer.

In the workshop, I do embroidery work full-time.

Fan Yiyue was shocked: "Mr. Liu really reconciled."

"How did she do it?"

Chu Yin: "Extremely desperate."

"Lin Lang's scumbag, her faith is gone."

"You probably haven't asked about Liu's birth. In fact, Liu's birth is much better than Lin Lang's. If you don't choose Lin Lang, you will have a better place to go."

"She doesn't dislike Lin Lang's family background, but Lin Lang is all about clinging to the rich and powerful, and he also dislikes her birth."

Fan Yiyue: "I really admire it!"

"I admire her so much!"

Chu Yin analyzed the essence of this matter to Fan Yiyue, and Fan Yiyue said after hearing it: "I thought I could see many things clearly, but now I find that what I can see clearly is only one thing, what really needs to be learned from my mother There are many more things."

Chu Yin rubbed Fan Yiyue's head, but Fan Yiyue pushed her away: "Hair is messed up!"

(End of this chapter)

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