Chapter 313 Collecting Treasure System (4)

Under the system's persuasion, Xie Xiangren calmed down, looked at Chu Yin and said, "Lord of Beimo, I don't mind if you kill my heart, and I don't mind if you hurt me."

"It's just that I'm not incapable of protecting myself. I probably let you down this time."

Chu Yin smiled: "How could you be disappointed?"

"It's even more interesting if you are so capable."

"You...successfully attracted my attention." Chu Yin stretched out her slender fingers and pointed at Xie Xiang, pretending to be interested in him.

She would also say something about the domineering president's quotations.

Xie Xiang was obviously taken aback by these words, he didn't expect the witch to do this trick.

"Master? What happened just now?" The piranha was blown away by the powerful force of the two sides just now, and now it is back.

Her flowers have not yet come in, but the rhizomes have come in first.

After saying this, her huge flower appeared.

Seeing that her entire flower had been destroyed, Chu Yin waved her hand and said, "Go back first."

"See how hard you've been tossed."

"Then he?" Leprechaun hesitated for a while, whether the Lord wants it or not, can he reward her!

Chu Yin waved his hand angrily: "Get up."

The piranha slipped out again.

The leaves fell off, and the thin thorns on the rhizomes softened, and the whole body was full of disappointment that they had not received thanks.

"By the way, do you have a name?" Chu Yin looked at the piranha. It should be there, but the client never remembered it.

"Yes, Lord, the small one is called Yunhua, which is a flower full of charm." The man-eating flower replied.

Xie Xiang couldn't help retching, what a flower full of charm, this piranha was filled with an extreme stench, and he didn't know how many disgusting things he ate.

Chu Yin froze for a moment, then laughed loudly: "Wonderful!"

"You are indeed charming, the king of piranhas!"

In the population of piranhas, the stronger the smell, the stronger the strength.

The smell like Yunhua is so deep, it really counts.

"Lord, you are so kind, I finally got your approval, and you finally have your eyes on me."

The piranha quickly changed into a human form and turned into a gorgeous beauty. In the blink of an eye, it came to Chu Yin, stuck to Chu Yin's back, and wrapped its arms around Chu Yin's neck.

Yunhua was so enthusiastic, Chu Yin was a little overwhelmed, silently took Kai Yunhua's hand and said, "Go."

"Okay, Lord." Yunhua ran away happily.

After going out, Chu Yin heard Yunhua laughing up to the sky.

She rubbed her eyebrows, feeling a little funny, Yao's straightforward and bold style of acting is sometimes quite funny.

The demons here are not like the demons in the demon world. The demons in the demon world are managed by various systems set by the demon king, and their behavior is still subject to some restrictions.

The client here has never restrained them or managed them.

"What are you doing standing there? Aren't you going to get out?" Chu Yin saw that Xie Xiang hadn't left yet.

Xie Xiang tidied up his clothes and said, "Isn't it true that your conscience won't hurt a little when you treat me like this?"

"You want my life, I'm not angry, don't you feel moved?"

Chu Yin raised her eyebrows: "Moved?"

"That seems to be something that the human race is good at. I am a demon, a tree demon, and I have no heart!"

Xie Xiang shook his head: "I'm not even angry when you treat me like this. I don't believe you can't move you."

"And I don't believe that demons have no heart. In my heart, demons are actually very good. They don't have the insidiousness and cunning of human races, and they don't have no mind like demons. In my heart, demons are very pure, especially the demons here. Living here, not going to the outside world, being at ease."

"I think the monsters here are purer than all the monsters outside. People in the world say that Beimo Abyss is dangerous. The monsters in Beimo Abyss are vicious and murderous, but no one understands that the creatures here are just protecting them. homeland."

"The Beimo Abyss is yours, and the treasures here are also yours. What's wrong with you guarding them? They are greedy and want to plunder, and if they don't succeed, they will slander them."

"Could it be that it's wrong for you to protect your homeland? Then when others go to their homes to rob them, they shouldn't resist!" Xiang Xie said righteously.

Chu Yin clapped his hands, but sneered all over his face: "Excellent eloquence, I really deserve to be the kind of insidious and cunning human race you mentioned."

"The human race is also the best at rhetoric, hiding needles in the cotton."

At that time, the client was moved by Mr. Xie's little remarks, and the client felt that what Mr. Xie said was very reasonable.

I thought Xie Xiang really empathized with her from her perspective.

But in fact, it was just Xie Xiang's means to gain her trust.

In Xie Xiang's heart, a demon is a demon, a demon with eternal bad roots, and the meaning of a demon's existence is to provide the human race with rare treasures.

In his mind, there is no essential difference between raising chickens and killing them for food.

Xie Xiang looked at Chu Yin silently, thinking that the other party would be moved and recognized after saying these words.

This kind of words should be able to impress her, right?

He had prepared his lines before coming.

The result is full of sneer?

Really oily and salty!
"Get out." Chu Yin waved his hand.

"I will die if I go out, and I hope the Lord of Beimo will protect me." Xiang Xie panicked for a moment, and couldn't help saying the lines he had prepared before.

Chu Yin smiled, Xie Xiangshi also told the client so.

At that time, he acted as a weak person in front of the client, and stayed by the client's side as a weak person to seek the so-called asylum.

But this time Xie Xiang exposed too little, she tested Xie Xiang's strength, and even forced the system to take action.

"Are you out of your mind?" Chu Yin sneered, "You haven't been killed by me, but you will be killed by them?"

Xie Xiang touched his nose in embarrassment, but acted accordingly on the spot: "My cultivation is not very stable, and I am often weak."

Chu Yin: "Oh?"

"Let's take a look at the weaker one now?"

Xie Xiang: "It's hard for me to determine when."

Chu Yin's eyes suddenly turned dark, and vines sprang up all around in an instant. Seeing that the situation was wrong, Xie Xiang retreated quickly, and then Chu Yin directly blocked the exit door with vines.

Frustrated, Xiang Xie found a place to sit down. The monsters nearby were surprised to see Xiang Xie came out of the Lord's territory safely, but no demon wanted to attack him.

What if this is the human race in the main picture?

This kid is so handsome!
Some monsters couldn't help drooling, dripping.

"This witch is even more reticent than I imagined." Xiang Xie frowned.

System: "Fortunately, although her intention to kill you is true, but she didn't gather all the creatures in Beimo Abyss to encircle you, which proves that at least she doesn't have to kill you, which means there is still a chance."

Xie Xiang: "I hope."

"However, we will not reach this point. You said that she and I have no mortal hatred. How can she go to war like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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