Chapter 321 Collecting Treasure System (12)

Xie Xiang looked at Chu Yin who suddenly stopped, and couldn't help crying.

It's true that men don't flick their tears easily, but they haven't reached the point of sadness.

Xie Xiang's soul was injured by the soul whip, and the pain was so extreme that his whole body couldn't stop shaking slightly, so painful that he lost his composure.

But what made him cry in the end was that he seemed to have finally influenced this stubborn witch, and seemed to have really moved her.

If this didn't impress her, it would be too unreasonable.

"Lingfeng, please believe that I have a heart for you." Xiang Xie took out the Anchuan water and offered it devoutly.

It seems that he is very humble, but in fact this is just a tame way of him.

Chu Yin stretched out his hand, seemingly wanting to take the Anchuan water, but in fact, using strength, he swung the soul whip, and the snow-white whip fell from above.

This attack was different from the previous two times. In the first two times, she deliberately pretended not to be good at using this whip, and it was not too serious to hit Xie Xiang. But this time, Chu Yin had a fierce killing intent, One whip has the power to disperse Xie Xiang's soul.

Of course, it depends on whether Ki Xiexiang's system can make a move. If he makes a move, Xie Xiang will still be alive.

However, in order to resist her attack this time, the system needs to mobilize not a single bit of power.

If the system is unwilling to make a move, then Xie Xiang can only be dismayed, and the system will leave the stage sadly.

But no matter whether the system chooses to shoot or give up thanking Xiang, it is beneficial to her.

"Despicable!" The system saw that Chu Yin was launching another sneak attack. Judging by Xie Xiang's state, it was too late to avoid this injury, and the power this time probably killed Xie Xiang.

It shot in time, and almost instantly, a powerful force burst out from Xie Xiang's body, repelling Chu Yin's soul whip, and even Chu Yin was affected by the force and retreated several steps.

The previous two times, the power was really not that great. I thought that this witch was not good at using this soul whip, thinking that Xie Xiang would suffer a little bit, and it didn't matter if the soul was hurt a little. But I dare not take it lightly anymore.

But now it's too late.

"Let's go!" The system said directly to Xie Xiang.

Xie Xiang fled immediately.

One person, one system escaped very fast. Chu Yin asked 3308 the direction Xie Xiang was escaping from, and 3308 said the location, which was towards the Human Emperor's Temple.

Then when he catches up, he has already hidden under the emperor's wings.

Then there's no need to chase him. It seems that the system has secured him, and he can't kill him even if he catches up. This time, he was able to succeed because of a sneak attack and when his soul was already exhausted in the Nether Cave. If Xie Xiang is in excellent condition, this soul whip may not be able to hit him.

You can wait and see to see if Tiandao responds.

She looked at the soul whip in her hand, it was really a good thing, she was whipped twice by this thing, two whole whips, Xie Xiang was in pain for a long time, this was a wound on the soul, not like last time, eat a The magic pill is reborn with flesh and blood.

"Boom..." There was a sudden flash of lightning and thunder in the sky, and a bolt of lightning directly struck the place where Xiang Xie had stayed just now.

It seemed that the lightning felt that he had missed out, and another terrifying lightning struck towards Chu Yin, who dodged it.

I was a little happy that this kind of phenomenon could happen. It seems that Xie Xiang's system should have caused Tiandao's reaction.

I just don't know if it can be accurately repelled.

"Give it back to you." Chu Yin returned to Linghai and threw the snow-white soul whip to him. This soul whip is really a good thing. Seeing Chu Yin staring at the soul whip, Linghai hurriedly took it from Chu Yin's hand.

He let out a sigh of relief, and looked at his magic weapon lovingly: "You are finally back."

"I thought you wouldn't come back?"

"You didn't use it to do bad things, did you? We agreed before that you can't use my magic weapon to do bad things."

Chu Yin sneered: "Those who don't know really think you will lose it?"

This is connected to the soul body of Linghai. In fact, no matter where the whip is, one call from Linghai can summon it back.

An idea in Linghai can also make it no longer be used by others.

As long as Linghai is unwilling, even if others take this thing away, it will become useless.

Linghai clicked his tongue: "So?"

"Our deal is done."

Chu Yin sat down: "Yo?"

"Exit order?"

Linghai: "That's not it."

Chu Yin glanced at Ji Cang, Ling Hai wanted to cover Chu Yin's eyes.

"I said, don't look at my lover."

Chu Yin: "..."

She just wanted to say goodbye to Ji Cang with her eyes, and she couldn't even look at it.

"If you keep making noise, I'll snatch you away." Chu Yin snorted coldly and left.

It's meaningless to continue to stay here with Linghai. Linghai won't teach her too many in-depth things. Now she has a superficial understanding of soul body cultivation, but she hasn't been able to go deep.

In the future, we can only rely on Ji Cang.

It's better to go out and see the situation outside. It's been a month, and I don't know if there is any development on Shi Xu's side.

I just happened to go for a stroll around the human race to see if I could find some chance to do something with Xie Xiang.

Xie Xiang ran to the temple, and the human emperor Shi Yi received him.

Seeing that Mr. Xie was not in the right state, he asked Mr. Xie, "Who hurt you like this?"

Xie Xiang sighed: "The Lord of Beimo is really unreasonable."

Shi Yi frowned: "She did it?"

Xie Xiang didn't say yes or no.

Shi Yiquan accepted the acquiescence of the prime minister and asked, "How did you provoke her?"

"I heard that she came out some time ago."

Xie Xiang shook his head and sighed, he was really convinced.

Is that thing a heart of stone?
He is like this, she is still unmoved, as long as it is a person, there is no way to do it, right?
She was fine, and wanted to beat him out of his wits with a whip.

What kind of enmity is there? She insists on killing herself, and nothing she can do will impress her.

This is unscientific, too unscientific. Xie Xiang thinks this is not only against human nature, but even against demon nature.

"I really can't see through that demon girl." Xiang Xie's face was full of pain: "You really are a complete demon girl!"

Shi Yi nodded: "Fortunately, you escaped from her hands, so don't provoke her in the future."

Xie Xiang looked at Shi Yi, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart that Shi Yi is also a ruthless person, at least he is a little friendly, so he didn't say to help him or anything.

Her being so arrogant is the result of being indulged by the Three Realms.

"Doesn't this Lord of Beimo have any weaknesses?" Xie Xiang looked at Shi Yi expectantly. Shi Yi is the emperor of the human race, in charge of the power of the human race. He has lived in the world for many years, so he should know the Lord of Beimo better than himself.

Shi Yi was speechless for a moment: "Weakness?"

"I don't know."

"Lingfeng is not easy to deal with, do you still want revenge?"

He sized Xie Xiang up. Although he was quite sure of Xie Xiang's strength, he shook his head and said, "Forget it if you suffer this loss. Don't entangle with her anymore."

(End of this chapter)

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