Chapter 327 Collecting Treasure System (18)

Xie Xiang lost his temper completely.

"Fortunately, my soul feels better."

"It is true that as time goes by, it will gradually get better." This is a little comfort in my heart.

The system said: "Then you should quickly find a way."

"I feel more and more bad today, and I always feel that Heaven is about to search me."

The system is also anxious, and Xie Xiang is also anxious.

He couldn't increase his strength, couldn't deal with Lingfeng, and couldn't get close to her to gain her trust.

It is difficult to do anything, and it is difficult to make progress.

How can I get her soul.

"Wait for the opportunity, wait a little longer, I think I'll wait a little longer." Xie Xiang was unwilling to give up, and he didn't dare to say give up.

The task rewards for abandoning this world are gone, and it is not known whether the system will abandon him.

"Maybe there will be a chance."

System: "I hope."

"It's better to find a way to complete the task as soon as possible, time is really running out."

Xie Xiang: "Understood."

But he was still at a loss in his heart, now that Lingfeng was chasing him, where should he find the opportunity?

He recalled the things in the mall, and after much deliberation, there was nothing that could deal with Lingfeng.

Lingfeng is not an ordinary person, she is a top boss in the world, those bells and whistles are of no use to her.

"This Xie Xiang still hides and dare not come to see me?" Chu Yin sat opposite the Demon King.

The Demon King: "...Could it be that someone in my Demon Palace betrayed me?"

"How do you know that Xie Xiang is with me?"

Chu Yin: "I suggest that you pay attention to the grievances between me and Mr. Xie."

"I've been talking for a long time just now."

The demon king came back to look at Chu Yin, and jokingly said: "You want to thank Xiang? Yes, you let me go to your lair, and I can take whatever is inside. I will chop up Xie Xiang and cook it for you."

As soon as Xie Xiang walked in and heard what the demon king said, his face turned dark immediately.

This demon king is definitely sick.

It's not reliable yet.

Judging by the posture, he not only wants to hand over himself, as long as Lingfeng's things are in place, he will also be an accomplice.

Chu Yin: "I am."

"It's a good idea."

"Thank you." Chu Yin looked at Xie Xiang: "Look, I can find you if you hide here."

Xie Xiang couldn't help asking: "How did you find me?"

"I, I have my own way." Chu Yin looked at Xie Xiang: "How should I say it?"

"Do you want me to torture you here, bring trouble to the demon king and be driven away by him, or do you want to be more self-conscious and shameless?"

"After all, it can be regarded as a lesson from the past. You know my methods."

Xie Xiang glanced at the demon king, and the demon king said to Xie Xiang: "I really admire you as a human race."

"I rarely make friends with humans, and you are one of the few. I just thought you were special."

"I didn't expect you to be really special, but you actually wanted to play with Lingfeng."

The demon king shook his head, it was simply terrifying.

He didn't dare to hit Lingfeng and didn't want to hit Lingfeng's idea, Xie Xiang seemed crazy.

Now that I have gotten into trouble, I want to hide here.

It would be fine if Lingfeng didn't come, and it wouldn't be a problem to stay here longer, but Lingfeng did.

"We're both of the demon clan, so I think your grievances should be resolved separately." The demon king is a demon after all, unlike Shi Yi's side, who is hindered by human dignity.

The demon king acts very casually.

Considering that even Shi Yi can't stand Lingfeng, he must not be able to stand Lingfeng being entangled.

After all, they are all monsters, and when the time comes, I will fight with Lingfeng to make outsiders see the joke.

It's better to let Xie Xiang go out now and pull him down.

Besides, it doesn't matter if there is friendship, friendship does not mean life-saving grace, even if it is a friend, it does not say that it must help.

Helping is a matter of affection, and not helping is also a duty.

Xie Xiang looked at the demon king in astonishment, sure enough, the demon is the most unreliable.

The most impersonal.

In the end, it was better for Shi Yi, who was also a human race, to be kinder to him.

A demon is a demon.

Xie Xiang had an inexplicable resentment in his heart, and his dissatisfaction with the demon had already brought the demon king along with him.

"Okay, I'll leave now!" After Xie Xiang finished speaking, he shook his sleeves angrily and disappeared.

Chu Yin immediately chased after him, but was stopped by the demon king again. Chu Yin stared at the demon king disdainfully: "What? You want to stop me to delay him?"

"Then what do you have to give me to keep me?"

"You demon palace baby?"

Demon King: "What demon palace baby, Lingfeng, since I saw you, have you forgotten what happened thousands of years ago?"

Chu Yin looked at the Demon King suspiciously: "What happened thousands of years ago?"

She searched the client's memory, but she couldn't remember anything from thousands of years ago.

Could it be that the client still had any grievances and enmities with the Demon King thousands of years ago?
It's not even mentioned in the plot.

"You forgot?" The Demon King glared at Chu Yin.

Chu Yin: "Can you say something?"

"Don't delay my pursuit of the murderer, okay?"

Chu Yin even suspected that the demon king might be looking for trouble on purpose, just to delay himself.

Let Xie Xiang run away.

No matter how Shi Yi is dragging her, the demon king is also dragging her.

"Thousands of years ago, you took the mysterious tortoise shell from my demon world." The demon king said, "You haven't returned it yet!"

Chu Yin thought for a long time, and finally remembered that a thousand years ago, the client snatched a beautiful turtle shell from the demon king.

Of course, the client was also on a whim at the time, took it back and looked at it for two days and then ignored it.

"That's all." Chu Yin really didn't know why the Demon King grabbed her to ask for the turtle shell when he saw him.

In the plot, the demon king met the client several times, but he never mentioned it.

Why did I just remember this.

What Chu Yin didn't know was that the demon king looked like a tortoise when Xie Xiangmiao ran away just now, so he thought of the tortoise shell.

He was robbed for 1000 years, and he forgot for at least 900 years. In the first 100 years, he still wanted to return to the mysterious tortoise shell, but in the next 900 years, he forgot.

Just a thousand years have passed, if it is still there, you can get it back, it just happens to be useful.

"Just for this matter, you still robbed me, pay me back quickly." The demon king stopped Chu Yin.

Chu Yin sighed, it was terrible.

Shi Yi stopped her and had to give her something.

Now being stopped by the demon king, he is talking about a tortoise shell thousands of years ago.

"I'll pay you back another day." Chu Yin said.

Demon King: "But you said so."

Chu Yin sneered: "If you stop me again, I won't return it."

The demon king gave way, and Chu Yin was thinking, where is that tortoise shell?
I didn't have much impression when I went to find the Soul Cultivation Wood.

But in the client's memory, don't give this tortoise shell away. As for where to put it, it's too messy, so I have to find it.

Fortunately, the demon king did not continue to entangle, Chu Yin chased after him, and Xiang Xie ran really fast.

"System, can you try again to see if you can locate her? I'll see if she chases after you." Xie Xiang said.

The system tried it, and said in frustration: "It still doesn't work."

"I really don't know what's going on."

Originally, this task was very difficult, but this kind of problem happened again.

(End of this chapter)

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