Chapter 335 Collecting Treasure System (26)

When Shi Xu suggested using the three seals, both Shi Yi and Yao Wang fell silent.

Mozun, who had been taciturn all this time, suddenly said, "I agree with using the two seals."

"The heaven-sacrificing seal of the human race and the demon palace seal of the demon race are enough."

Shi Yi: "..."

Demon King: "..."

This calculation is done.

Mozun looked at the two people, and said: "After all, this is the victim of the creatures of your human race and monster race."

After Mozun finished saying this, Shi Xu frowned, got up and said, "Something went wrong."

He slowly looked at the demon king: "The demon clan's territory."

In this place, neither he nor Lingfeng had time to strengthen the formation.

The formation has not been strengthened right now, so it must be too late to rush over.

But they passed together.

On the way past, Chu Yin was thinking that the Nian Beast had made such a move so soon.

It must be because he failed to find food before and was interrupted by himself and Shi Xu, so he made a comeback so soon.

When they arrived at the place, Nian Beast had already 'fed and drank enough' and left, leaving behind a lot of corpses.

Mozun frowned watching the tragic scene.

Shi Xu said: "Everyone, don't delay any longer."

"Do you want to watch this thing continue to cause trouble everywhere?"

"We can work together, but we don't have to ask for a seal." Mozun said.

The demon king also said: "No matter how powerful the monster is, the five of us can always work together."

"Why do you want to go to war, pay such a high price, please move the three seals."

Shi Yi nodded: "I think so too."

Chu Yin looked at her with four pairs of eyes, and she pointed to her nose: "What?"


"This is a matter of your Three Realms."

"Aren't you afraid of Beimo?" Shi Yi asked.

The demon king pointed to the demon king: "The last person who said he had nothing to do with the demon clan is here."

"It's not going to happen right away."

Chu Yin twitched the corner of his mouth.

Having said that, none of the accidents in the plot are in Beimo.

And since 3308 learned that the selection criteria for Nian Beast is to choose those with more negative emotions.

The per capita happiness index of Beimo is very high.

Everyone lives freely, and the creatures there are born to do whatever they want, and there are very few negative emotions.

"Ask him, did he detect the aura of that thing in Beimo?" Chu Yin asked Shi Xu.

"Besides, when it's Beimo's turn, I don't know how many creatures in your Three Realms are left."

Shi Xu: "That's not true."

"But for the sake of the creatures in the world, I ask you to take action."

Chu Yin shook his head: "Don't count on me. This monster is so powerful. If you don't solve it quickly, it may be useless to ask for the three seals. At that time, you should really cry."

Several people fell into a brief silence.

This thing has neither its origin nor its origin. It is mysterious and weird. If it is not solved quickly, it will really cause endless troubles.

"How about assuming that our human race owes you a favor?" Shi Xu looked at Shi Yi, but Shi Yi didn't say anything, it was a tacit agreement.

It is better to owe Lingfeng a favor than to invite Yin.

If Lingfeng can contribute her strength, it will be easier to succeed. After all, Lingfeng's strength also lies here.

"If you make a move, you don't have to return the Xuanliang turtle shell." Said the demon king.

Chu Yin: "You want me to be a thug for a broken turtle shell, how about playing?"

Demon King: "...OK."

"Also treat it as if I owe you a favor."

"It's your turn, we all owe it, and you should express your opinion." The demon king looked at the demon king.

Mozun glanced at the demon king indifferently, this thing hoped that he would be bad.

If they owe it, they have to owe it themselves.

"Okay, one person owes another, it's fair." Mozun said.

Chu Yin nodded now: "Then I will reluctantly agree to you."

Three favors are enough.

The heads of the Three Realms are also drunk, and they want to be together in everything, and they are afraid that the other party will take advantage of it and avoid disadvantages.

There are also three stubborn types, all of whom said that they should use the three seals, but they just don't believe it, thinking that it can be solved like this.

Then you can only accompany them to try it out first.

Knowing that it was going to die, they knew the seriousness of the situation, and they were willing to ask for three seals.

After Nian Beast had a full meal, it stopped for a few days, and the five of them continued to strengthen the formations that had not yet been strengthened.

No matter where Nian Beast appears next, they will be able to arrive in time to encircle and suppress them.

In the middle of the period, Chu Yin was still thinking, why hasn't Mr. Xie's system found a suitable dead body for Mr. Xie?

Once you find Xie Xiang, you will show up, and then you can solve him.

"There is movement." Shi Xu said.

They rushed over quickly, Nian Beast was at a loss for the sudden appearance of the five powerful people, and then noticed the breath of Shi Xu and Chu Yin, and seemed to remember that these two people broke it last time, roared angrily, and let out The sound shook the earth.

The five people frowned. This sound shook their souls and made them extremely uncomfortable.

And everyone has all kinds of bad negative emotions at the same time.

Anxiety, anger, boredom, extreme depression and unhappiness rolled in everyone's chest.

"It's not good, we are being attacked." Chu Yin finally realized that this was Nian Beast's attack method.

"Just the sound can attack people's mind." Everyone's eyes were shocked.

Demon King: "Do it."

The five of them started to encircle Nian Beast from all directions, but Nian Beast was so powerful that it just shook its body casually, and the burst of power knocked the five of them back far away.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, and everyone could see that Nian Beast hadn't shown its true strength at all, and they retreated in defeat.

"Try again." They started again.

Because five people surrounded Nian Beast in five directions, Nian Beast was entangled by five people, and wanted to leave but failed, so he had to stay and fight with them.

The demon king was injured first, followed by Shi Xu. Originally, Shi Xu would not be injured, but he blocked it for Shi Yi, and then all five were injured.

"It's difficult to solve, it's meaningless to spend it, so please move the three seals!" Shi Xu said.

Chu Yin nodded: "My opinion is to let it go first."

After all, it was really too much to bear, she was actually fine, and the others seemed to be more serious than her.

Don't let go of the beast and they can't stop it.

"Don't irritate Nian Beast completely." Chu Yin could tell that even though Nian Beast had one against five, it was still not completely angry.

If they are completely enraged, a few of them can run away, but what if Nian Beast runs out and attacks other creatures indiscriminately?
Chu Yin's consideration was also considered by Shi Xu, and he was the most seriously injured, so he was really unable to support himself, so he took the lead to give up his own position, and stopped blocking Nian Beast, Nian Beast went directly out of Shi Xu's position Ran away.

As soon as Nian Beast left, the wind calmed down, and Chu Yin patted his chest: "Fortunately, this thing is powerful and cowardly."

It felt difficult and ran away.

Shi Yi looked at Shi Xu who was the most injured for helping him block, and remained silent for a moment.

(End of this chapter)

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