Chapter 337 Collecting Treasure System (28)

While waiting for their request for printing in the temple, good news finally came from 3308.

He said that Xie Xiang and his system finally found a new body.

And in Beimo Abyss.

Chu Yin sneered, hiding for so long, and then found a corpse that had just passed away in Beimo Abyss.

At least the creatures in Beimo Abyss do have a lot of advantages in approaching him.

Xie Xiang only has one mission now, unlike before, he had to do missions everywhere in the Three Realms, so the identity of Beimo Abyss is naturally inappropriate.

Chu Yin went out and asked how long it would take to invite the Heavenly Sacrifice Seal. Hearing that Shi Xu said that it would take three days at the earliest, Chu Yin was relieved.

"I'll go back to Beimo Abyss to deal with something," Chu Yin said.

Shi Xu: "Isn't it going back to comfort Mo Yao?"

Chu Yin: "Yes."

Shi Xu: "Don't make a fuss, after you move the three seals, if you try to be safe, you have to go too."

One more person has more strength.

Chu Yin said quietly: "Just go back and kill a creature, it's much faster than comforting others."

"I'll be back when I go."

After Chu Yin finished speaking, he slipped away, leaving Shi Xu expressionless.

Why does this person have so many people to kill?

Chu Yin hurried back and appeared in front of Xie Xiang. Xie Xiang had just merged and was still trying to adapt to this monster's body when he saw Lingfeng.

I was taken aback immediately, but after thinking about it, isn't it normal to see the Lord of Beimo in Beimo Abyss?

Forcibly suppressing the hatred for Chu Yin in his heart, thinking of the living habits of Beimo Abyss, he did not speak.

Instead, it drives the demon's body into a gesture of submission.

When the creatures in Beimo Abyss see the Lord of Beimo, they usually don't speak, and only show a gesture of submission.

Xie Xiang thought that he would not make a mistake in doing so, but while surrendering, he was also thinking about how to proceed to the next step.

It's a pity that Chu Yin didn't give Xie Xiang a chance. Seeing that Xie Xiang surrendered, he silently took out the soul whip, without saying a word, the whip directly whipped Xie Xiang's soul out of his wits.

During the whole process, Xie Xiang didn't have time to resist, and with his current strength, he couldn't make any resistance.

Unless the system takes action.

But Xiang Xie's system didn't expect that Chu Yin would strike suddenly, and he just whipped him over without saying a word. He didn't have time to protect Xiang Xie, and just after releasing his power, he was a step slower, and Xiang Xie disappeared like this.

"Damn it!" Feeling the dissipation of the host's soul, the system cursed angrily.

Why did she suddenly attack again? Is this demon girl only good at sneak attacks?
He has clearly checked Xie Xiang's soul, there is no mark, it is impossible to be traced.

At this time, the system noticed that Tiandao seemed to be locked on by the energy fluctuations caused by the energy he had just used to protect the host. The host died and was about to be locked by Tiandao again. The system could only choose to leave quickly.

It happened so suddenly that the system didn't even have time to think about why Xie Xianggang was beaten to death after finding a new body, so he was busy running away.

The system was finally forced to leave this world, and 3308 immediately went after it.

Capture the system quickly.

Chu Yin took a long breath: "This time the mission should be considered complete."

Xie Xiang's soul was blown away by her own whip, fulfilling the client's wish and destroying Xie Xiang's soul.


What nonsense are you talking about with Xie Xiang, catch him by surprise and kill him directly.

The ease of killing now is also the result of persistent pursuit and killing for so long before.

"3308, are you tired?" Chu Yin was concerned about 3308. The Chubao system was caught by 3308, and he didn't know if it would take much effort.

"This system is no better than Wen Yan's last time."

3308: "Fortunately, it's not very strenuous."

"Are you whipping people with the soul whip again?" Linghai appeared in front of Chu Yin with Ji Cang, who was on his way back to the temple.

Chu Yin's eyes fell on Ji Cang for the first time, and she felt that Ji Cang's whole temperament had been sublimated.

"Hey, it's different." Chu Yin said, "I feel more handsome, my eyes are deeper, and my temperament has also been sublimated."

Linghai: "Damn, you know the apprentice who is staring at me."

Facing Chu Yin's compliment, Ji Cang smiled slightly, and wanted to say something, but felt uncomfortable. After all, he and Chu Yin had always pretended not to know each other.

"What did I ask you, did you beat someone with a soul whip?" Linghai asked.

Chu Yin: "If I borrow your soul whip, won't someone whip you?"

Linghai clicked his tongue twice: "This is murder."

He could feel that the soul whip caused a soul to fly away. 
He was just curious about who it was, and the master of Beimo whipped him out of his wits with a soul whip.

In the past, Xie Xiang provoked Lingfeng to be hunted down to death, but who later provoked Lingfeng to be driven away?

Chu Yin rolled his eyes: "It's like you never killed anyone."

"I'll give it back to you." Seeing that Linghai was looking for her, Chu Yin must use the Soul Whip.

Throw it to Linghai.

Linghai immediately caught it, and looked at it lovingly.

"Are you going to the temple?" Linghai asked Chu Yin.

Chu Yin nodded: "Why, you want to go too?"

"Although I am a soul body, I am not in the Three Realms, but now that the world is in trouble, I think I should also take the initiative to stand up and contribute my meager strength." Linghai said.

Chu Yin: "Oh."


"That's one."

Linghai hummed: "It is precisely because I want to do my best that I need to get back the soul whip."

Chu Yin: "I don't need it anymore."

She glanced at the piece of soul-cultivating wood hanging on Jicang's body, this spirit sea is really generous to Jicang.

A total of two pieces were given, and he returned one piece to Ji Cang.

Worthy of being a lover.

Linghai took the initiative to help, which made Shi Yi feel very relieved. It is good to have one more person and one more effort.

The cultivation system of Linghai is different, and maybe it can also play a different role.

The Human Race Temple invited the Heavenly Sacrifice Seal first, and then the Demon Lord invited the Demon God Seal. On the Monster Race side, the Demon King is still suppressing it with force.

Shi Yi said in the temple: "Look, a monster is a monster, and it is the most difficult to discipline."

"Arrogant and arrogant."

Chu Yin originally lowered his head to coil the beads in his hand, and raised his head to look at Shi Yi.

Shi Yi changed his words again and said: "Of course, we can't generalize."

"Cough... You Yao is also reasonable." Shi Xu remedied.

Fortunately, after being besieged by the five of them, Nian Beast probably got a little frightened and never came out again.

But it will be a matter of time before he comes out again. For Nian Beast, it is food, and when he is too hungry, he will definitely come out again.

After the demon king suppressed it with force, he finally succeeded in getting the seal of the demon palace.

Came to the temple and waited.

Wait for the Nian Beast to appear again.

After waiting for a few days, Shi Xu frowned and said, "It has appeared."

"Jicang, you are waiting for us in the temple, it is inconvenient for the teacher to take you there." Linghai left Jicang in the temple before leaving.

Ji Cang's strength is still very weak, and it is easy to cause accidents if he goes there.

Chu Yin also thought it would be better to leave Ji Cang here.

(End of this chapter)

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