Chapter 341 Collecting Treasure System (32)

Chu Yin read the content.

There is not much content, but Chu Yin can also feel the mystery in it.

There are things that I don’t understand on the surface, so I asked Jicang, and Jicang gave some answers.

What Chu Yin can understand for the time being, he will understand, and what he can't understand for the time being, he will need to understand slowly later.

"After I leave, Lingfeng won't know you when she comes back, let alone know that you are not from this world." Chu Yin said.

Generally speaking, the client will be left with the memory of her doing the task, but she plans to ask 3308 to clear the left memory about Ji Cang later.

In this way Lingfeng will not remember Ji Cang.

Ji Cang: "I don't know her either."

"There will be no contact in the future."

"I'll give you all the gold, and it will last for a long time. I don't want all your stuff."

Chu Yin: "Then thank you."

Ji Cang decided to stay in this world, the gold really didn't do much for him.

Gold is not a hard currency in this world.

Ji Cang's departure left her with many things.

It's all paid back by Ji Cang, how can Ji Cang be regarded as not paying back, although he has paid a lot, but he has not paid less.

Furthermore, between friends, calculations cannot be made so clearly.

Who made her Chu Yue help others? Now that Jicang has made progress, she has successfully helped Jicang, and she is happy to think about it.

"Goodbye, I hope you are safe." Chu Yin waved to Jicang to say goodbye.

After Chu Yin left, Ji Cang stayed where he was, looking at the great rivers and mountains, and sighed.

Hope to get my memory back soon.

Chu Yin is a very good person, and he is also his noble person. Without Chu Yin, he would not have the opportunity to come to this world.

When Ji Cang saw Lingfeng again, not long after.

After Shi Yi and Shi Xu recovered from their injuries, they hosted a banquet in the temple for those who eliminated the monsters at that time.

Master Linghai was invited and took Ji Cang with him.

Everyone in the world knows that Master Linghai is eager to bring him by his side all day, and take him to tell the world that he is his beloved disciple.

He just took one apprentice, and Shi Yi didn't mind setting up a seat for him.

Originally, the soul cultivator group was thin in number, but it was out of righteousness for Linghai to take the initiative to come forward.

During the banquet, Lingfeng's every move was very coquettish, and her eyes never fell on Jicang from the beginning to the end.

Jicang understood, it seemed that she had no memory about herself, but apart from herself, she remembered everything Chu Yin did here.

Because during the dinner, they talked about the incident at that time again, Lingfeng said, it was all up to her.

It made everyone speechless.

And he insisted on asking Shi Yi to change the wine she received to the holy water of the temple, but Shi Yi reluctantly changed it.

The demon king bared his teeth with a smile, and said that because Lingfeng wanted to drink holy water as wine, he would not ask Lingfeng for a mysterious tortoise shell.

Was scolded by Lingfeng.

The demon king drank the holy water and was in a particularly good mood, and the two kept bickering.

The Mozun hid in the black robe, silent, looking very deep.

Master Linghai was very happy when he saw that Lingfeng didn't give him a straight look. This Lingfeng finally stopped looking at his precious apprentice.

After this banquet, the capital of the Three Realms was closed.

Ji Cang realized that the reason why Shi Yi held this banquet was to take the opportunity to tell some people that their heads of the Three Realms are in good condition, and it's easy to talk and drink.

The head of the Three Realms suffered a backlash, Shi Xu was seriously injured, although the Lord of Beimo and Linghai were also injured at the time, they did not leave serious consequences, so they recovered quickly.

Chu Yin looked at the holy water in front of her. She took fifteen bottles of holy water.

Big bottle.

A total of [-] bottles of holy water were obtained from Shi Xu, and Lingfeng and Lingfeng should get half of them.

What Shi Yi gave before was not much, so he simply kept all of them for the client.

Then there was the big water droplet. Chu Yin looked at it crystal clear and felt the pure power inside, and liked it very much.

"The flowers bloomed again." Chu Yin took the water droplet and walked in the system space.

The branches and leaves became more lush, several kinds of flowers bloomed, and the vines spread to many places, and climbed to the roof of the house along Jicang.

There is also a lot of gold, golden.

"It's back to the time when I was alone, but the space has really changed a lot." Chu Yin said with emotion.

"I made a friend, please stay at home for a while. When my friend sees my house is bare, he helps me decorate it. It's great."

3308: "It's not bad."

"Look at the reward."

Chu Yin was curious about the rewards in this world.

The tasker Chu Yin numbered 3308 completed the task of the client Lingfeng, and received task rewards: points: 5500 points, wish power: 550 points, merit: 500 points, soul power: 4 points.

No.: 3308
Name: Chu Yin

Race: Terran

Gender: Female
Rating: two stars

Points: 5500+20800
Willpower: +550
Merit: 500+1360
Soul power: +4
Chu Yin was very pleasantly surprised.

This mission reward has reached a new high!

Solved a system, and also avoided the demise of some creatures.


Chu Yin looked at the water drop in her hand, the pure power made her feel calm and contented.

After thinking about it, she picked up the jade slip that Jicang gave her, which contained the method of cultivating the soul and body. This task was really rewarding.

"There is a way to cultivate the soul body, but I don't have much power." Chu Yin absorbed the power of the will and the power of the soul.

Unlike the world where Ji Cang lives, the system space has a lot of energy to provide.

In the system space, including most of the worlds we went to, there is no suitable power to provide the soul body.

"It seems that I can only rely on the will power and soul power obtained from the mission."

3308 said: "But the will power and soul power you got are not weak."

"It just needs you to accumulate slowly and do more tasks."

Chu Yin chuckled: "Well, that's the only way to go."

"Actually, this method of soul body cultivation can play a supporting role for you. After you learn this, you will be able to better use the wish power you have absorbed."

"This power is actually very powerful, but not everyone can fully utilize its power."

"You understand this method of soul body cultivation, which will allow you to perform better than others."

Chu Yin asked in surprise, "Really?"

"Actually, I have felt it for a long time. When I was in the soul body, I was not very good at exerting my wish power."

I've tried it before, but it's smooth when I don't have the strength of my body.

The use of power by the soul and the use of power by the body are two different things. When she used the power of the soul before, she felt awkward and unsmooth.

3308: "Yes."

"So this thing is still very useful to you."

"Then I'll take a closer look and give it a try." Chu Yin simply stayed in the system space for the time being, and started to learn according to the method given by Ji Cang.

After studying for a period of time, Chu Yin felt that he had made some progress, and his use of power was indeed much smoother when he was in the soul state.

Also tired.

"Let's do the task." Chu Yin felt that he had almost given himself a rest, and this matter should be taken slowly.

(End of this chapter)

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