Chapter 345 White Moonlight (4)

Afraid that Chu Yin would be overwhelmed, she couldn't help doing ideological work: "Jiaqi, you still have a husband who loves you very much. For him, you have to work hard to live."

"When you are sad, you are hurting your own life."

"He loves you so much, how lonely he would be without you."

"He once told me that if there is anything wrong with you, he will never fall in love with someone else in his life, and he will never remarry someone else. Over the years, we have seen his kindness to you, and your parents also recognize it. He, we all believe he can walk the talk."

"He will be so lonely at that time, you will definitely not want to part with him, so Jiaqi, we have to adjust ourselves well, don't be sad, don't be sad, your parents will be happy when they see you happy in the spirit of heaven."

"You are always sad, and your husband is also in pain. When you are in pain, he is in pain."

Chu Yin responded with a weary voice: "Understood."

"Dad, Dad, you're back!" Lan Lan threw Jiang Shengran into his arms as soon as he entered the house.

The innocent little face raised an expectant look: "Dad, I miss you so much."

Jiang Shengran looked at his son, his heart moved, but his face was extremely stiff, he pushed Lan Lan away and walked straight towards Lan Xian.

"There is no time to talk to you. Her condition is getting worse and worse. You must go to the hospital for blood transfusion as soon as possible."

"Whether you agree or not, you must be a blood provider, and your son must return to our Jiang family."

Lan Xian listened to the tone of the order, and it was much tougher than before. She pursed her lips and did not speak. Lan Lan immediately ran over to block Lan Xian, and said to Jiang Shengran: "Father, don't want mother's blood, you can't hurt me. Mother……"

"It has nothing to do with you." Jiang Shengran pushed Lan Lan away and grabbed Lan Xian's neck: "I tell you, if you still disagree, return the money I gave you."

"give me back……"

Lan Xian shook her head in pain, her expression forbearing: "I have already given it to my father, I have no money for you."

"Jiang Shengran, I can give up everything, but the child, that is my life."

"You can drain my blood dry, but child, child can't..."

Jiang Shengran's eyes darkened, looking at Lan Xian's big clear and innocent eyes, his Adam's apple rolled down, and his voice became deeper and deeper: "Aren't you obedient?"

"There is no time left, must, must!"

"Lan Xian, you are not qualified to negotiate with me." He raised his hand and squeezed Lan Xian's chin: "Look at me, promise me!"

Lan Lan was frightened by Jiang Shengran's domineering appearance, and he began to cry: "Dad, you are not allowed to hurt Mom."

"You are not allowed!" He rushed over: "You are not allowed to beat mother!"

Obviously, Jiang Shengran didn't take Lan Lan seriously. He hugged Lan Xian by the waist and was about to walk into the room. Seeing the fear in Lan Xian's eyes, his eyes flashed with satisfaction.

"If you know you're afraid, promise me!"

Lan Xian bit her lip, with a resolute expression: "No, no matter how you treat me, I will never give up on my child."

"I can donate blood, but my child can't!" Although she was terrified of what would happen next, her child was her lifeline.

Hugh wanted her to leave the child.

"Don't bully mother..." Lan Lan was shut outside the door, crying helplessly listening to the movement inside.

After finishing, Jiang Shengran looked down at the ruddy Lan Xian from above: "Get ready, go to the hospital tomorrow."

"Warning you, don't appear in front of Jiaqi."

"If you let my good day find you, it will be your dead time. I promise you, you will be very miserable."

"It's okay to go to the hospital, but the child can't." Lan Xian knelt on the bed in naked clothes, her face full of pain: "Jiang Shengran, please, don't take my child away."

"I beg you……"

Seeing Lan Xian's scene, Jiang Shengran sneered, "Lan Xian, are you deliberately seducing me?"

"It's a pity that your plan is about to fail. I only have good times in my heart. I will never fall in love with anyone else in my life."

"I don't... I don't." Lan Xian hurriedly adjusted her clothes, lowered her head and her eyes turned red.

It is obvious that this lunatic has forcibly possessed her, so how can he say that she is the one who seduced others.

This lunatic always treats her like this when he doesn't agree with each other.

"I have something else to do." Jiang Shengran's phone rang, he straightened his clothes and strode out.

Lan Lan saw red marks on his mother's neck, injured knees, and some bruises on her arms. He cried in distress: "Dad hit you again, and he hit you again."

"Mom, when Lanlan grows up, he will definitely protect you well."

Lan Xian looked at his well-behaved and sensible son with a face full of relief: "Lan Lan, mother is fine, mother is going to the hospital tomorrow, you should be good at home, you know?"

These years, this child is her only spiritual support.

"Is mom going to donate blood?" Lan Lan was full of resistance: "No, I heard from dad that mom needs to donate a lot of blood once, which will do great harm to mom's body."

"And it's not just a one-time donation."

"Although Lan Lan is young, she also knows that donating too much blood at one time will cause great harm to the body, and it's not about donating a little bit, no, no mother."

"Lan Lan wants to call grandma..."

As Lan Lan talked, he called Mother Jiang.

Crying and saying that Jiang Shengran was so fierce today, he was so fierce to them.

When Mother Jiang heard that she was going to the hospital tomorrow, she resisted in her heart. How much blood is enough for her sick daughter-in-law?
The physical harm to Lan Xian is so great, Lan Xian is a poor child, she shouldn't suffer this crime.

Because of Chu Yin's arrival, his attitude towards Jiang Shengran became worse, so Jiang Shengran insisted that Chu Yin's situation was getting worse and worse, and that he needed a blood transfusion even more urgently.

So he went back and treated Lan Xian like this, and stepped up his oppression on Lan Xian. Seeing this, Lan Lan called Jiang's mother again.

Because Chu Yin's arrival produced a series of chain reactions, the time when Mother Jiang took Lan Xian and the child to Chu Yin's ward was successfully brought forward to the first night when Chu Yin first came to this world.

A few days earlier than in the plot.

Chu Yin was leaning on the hospital bed, and Aunt An was feeding her chicken soup one mouthful at a time. Chu Yin was not surprised at all when she saw the graceful and luxurious Jiang Mu walking in with the timid Lan Xian and the little Lan Lan.

Things are ahead of schedule, but things are still the same thing and haven't changed.

Mother Jiang is going to talk about that.

Lan Xian carefully looked at the woman on the hospital bed.

That is Jiang Shengran's beloved wife. Although her face is pale and bloodless, she is a sickly beauty, but she is really beautiful and has a noble temperament.

She is really beautiful, no wonder Jiang Shengran loves her so much.

It's really pitiful, and the body is so bad.

Chu Yin glanced at Lan Xian lightly, caught the sympathy in her eyes, and couldn't help but sneered.

Seeing someone coming, Aunt An was about to put down the bowl, but Chu Yin said, "I'm not full yet."

(End of this chapter)

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