Chapter 347 White Moonlight (6)

Jiang Shengran's heart was beating wildly, but he didn't expect his mother to say that.

Regardless of her physical condition, she said so!
As in the plot, he fell to his knees in front of Chu Yin with a plop, and said in a panic, "Jiaqi, listen to my explanation..."

"I'm listening." Chu Yin looked at him calmly.

She doesn't care about Jiang Shengran, so she won't be so irritated like the client.

His expression was extremely calm.

This made Jiang Shengran unable to react for a while.

"Father, mother said that men have gold under their knees, why do you kneel down to this woman?" Lan Lan came over and tried to pull him up.

In his heart, his father is majestic and stalwart. Although he is sometimes fierce to him and his mother, he still can't help but want to get close.

He also loves his father very much.

He felt sorry for his father kneeling here.

Chu Yin said: "Jiang Shengran, do you admit that this is your child?"

Jiang Shengran lowered his head.

Mother Jiang looked at her son kneeling, and snorted, "I'm so useless, kneeling for a sick child."

"Stop talking!" Jiang Shengran stared at her angrily: "You want to piss off Jiaqi, right?"

"I tell you that if something happens to her, I will never forgive you in my life."

There was always a faint sneer on the corner of Chu Yin's mouth.

Will you never forgive me for the rest of my life?

In fact, many things were indulged by Jiang Shengran.

Including this little kid who always yells at the client, including Jiang's mother who always walks in front of the client with Lan Xian.

Even he himself flirts with Lan Xian in front of the client, plays out the deep love between father and son in front of the client, and constantly stimulates the client.

Mother Jiang kept silent.

Lan Lan stretched out her small hand and tugged at the corner of Jiang Shengran's clothes: "Father, there is gold under the man's knee..."

"Go away!" Jiang Shengran roared at Lan Lan, scaring Lan Lan back several steps, and then Lan Xian hurried over to take Lan Lan away.

Only then did Jiang Shengran begin to explain, telling everything about what happened back then.

His rhetoric and plot are exactly the same.

And Lan Xian hurriedly spoke out to confirm that everything he said was true.

They didn't have any feelings back then, only that night.

"Jiaqi, she is your blood provider to me. Other than that, I don't have any feelings for her."

"If it wasn't for her blood type, I wouldn't even look her in the eye."

"Jiaqi, I only love you in this life, only you, she is just a woman who sells her body, how could I have feelings for a prostitute? Back then, I only wanted her to have a child."

Chu Yin looked at Lan Xian and raised his lips: "Have you heard how he described you?"

In this case, Jiang Shengran also said in the plot.

At that time, Lan Xian was in great pain and shock.

But it is true.

Didn't Lan Xian just sell herself to a man she never knew for money?
Faced with Chu Yin's ridicule, Lan Xian seemed even more difficult to accept, her figure could not stand still, and tears rolled down one by one like a pearl production line.

Mother Jiang supported her, and Chu Yin looked at Mother Jiang again: "Look, you like a woman who betrayed her body and a trash who violated the contract."

"Can I think that like attracts like?"

"Did you have a hard time these years? How did you come here? Did you raise the child alone?" Chu Yin looked at Lan Xian meaningfully.

The heroine's standard match must have an affectionate male partner.

Helping the heroine without complaint or regret, and now the heroine needs money again because of a conflict with the male supporting role, so she doesn't want the male supporting role's money.

And the male supporting role got engaged to someone else after Lan Xian left.

Lan Yuan hurriedly explained: "No, although he helped me, we have never had anything."

After finishing speaking, Lan Xian regretted immediately, she didn't even know why she had to explain such words here.

It's probably because of a guilty conscience. In short, he is out of control and wants to prove his innocence.

Jiang Shengran's face darkened immediately.

She didn't expect that there were other men by her side.

Mother Jiang's complexion also changed.


"Jiang Shengran, do you admit that this child is an illegitimate child?" Chu Yin asked.

Generally speaking, Chu Yin is not willing to target the child, but from the perspective of the client, this child is really annoying.

He uttered vicious words from his small mouth, yelling and cursing at the client, irritating the client in various ways.

Jiang Shengran looked at the child, carefully scrutinized Chu Yin's expression: "I admit it!"

The best way now is to coax the wedding day at all costs. The calmer the wedding day, the more scared he will be.

Her reaction was so abnormal that he was afraid that she would faint and not wake up in the next second.

He understood that this incident must have dealt a great blow to her at this juncture, and she would definitely not be able to accept it for the time being.

Lan Xian's figure swayed again, covered his mouth and questioned Jiang Shengran: "He's just a child, it's fine if you treat me viciously, why do you speak so viciously about him."

"He is not some illegitimate child, he is my child, he has a household registration, a name, and a mother who loves him."

Jiang Shengran's expression was complicated, and his heart stirred up waves.

"Jiaqi, can you forgive me?" Jiang Shengran asked.

Chu Yin snorted, "So you think you've done enough?"

"A few words will offset your derailment in marriage?"

Jiang Shengran said painfully: "I know that even if I die, my sins can't be taken away, but please give me a chance to redeem my sins with my whole life."

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Jiang Shengran suddenly lay on the bed, crying heartbreakingly.

Chu Yin looked indifferent.

In the plot, Jiang Shengran's actions really plunged the client into an abyss of pain and entanglement.

Looking back at the loving time in the past, and the heartbreaking confession of her lover in front of her, she was very contradictory and painful.

She also loves Jiang Shengran very much, so at the first moment, she couldn't give up.

Failed to divorce and make a will immediately.

Later, the injury became more and more serious, and the body became worse and worse, and it was too late.

"Jiaqi, please forgive me, forgive me, I only love you, I have already found the blood type, as long as you cooperate and transfuse a few times, we will definitely get better."

"Then let's think of a way, and it will be fine. I want to accompany you until you grow old, and we will spend our lives together."

"If it wasn't for her blood type being as rare as yours, she wouldn't be qualified to stand here at all." Jiang Shengran sobbed.

Lan Xian was deeply hurt by Jiang Shengran's words, but seeing Jiang Shengran crying so sadly in front of his wife, she couldn't help feeling distressed.

It turns out that this man also has such a vulnerable side, so affectionate.

He really loves his wife so much that he can even disregard face and dignity.

She clenched her fist, why should she feel sorry for this bad man.

This bad man who didn't treat her like a human being!
(End of this chapter)

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