Chapter 353 White Moonlight (12)

"Lan Xian, what should I do? I haven't been able to find a happy date, I can't find it, I'm in so much pain, I'm in so much pain that I want to die." Jiang Shengran was so drunk that he looked at Lan Xian with blurred eyes.

During this time, Lan Xian has been playing the role of comforting Jiang Shengran.

No matter how Jiang Shengran treats her, she comforts Jiang Shengran gently.

No matter how much Jiang Shengran abused her, she would have no regrets.

Jiang Shengran was abusive to her most of the time, but there were also some normal times.

Just like now, after drinking, he showed his vulnerable side to Lan Xian.

This made Lan Xian feel distressed, and felt that Jiang Shengran was too pitiful.

It was so miserable for a person who didn't love him.

"I can't take it anymore, I will go crazy if I don't have a happy date!" Jiang Shengran's eyes turned red.

"I want to get her back, I don't want to divorce her, no!"

The day when he left the court was getting closer, and he was getting more and more panicked. Although there were indeed some people on the Internet who thought he was doing well and had a good attitude of admitting mistakes, they went to Jiaqi's account to persuade her, but Jiaqi ignored them at all.

And most people on the Internet are still supporting their divorce.

Being moody, he started smashing things again. Lan Xian was quickly injured by this indiscriminate attack. Seeing that her mother was injured, Lan Lan was so frightened that she cried!

Jiang's mother came and scolded Jiang Shengran angrily: "When she ran away, she ran away. Our Jiang family has no shortage of women, let alone such sick people."

"You are dying for her. You have patronized her during this time, and you haven't gotten that project that is extremely important to our company."

"You just let the Bai family take advantage of it!"

"Do you know that your current state is very poor, and the people in the company already have a lot of opinions on you!"

"Your dad has to return to the company to take charge of the overall situation, but you are now the helm of the company, you can't leave everything to your dad!"

"Now because your company is in trouble, and the Bai family keeps making small moves and injecting a lot of money, I don't need to say the source of this money, you should also be able to think of who injected it, it is most likely Yin Jiaqi, she If she wants to take revenge on you, she no longer cares about the relationship between you and your husband, and you still think about what she is doing!"

Jiang Shengran looked at Mother Jiang: "It's not all your fault. If you don't tell her, she won't leave. If she doesn't leave, I won't be sad."

"Even if the sky falls, it's all your fault!"

"I can't live without her. She is my backbone. Without her, what's the point of me having these things." Jiang Shengran still can't accept the fact that his wife left him.

Because of the sudden departure and when he was full of guilt, his inner emotions were infinitely magnified by himself.

His heart is still full of unwillingness, he feels that he has paid too much these years, and his love is so deep, but he can't get a chance to forgive him.

So he frantically wants to get his wife back, wants to get his wife back, and thinks that proving his love and what he has given is very important to his wife, so important that he can forgive and accept what he did because of those things.

"Don't go crazy, don't let her lead you by the nose."

"When the court starts, even if you divorce her soon, you will be strangers from now on, and give Lan Xian and Lan Lan a home." Mother Jiang said, "Don't you just have the heart to watch them being criticized?"

"Do you know how much Lan Xian has endured during this period? Not only does she have to accompany you, comfort you, and take care of your emotions, but she also has to be abused by people on the Internet and her family. She has endured a lot of unhappiness. something that should be tolerated.”

"I love her very much!" Mother Jiang looked at the injured Lan Xian: "Yin Jiaqi hurt her like this, and she never said anything bad, Jiang Shengran, I hope you can tell who is the good guy and who is the bad guy." .”

"Yin Jiaqi is not a good person. This kind of scandal is spread on the Internet, making us scolded and Lan Xian scolded."

"Don't say that the wedding is not good, don't!" Jiang Shengran picked up his coat, shook his sleeves and left angrily.

Leaving behind a mess, Lan Xian's mother and son, and the irritable Jiang's mother.

"Nie Yuan, really Nie Yuan, I want to know that's the case, no matter what I said back then, I would never let Yin Jiaqi, a vicious woman, come in." Jiang's mother said: "She is doing too much now, and she clearly wants to deal with our company. "

"But Sheng Ran is still full of eyes on her, and doesn't know how to go back to the company to do something serious." Facing the methods of the Bai family, her husband felt a little overwhelmed.

Today's young people are too ruthless and too weird, always attacking the company from an unexpected angle.

So Jiang Shengran should cheer up and fight back. Standing and being beaten like this is not an option. Father and son work together to deal with that clown Bai Pingjing.

There was a hint of sadness in Mother Jiang's brows. She didn't expect that she, a sick child, would be so stubborn.

The Bai family was originally on par with their Jiang family, but now that they have invested such a large sum of money, the risk for the Jiang family is extremely high.

But Jiang Shengran didn't realize the seriousness of the matter at all, and was still in love all day long, looking for his wedding day everywhere. It's really bad luck to have a son who is in love!
"Is she going to deal with the company?" Lan Xian asked in a daze.

Mother Jiang nodded.

Lan Xian pursed her lips: "Could it be that she doesn't care about the past relationship with Jiang Shengran at all?"

"Jiang Shengran loves her so much, she is all in her heart, and she doesn't want to get rid of it just because of a misunderstanding." Lan Xian felt a little regretful: "Just because of a misunderstanding, do you have to be an enemy?"

"As long as she is willing to come out and talk to Jiang Shengran calmly, maybe the misunderstanding between them can be solved."

Mother Jiang said angrily, "That's right!"

"She completely forgot that Jiang Shengran was so good to her in the past. She only remembered that Jiang Shengran had a son outside, so she just stared at this. Is this unforgivable?"

"Even if the relationship comes to an end, isn't it just a divorce? Why do you have to make such an ugly mess without leaving any dignity?"

"I think she is going to die, so I want to drag others to die with her."

Lan Xian said worriedly, "I don't know how she is doing."

"If something really happened to her, Jiang Shengran would definitely suffer for the rest of her life, blame herself for the rest of her life, and think that it was his fault that caused her not to be transfused in time."

"It's dead." Mother Jiang said unhappily.

It's better to be dead.

"You are so kind, and you are still worried about her." Mother Jiang looked at Lan Xian helplessly: "You don't even look at yourself, you always get hurt."

"Come on, I'll help you with the medicine." Mother Jiang found out the medicine box.

Lan Xian looked at the door hesitantly: "Where will he go after drinking?"

Mother Jiang: "There are so many houses in the house, let him go wherever he wants, it's good for him to leave, so as not to go crazy with you at home."

(End of this chapter)

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