Chapter 39: Invasion of the Sincere System (15)

Wen Yan and the system scolded each other, and suddenly felt a pain in her leg, as if something bit her.

She took out the lighting bead to take a photo, and suddenly found that there were many strange peaks with long needles around her.

The long-needle monster peak has wings that are somewhat like bats, but overall they are wider than bats. There are slender needles on each joint of the wings, and they can attack with wings while flapping.

And the most lethal thing is its mouth, its eyes are only the size of mung beans, its mouth is like a long steel needle, sharp and sharp.

There is poison all over the body, once it is stabbed, it is difficult to deal with.

And as long as someone is stabbed, the Long Needle Monster Peak will never let go easily, and would even rather die.

"Ah!" Wen Yan screamed.

Chu Yin and Wen Lengyu not far away were the first to react.

Because Wen Lengyu didn't want to sleep too close to Wen Yan, but because they were a small team, they couldn't be too far apart, so they were the closest to Wen Lengyu.

Then they all got up and found that there were many strange peaks with long needles flying in the air, but there were a lot of them gathered around Wen Yan.

It's night now, and the Long Needle Peak is dark gray as a whole. If you don't use lighting beads, it's hard to see each one clearly with the moonlight.

Wen Yan had already been bitten, and she shot out spiritual power at the long-needle peak that bit her, but the characteristic of the long-needle peak is that it will not let go easily, but because of being beaten by Wen Yan, the pain on the whole wing The needles on her body and her mouth pierced into Wen Yan's legs fiercely, sticking tightly to it.

"Tell me the weakness of this thing." Wen Yan hurriedly asked the system for help.

System: "Hehe..."

Didn't you have fun scolding just now?

Be stupid.

The system just let out a heck, and then there was no sound.

Chu Yin watched the long-needle monster peak move in space, flapping its wings, and the wing needles were exposed, reflecting cold light under the illumination of the lighting beads.

Although we all know the weakness of the Long Needle Monster Peak, it is still difficult to deal with it because of the large number and the limited vision at night.

Chu Yin made preparations and brought the medicine powder to expel the strange peak of long needles.

In the plot, Wen Yan was also temporarily looking for her system to exchange, but Chu Yin did not. She cherished her points more and bought them with spirit stones.

"It just so happened that I brought expulsion medicine powder." Chu Yin took out the medicine powder from the storage bag, swayed it into the air, and then activated the medicine powder with spiritual power, while dealing with the strange peak of long needles. This thing is really difficult to deal with, as if unconscious Similarly, even if half of the wings are cut off, it can still flap around.

Moreover, they fly very fast, not every attack can accurately knock them down.

The powder gave off a smell that Long Needle Monster Peak didn't like very much, and they quickly flew away with their wings shaking.

"It's gone, it's gone!" Everyone shouted excitedly.

Wen Xiuyuan said: "It's good to be gone, I didn't expect that it was Ling'er sister who helped us again."

Wen Yiqi nodded again and again, and looked at Chu Yin gratefully with Wen Yuannian.

Wen Lengyu said to Chu Yin: "Thank you, fortunately, I have you these two times."

She was ready to protect this younger sister, but who knew she was protected by her younger sister.

Chu Yin said embarrassingly: "I also thought that my cultivation base is a little low, so I prepared more other things, and I didn't want to hold everyone back. After all, I insisted on coming."

"Help me!" Wen Yan yelled in pain, not caring about her image.

There was restrained anger in the voice, these people are only talking, no one cares about her? !

Only then did everyone look over. Although the other long-needle peaks were driven away by the expelling medicine powder, there was a long-needle peak on Wen Yan's face and legs, and the needles on their bodies pierced her hard. legs, her face.

Once they got into it, they would only stop when they died.

Although Wen Yan had already killed them, they still needed to pull out their needles.

"It hurts to look at it." Chu Yin actively went to help.

If you can die, you can delay it, let Wen Yan die and fall down.

But this thing can't kill Wen Yan, so it can only make Wen Yan suffer more.

The reason why the Long Needle Peak was the first to find Wen Yan was also because Chu Yin deliberately threw a plant beside Wen Yan before going to sleep.

She just threw it away in the dark, and no one knew that she threw it away, just like picking a few leaves and throwing them away, it's just a small behavior of people who are bored.

Even if someone else finds out, it will only be a coincidence.

Chu Yin did a lot of homework on the plot, and deliberately went to the library to check the habits of the Long Needle Peak.

She walked over, and on the way there, the leaves around Wen Yan that could attract the Long Needle Peak were trampled into the soil.

destroy evidence.

"Be patient." Chu Yin stretched out his hand, and suddenly pulled the long-needle monster peak from Wen Yan's face, and several sharp needles were also pulled out, blood splashed everywhere, Wen Yan's face A few black bumps appeared on the skin in an instant, which was the sudden onset of the toxin left by the Long Needle Peak.

"Be patient." Chu Yin yanked again, and the body of the Long Needle Monster Peak on his leg was also pulled out.

Wen Yan was delirious from the pain, and couldn't bear the anger in her heart anymore, she said angrily: "Wen Luoling, you did it on purpose, why don't you ease it up, you should take it easy, do you know it hurts so much?"

After arguing with the system, ask the system for help and the system will not make a sound.

Wen Yan was so angry that she even vented her anger towards the system on Chu Yin.

Chu Yin frowned, and said unexpectedly, "Wen Yan, I have a good heart."

"It hurts if I pull it out for you slowly, isn't it better to have a short-term pain than a long-term pain?"

"Don't go too far, can't you pick things up all day long?"

Wen Yan covered the black bumps on her face with her hands, and looked around, because the strange peak of long needles was all over her face, so she had many black bumps scattered on her face, which looked horrible and disgusting.

And her three capture targets all looked at her, and even used lighting beads to shine on her vigorously, which made Wen Yan even more embarrassed.

Eyes dodged: "Don't look at me anymore, I'm very ugly now." Wen Yan's voice was very aggrieved.

Everyone looked away, someone hesitated and took out the detoxification pill and handed it to Wen Yan: "You can take one."

"This is the lowest-level detoxification pill, and it may not be able to cure it."

But this face is so beautiful, it would be miserable and a pity if it was destroyed like this.

Still have sympathy.

The toxin of the Long Needle Peak is very strong, if it is not detoxified in time, it will remain on the face forever, which is equivalent to disfigurement.

"Thank you." Wen Yan said gratefully.

The man said again: "But you have to apologize to Miss Linger, you shouldn't lose your temper with her."

Wen Yan glanced at Chu Yin, her face trembling, would she bow her head for a low-level detoxification pill?
Forget it, bow your head, just to save the personality.

She apologized to Chu Yin, but Chu Yin didn't say anything. The man gave Wen Yan the detoxification pill and took the detoxification pill, but it didn't work.

(End of this chapter)

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