Chapter 401 Association
Chu Yin propped his chin and thought for a while, but obviously, he couldn't figure out why.

So it was quickly given up.

"Just do the task honestly." Chu Yin was also quite satisfied with the current task rewards.

3308 seemed to have guessed what Chu Yin was thinking, and said, "Task rewards are also hidden algorithms."

"There is no difference from before. If you do well and do more, you will be rewarded more. It's just that the hierarchy has been cancelled."

Chu Yin smiled: "Okay."

If you cancel it, just cancel it, and it won't have much impact on her, because the algorithm is still the same as before, as long as the rights and interests are still there.

After taking care of the flowers, grass and whitebait, she took out the water drops and started 'prenatal training' again.

The last task was really too busy, and she didn't have much time to take care of her precious water droplet. This time, she simply took out the holy water, soaked the water droplet in the holy water, and let it accept 'prenatal education' comfortably. '

Moreover, doing missions in the previous world was always full of dangers, and she was on high alert. Chu Yin felt mentally tired, and she wanted to relax more.

"Hello..." Chu Yin tilted his head and looked at it, a little excited, and didn't dare to shake his hands easily.

That world was originally a world with a very advanced cultivation system, and the birth of the Nian Beast was also very powerful. According to her guess about this cute baby, it is also a very strong species.

Chu Yin couldn't help laughing: "I thought you could fly."

It stands to reason that this species can communicate immediately after birth, so it is not surprising that it can fly.

Well, it seems that there are too many prenatal education, and it has listened to it.

After chatting with Sang Yang, Chu Yin continued to read to Shui Di.

"Yinyin, let me go, I'll fly by myself." It vibrated its little wings, and Chu Yin let go of his hand, thinking that the next scene would be it spreading its wings and swimming in space.

As a result, it fell to the ground with a bang and bang.

Chu Yin laughed, and replied to Sang Yang in a self-deprecating tone: "Anyway, my level is not high, only two stars."

Anyway, the level of the two of them is not high, so they don't value it so much in their hearts, and because their level is low now, they don't know what it means after a high level, so they simply don't care.

"Mom..." She opened her mouth in surprise, and Chu Yin was shocked by the sound of mother.

She loves this droplet so much.

Sang Yang also said, "That's the truth."

The sound of milk is milky, soft and soft, so cute, Chu Yin's heart melts when he hears it.

Chu Yin petrified on the spot.

I don't know how much energy is contained in the original shape of the water droplet. In short, these energies support it to increase in size and continue to change.

Finding that the water droplets were absorbing the holy water, Chu Yin quickly absorbed the holy water she took out. Chu Yin felt that the speed was unusual, but felt the need of the water droplets, and added holy water to it.

Chu Yin poured some more holy water. While reading, her thoughts turned, and she suddenly realized whether she should give the water drop a name.

Sang Yang and Chu Yin have the same idea, cancel it as soon as they cancel it, as long as the rights are still there.

The water droplets gradually changed, and finally turned into a transparent little person. Finally, the facial features gradually became clear, and the transparent color of the whole body gradually changed, turning into a little person with snow-like skin and exquisite facial features.

"Call me Yinyin, Yinyin means the same as mother." As soon as the child was officially born, Chuyin started the road of fooling around.

"It hurts, it hurts so much, don't fly anymore."

"Does it hurt?" Chu Yin asked concerned.

Just drink it if you like it, and think of a way after drinking it. There are many things in the mall, and you can always buy what Shui Di likes. She now has a little savings and can spend money.

During this period, keep adding holy water to the water until the last bottle of holy water is added.

Chu Yin: "..."

But at the same time, Chu Yin was also overwhelmed by the soft tone of his grandma's voice.

"Baby, don't fly again." She whimpered.

It also stretched out its small hand and pawed Chu Yin's face twice. It was cold, but the pure feeling made Chu Yin's soul jump with joy.

It should have a name. Thinking of this, Chu Yin read a lot of books, thinking about the name while reading.

So pretty strong...

After adding it several times in a row, it was received as expected. Chu Yin looked at the water drops, and then at the remaining holy water, drinking it as much as he liked, and it was fine after finishing it.

Chu Yin looked at her beautiful wings and wanted to laugh.

"No, how can this be the correct way to open it?" Chu Yin picked her up from the ground and patted her on the back carefully, she was out of breath from crying.

"Baby..." Chu Yin moved it away, looked at her, and called softly.

Then loud cries resounded through the space.

It was a bit unexpected.

Chu Yin chuckled. Although her heart melted when she called her mother, she still felt a little uncomfortable with this mother's name.

Chu Yin was overjoyed, but also realized that it must have had consciousness very early.

Chu Yin said that she didn't know too well.

It can hear and perceive, but it cannot speak by itself. The energy is not enough or the time is not up, so it cannot be transformed.

As it changed, Chu Yin's eyes gradually widened, full of surprise and expectation.

Hold it carefully.

Halfway through the reading for Shuidi, Chu Yin found out that it was Sang Yang who asked about this level.

Not long after falling down, Chu Yin found that it was changing rapidly, energy burst out all over his body, and its volume was also rapidly increasing.

"I want a name related to Yinyin." She sniffed and pressed it against Chuyin's chest.

It's the last bottle. This bottle will be gone if it's poured. It needs to be bought for it separately. Chu Yin gave it all without a drop.

Incidentally, he also transformed into a set of white snow-like clothes, with vibrating little wings as thin as cicada's wings on the back, with beautiful lines.

"I know what mom means, it's different from Yinyin!"

I thought about a lot of names, and finally decided this is the best one.

"How is Qing Zhi?" Chu Yin asked tentatively.

Chu Yin: "Is the name related to me?"

Continue to soak it in it, and it continues to absorb.

"But baby listen to mom, mom says what she says, right, Yinyin!" She raised her face, begging for praise.

It feels pure and good.

"Mom, I worked so hard, I can finally talk to you, I can hear you all the time..." She smiled at Chu Yin.

"Hmm... my baby." Chu Yin gently moved her hands and pressed her face against it, her face full of satisfaction.

Chu Yin stretched out his hand and picked up the little man.

It was too small, as big as a newborn human cub, delicate like a doll.

It shook its cute little head, and Ruxue's shattered hair swayed with the shaking of her little head: "Mom is lying, mother and Yinyin have different meanings."

"Yinyin... don't fly anymore..." She was sobbing and crying.

"Okay, stop flying." Chu Yin hugged her: "I just named you."


Chu Yin asked her: "Chu Qing, or Qing Yin, Yin Qing?"

"Chuqing." She happily chose Chuqing.

Chu Yin thought, it's okay to have the same surname as her. Humans pay attention to surnames, so this is her treasure.

(End of this chapter)

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