Chapter 406 This Summer (4)

The client liked Yin Aiting, the kind he secretly liked.

Although she seldom communicates with each other, it's an acquaintance, and she can say hello when they meet, but she doesn't say much, but she just secretly fell in love with him.

But I never thought about confession.

The girl's mind can be understood.

And Chu Yin also decided to keep the original state, and would not deliberately approach or anything like that.

"Fang Hua." He walked up to Chu Yin and greeted Chu Yin politely.

The corner of the boy's mouth raised slightly, with warmth and humility.

Chu Yin nodded and smiled back.

"Are you mowing the grass?" Yin Aiting looked at Chu Yin's pannier beside him.

Chu Yin nodded: "Yes."

"Let me help you. I also come out for a walk when I have nothing to do, and I want to do some exercise." He said.

Chu Yin shook her head: "Thank you for your kindness, but I will do it myself."

Yin Aiting pursed her lips: "Then you should pay more attention to rest, don't be too tired."

Chu Yin nodded, looking at Yin Aiting's back.

This boy looks pretty good, in fact, he really belongs to the kind of person with good conduct.

His grandparents' house is on the side of the main road. If he pays attention, he will also know the situation of the client. He also saw that the client ran to the town twice in a hurry at noon, because the road to the town is from his grandparents' house. Passing by the door, he saw that she was biting the nutritional supplement just now. From his perspective, he definitely didn't know that it was a nutritional supplement, and he probably thought it was a small snack that was worthless and could not satisfy his hunger.

Especially the sentence of paying attention to rest must be because she knew she was tired, so she kindly offered to help her.

After replenishing his physical strength with nutritional supplements, Chu Yin felt much better. When he touched his neck, his whole body felt sticky and uncomfortable.

It was very late every day for the client to take a shower and rest.

She propped her chin and thought, mowing the grass is impossible, mainly because the thing is tiring.

Why contribute to this family?

In this family, whether it is the father, the stepmother or the so-called younger sister and younger brother, they are the ones who bully her.

The only thing the client cares about is her grandparents who love her.

It's a pity that all the money grandparents used to pay for her previous life and tuition fees, and grandparents are getting older and their health is getting worse, so they really can't afford everything for her to go to college.

Lying on the lawn, Chu Yin fell into a light sleep for a while. She thought it would only be a while, but when she opened her eyes, the sunset had already turned half of the sky red.

Glancing at the time, it was already past six o'clock in the afternoon, and now in summer, the sun only slowly sets at seven o'clock.

This watch was also given to her by a classmate. The reason why Ge Jinpan didn't snatch it away was because she had a more beautiful one, and Ge Jinpan was a bit fat and dark, so wearing this watch was even more unattractive.

"It's time to work." Chu Yin got up, refreshed, and picked up the basket.

After walking a few steps, he stopped again, checked the bag in the back basket, opened it and checked, it was not broken.

This fertilizer bag is very strong, and it is usually placed in it as a base, so as not to be pricked by the thorns at the bottom of the basket.

Half an hour later, Chu Yin returned home with a basket on his back.

At this time, Fang Liwan also returned home from get off work, sitting in the yard playing with his precious son.

Ge Jinpan also came back, she went to the town to play with her classmates, she was carrying some snacks in her hand, Fang Rui saw her sister coming back, still carrying something, rushed to Ge Jinpan quickly, and wanted to grab some snacks.

"Go away, you dare to snatch mine." Although Ge Jinpan scolded, he still mumbled and took out a box of snacks from the bag and handed it to Ge Rui.

Fang Liwan glanced at Chu Yin, doubts flashed in his eyes: "Have you mowed the grass?"

Chu Yin smiled slightly: "Yes!"

"Where's the grass?" Fang Liwan became more and more confused.

Ge Jinpan tore open the lollipop and put it in his mouth, staring at Chu Yin with small eyes: "I must be lazy."

"Mom, Fang Hua was lazy and didn't get any pigweed back!" Ge Jinpan searched for a while, but when he didn't see Ge Fu, he immediately yelled.

A posture of gloating, looking forward to the next good show.

Ge Jinpan was very jealous of this half-sister.

Because she looks better than her, has a better figure than her, and studies better than her.

The admission notice she received two days ago really made her extremely jealous, and she wanted to tear it up.

Hearing Ge Jinpan's voice, Ge Fu immediately came out of the room, saw that the back basket was empty, and immediately picked up the strong wooden stick beside it.

Xin Xin said that before she went out, she said that she would find a chance to beat her up, but she didn't expect that there was no need to look for it.

"How dare you be lazy, you ran away for so long and didn't cut a single grass, let you pick vegetables in the field and didn't pick them back, what about those pigs, how can you sell them for money if they are not fat?" Ge Fu held the wooden stick, glaring He rushed to her and said in his mouth.

She also said: "Don't eat tonight, just use your share to feed the pigs!"

When Ge Fu was about to approach him, Chu Yin stretched out Erkang's hand and shouted, "Slow down!"

"There is a reason why there is nothing in the back basket. You might as well take a step back and see what I have gained!"

Chu Yin was unhurried, with a mysterious expression on his face.

There is even a little pride, or a feeling of eagerness to claim credit.

Ge Fu stopped in his tracks immediately, and Ge Jinpan and Fang Liwan were full of interest, especially Fang Liwan, who also got up and walked towards this side.

The three of them guessed, could it be that they got something rare in the mountains?

How can this girl be so proud?
Think it's a big credit?

Only Fang Rui, because of his young age, was not interested in these things. What interested him most at the moment was the snacks in his hand.

"Keep your eyes open and look at you guys." Chu Yin put down the basket.

Ge Fu frowned. Although he didn't like Chu Yin's tone of voice, his inner curiosity suppressed the uneasiness at the moment.

He took out the fertilizer bag from the back basket, and the mouth of the bag was tied. The three of them stared at him intently. Fang Liwan couldn't help but said, "It looks like it's still a living thing."

The contents of that bag are moving.

Chu Yin nodded: "That's right, good stuff, I caught it."

"Father, am I good?" Chu Yin looked at Fang Liwan with a half-smile.

Fang Liwan didn't respond, he looked like a very honest man.

His dark face is full of years of wind and frost, he is not young anymore, he is over 40, and he looks older than his peers after a hard life.

Looking honest, but cowardly, bloodless, selfless, ignorant and ruthless.

Ge Fu became impatient: "What the hell is it?"

"Seeing that you can't untie it for a long time, let me do it."

She tried to grab the bag from Chu Yin's hand, but failed. Chu Yin said, "Let me do it, in case I run away."

Ge Jinpan also put on an impatient gesture like her mother: "Hurry up."

"Okay, don't worry." Chu Yin lowered his head and smiled.

She also opened the fertilizer bag. After opening the bag, she put her hand in, and slowly took out the contents while the other three people watched intently.

(End of this chapter)

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