In Chu Yin's hands, Ge Jinpan was like a rag doll, unable to fight back.

The one beaten by Chu Yin cried for his father and mother.

Ge Fu and Fang Liwan came over to tug and tug, and the scene was chaotic for a while.

In the end, nothing happened to Chu Yin, but Ge Jinpan was bruised and swollen in the chaos.

After some tossing, Ge Jinpan cried and cried.

Fang Liwan also twisted his waist, grinning in pain.

Ge Fu's situation didn't get any better. In the chaos, he sprained his ankle.

And Fang Rui was also tired from crying, sobbing now.

He faltered and shouted that he was hungry.

As the winner, Chu Yin picked up the dying snake and stroked it in his hands.

"That dead woman bullied our mother and daughter like this, I can't live through this day!"

Chu Yin put the snake on the table and touched it: "Take a good rest."

She suppressed the snake purely with mental strength so as not to be bitten by it.

"Your wings are stiff, you don't want this home anymore, do you? You don't want to study anymore, do you?" Ge Fu tried to threaten Chu Yin.

Ge Fu cried loudly, she had nothing to do with Chu Yin, she could only pin her hopes on the only adult male in the current family.

So she needs snakes.

Fang Liwan looked at Chu Yin and held back for a long time: "You unfilial daughter!"

"Go ahead, sleep over the toilet."

Chu Yin picked up the snake and made a gesture to throw it at her, but Ge Jinpan ran away in fright again.

"Can your grandparents bear seeing you being so unfilial?"

"It stinks." She pinched her nose in disgust.

It's so difficult. Could it be that I really can't control this dead girl?
Ge Fu suddenly fell into a deep depression. She was very satisfied with this girl who was easy to discipline before, free servants, free punching bag, and she can sell it for money in the future.

"How do you say, who is going to cook now?" Chu Yin raised his head and stared at them.

It's really bad luck to meet myself.

Seeing that Ge Fu had nothing to say, Chu Yin clasped his fingers proudly at Ge Fu: "Come and hit me!"

I can only cook in silence.

Chu Yin left, if he wanted to be serious, he didn't want to make a fuss about it.

"I have been a cow and a horse in this family for so long, but now I have to get paid."

"You don't care at all, do you?"

"Being a cow or a horse here, in exchange for a bride price for you?"

Ge Fu's eyes moved: "Tell that damn girl to come out to cook and eat, we are all like this."

But she also spent a little effort in catching this snake. This family is very afraid of snakes.

This house is a one-storey brick house with three bedrooms, one of which is now occupied by Fang Liwan, Ge Fu and Fang Rui.

"Why is my life so miserable, I met a villain again..."

They are not allowed to wash anyway, they are all washed by clients, so they naturally love to be clean.

Chu Yin rolled her eyes, stretched out her index finger and wiped her face twice: "It's so embarrassing."

Ge Fu choked and couldn't say a word.

Ge Fu was about to open his mouth with a cold face, when Chu Yin said, "What are you doing? It's getting dark, and you still want to fight?"

"Can she scream? I really don't have the energy to fight with her." Fang Liwan shook his head.

Chu Yin was lying on Ge Jinpan's bed. Not to mention, the bed was quite soft, and the quilt was very clean because it was washed and changed frequently.

"What are you doing?" She stared at Chu Yin resentfully, fearing the snake in Chu Yin's hand, and kept a certain distance from Chu Yin.

"Oh? If you want to say that, I'll ask you, your father gave you life, what should you give back?" Ge Fu asked.

That room was supposed to be lived in by the client, and normal people would let people live in it, but Ge Fu chose to put food in it.

Fang Liwan had to think of a way.

"You are really stupid. Do you think I still need to rely on this family for what? Or do you think you can provide me with any beneficial value? Can I restrain myself?"

Another room is used to store food and sundries.

He wanted to beat her, but he suffered a big loss. He wanted to threaten her, but he was not threatened at all.

And Ge Jinpan only dared to stare at his room outside, dare not speak out in anger.

And Ge Jinpan was unwilling to live in the same room with the client.

"Reading? Haven't you already decided not to let me study?"

She walked confidently and walked to Ge Jinpan's room. When Ge Jinpan saw Chu Yin enter her room, he chased after him, caressing his bruised face.

"You dutiful son, you threaten your daughter with your own parents, do you mean that if I dare to resist, I won't support them?"

"If you don't contribute to this family, if you treat your mother and sister like this, my family will be broken up. How can I support your grandparents by myself?"

"What face do you have to eat? Didn't you say that you don't rely on this family? Don't eat if you have the ability."

"My lord, this vicious daughter, your family really can't live through this day."

Fang Li's back froze, grinning in pain as he walked around, his face contorted.

There is another room where Ge Jinpan lived.

Chu Yin raised his chopsticks to pick up food, Ge Fu stretched out his chopsticks to stop Chu Yin: "Who asked you to eat?"

Therefore, the client was reduced to outside the toilet. There was an empty space over there, surrounded by a few thin wooden boards, and a bed was placed, which was regarded as the client's room.

She rubbed her stomach, really hungry.

Because she thinks that food is much more expensive than the client's gold, and she is worried that something will go wrong with the food due to poor storage.

"That's right, the dishes made after being injured look delicious, although most of them are leftovers." Chu Yin began to comment like an elder.

This battle really hurt the snake.

"It doesn't matter, I will make a move." Chu Yin folded his arms around his chest.

Chu Yin said, "Can't you tell? I have requisitioned this room."

Fang Liwan supported his waist with one hand, and finished the meal in pain. Chu Yin took his beloved pet Shi Shiran to sit down in time.

"Useless things." Ge Fu resented.

Chu Yin's prestige can be regarded as a little established.

An "honest man" like him can't refute his wife's complaints.

She also took a break.

Chu Yin raised her eyebrows: "Why don't you eat?"

Chu Yin laughed: "What do I want this family for?"

Ge Jinpan's expression was very shocked: "You let me sleep outside the toilet?"

Fang Liwan: "..."

I firmly believe that Fang Liwan is a man, so there should be a way.

Ge Fu looked at Fang Liwan, and burst into tears: "You just watch her bully me, don't you?"

Fang Liwan: "..."

Ge Fu was still chasing after Fang Liwan, complaining endlessly.

Chu Yin raised his eyebrows, moral kidnapping?
Can't kidnap her either.

"It's not that I let him give birth to me, so let me ask you, what is the crime of child abuse?"

"What do you say if you were born but not raised?" Chu Yin glanced at Ge Fu.

She didn't have to eat this food, but of course it was just to scare off the family, to bully them back, and to clean them up.

"I advise you to put away those dirty chopsticks, otherwise no one will eat this table." Chu Yin stared at her calmly.

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