Chapter 418 This Summer (16)

"Come home with me." Ge Fu stretched out his hand to hold Chu Yin's.

Chu Yin's gaze met her, indifferent and calm.

But Ge Fu was scared for no reason.

Ge Jinpan was shocked by Chu Yin, and pulled Lagerfort: "Mom, it's getting hot, let's go back."

If mom insists on pestering her, maybe she will be the one who will be ashamed when the time comes.

She didn't want to be ashamed in front of Yin Aiting.

Ge Fu had an indisputable expression on his face: "You really are!"

But also obediently let go, because she didn't want to be ashamed.

After all, you can't hear her if you call her, and you can't hit her if you hit her. There is nothing you can do about her.

Chu Yin left directly.

"Fortunately, you are now resisting and have learned to seek help from the outside world. I think you are doing the right thing. I admire you very much." Yin Aiting said with emotion.

Chu Yin smiled bitterly: "There is no other choice if you don't resist."

On the street, Yin Aiting began to choose a location.

"How about just here, there is a big tree here, we can hide under the tree and enjoy the shade." He felt that the location he had chosen was not bad.

Chu Yin smiled, it seems that Yin Aiting still lacks a little life experience.

This road has less traffic in the first place, and in such a hot day, most people would not wander around, wanting to sell these fish...

"You wait for me under this tree, and I will carry it to the side of the vegetable market to sell." Chu Yin said.

Yin Aiting was smart, and immediately knew that he had made a mistake in thinking, so he touched his head in embarrassment and smiled: "It's true."

"It's definitely not easy to sell here, I just want it to be cool here."

"You are here, don't follow me to get tan." Chu Yin couldn't bear Yin Aiting's tan.

Yin Aiting: "I'm a boy, so I'm afraid of getting sunburned."

"Don't be afraid, let's go."

The two arrived at the only way to the vegetable market and started selling fish. The price was cheap, and it was a serious wild fish. It might also be because seeing their young age, many grandparents took care of them.

All in all it sold out quickly.

"What do you usually like to eat, please eat some." Chu Yin held a huge sum of tens of yuan.

More than 20 catties of fish were sold for a total of tens of yuan, which is not a lot. At this time, pork was only a few yuan per catty.

"I'm not hungry." Yin Aiting was also quite happy: "I think it's quite interesting."

"Very happy, happiness is the biggest gain."

"It's not easy for you to earn money, don't waste it, I don't want anything." His attitude was very firm.

Chu Yin went to the canteen and bought two ice creams, and gave Yin Aiting one: "Then treat you to an ice cream."

"It's so hot, eat something to cool off."

Yin Aiting did not refuse again.

"What are you going to do tomorrow?" Yin Aiting wanted to ask if he still caught fish.

Can you take him with you, he also wants to learn how to get fish.

Chu Yin thought for a while and said, "Come and see tomorrow."

Skills are one aspect. Today is indeed a large part of luck, and tomorrow may not be so lucky.

"Okay, if you need help, come to me, and I can give you a ride with this bicycle." Yin Aiting tore open the ice cream bag, and said, "If you want to use it, come directly to pick up the bicycle."

"By the way, can you ride a bike?"

Chu Yin nodded: "Yes."

She herself will, and so will the client.

While at school, the client learned to ride a bicycle using a classmate's bicycle.

Yin Aiting: "That's good."

Chu Yin thinks this is also good, since Yin Aiting offered to borrow a bicycle, if necessary, you can still ask him to borrow it, which makes the trip much faster.

It's not easy to hitchhike here, and it's too time-consuming to walk back and forth.

For example, if there is a need to sell something next time, there is no need for Yin Aiting to come along. It is good for him to suffer less if the weather is so hot.

"I'm going to buy pig's feet for grandpa and grandma." Chu Yin thought that grandpa likes to eat pig's feet very much.

When I am old, my teeth are not good, and I usually eat less meat, and the pig's feet are more fat, so I enjoy eating.

After Chu Yin bought it, she went to her grandparents' house first, and said that the pig's trotters were bought with the money from selling fish.

"You girl, why are you spending money recklessly? If you have money, you can keep it for yourself." Grandma felt distressed.

Grandpa means the same thing as grandma.

I think Chu Yin shouldn't spend the money.

Chu Yin said: "I will go to study in the future, and I will not be able to honor you by your side for the time being, so now I want to honor you more within the scope of my ability."

There is no need to wait too long for the matter of showing respect to the elderly. Just be filial within the scope of this ability.

"I want to eat some too, grandma, you can finish the stew tomorrow, I'll come over to eat." Chu Yin said simply.

They are reluctant to ask them to eat it by themselves. They may not make it in the refrigerator, but if they say they want to eat it, they will definitely do it.

Let's eat together then.

There was still some money left in his hand, Chu Yin didn't give it to his grandparents, and he wouldn't take it if he gave it to them, and he would definitely need to use it in the future if he took it first.

When he got home, Ge Fu stopped Chu Yin: "Did you get that fish?"

She went to Yin Aiting's grandfather's house to ask, and Yin Aiting's grandfather said that Yin Aiting also took two fish back, saying that Fang Hua had caught them.

Chu Yin: "Yes, I sold it, and I won't give you a penny, and I won't give you any fish scales that were cut off."

Ge Jinpan didn't care about that, she asked, "Then why is Yin Aiting with you?"

"Why does he want to accompany you to sell fish? On such a hot day, why? When did you become friends with him?"

Chu Yin looked at Ge Jinpan: "Go and ask him."

Ge Jinpan blushed anxiously, how could she have the nerve to ask him.

"By the way, you dare to interfere in my affairs?" Chu Yin suddenly found a reason again.

Ge Jinpan was beaten again by Chu Yin.

The house was in chaos again for a while, and the whole chicken was flying around.

At night, Ge Jinpan was blocked at the door, even if she slept with Ge Fu, she didn't feel safe.

I didn't even dare to go out to go to the toilet, I was holding back alive.

"Mom, get her away quickly, she's like a lunatic, I don't want to live with her." Ge Jinpan looked at Ge Fu.

Ge Fu frowned and looked at his sleeping son, who had been frightened a lot in the past two days.

There is no way to take her, I have thought of all the tricks I can think of.

Relatives stopped coming to help her, and Murakami didn't come to help her either. Even if they called the police, they said they knew her character and style and thought what she said was false.

It's obviously very painful, why is there no scar.

There must have been some injuries, but that Li Qiuming pretended to protect Fang Hua.

No one can explain this to anyone, but she told the neighbors that Fang Hua beat someone, and now she is like a lunatic at home, and they also said that they were forced by themselves, so they told them not to force her.

In the end, who is forcing whom? Now they are blocked outside so that they dare not come out.

The same is true of Fang Liwan's trash, he can't discipline a daughter, so ask him to help, he said that his back hurts so badly that he is dying, and now other places are also hurting, and even old problems have recurred.

"I've already called. Your cousin has booked a ticket, and he will be here in two days." Ge Fu said.

(End of this chapter)

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