Chapter 437 This Summer (35)

Chu Yin worked in the kitchen.

If it weren't for this dish, she would have to eat it herself, and she wouldn't be willing to cook it properly.

In any case, it is a good chicken, raised by myself, nutritious, and I don't want to waste ingredients.

Ge Jinpan came back soon and pushed open the kitchen door.

Ge Fu and Fang Liwan also forgot to tell Ge Jinpan not to enter the kitchen.

Chu Yin looked at her coldly: "Did no one tell you not to let you in?"

"No, no one." Ge Jinpan stepped back and looked at Chu Yin in fear.

"Come here." Chu Yin beckoned.

Ge Jinpan didn't dare to refuse, Chu Yin grabbed her by the hair and cleaned her up again.

Ge Fu asked: "How much is it a month?"

Ge Fu nodded: "That's high."

Then give Ge Jinpan a chance to get beaten for free.

Weng Jiuqiang had never suffered under Chu Yin's hands, nor had he seen Chu Yin's fighting power and madness, so he couldn't understand Ge Fu's mood at this time.

Weng Jiuqiang frowned, how easy is this kind of thing to do, outside the salary is paid by himself, it is still difficult to collect it on behalf of him.

The reason for beating Fang Hua is also because Fang Hua has always refused to accept his fate.

After chatting for a while, Ge Fu called Weng Jiuqiang aside and looked around, but there was no one around.

A child who can report to the police and show off his power, is not easy to provoke, it is not so scary, right?

"We understand each other. She really wants to pursue us, and we let her do it. We let her go."

Weng Jiuqiang looked at Ge Fu speechlessly.

Weng Jiuqiang: "Look at the factory."

"If you feel that you won't be able to get her money in the future, and you haven't worked hard at home, then don't send it out now, just stay here and work hard."

"After all, we are her parents. It's normal for a child to be self-willed in front of her parents. When she goes out with you, she doesn't know the place well, so she has to rely on you for everything. You are just a cousin. capricious."

"Take it away, take it away, let's talk about the future."

Originally, he didn't intend to deal with Ge Jinpan, but since Ge Jinpan hit the gun, Chu Yin just happened to be in a bad mood.

"There should be more than two thousand." Weng Jiuqiang said.

Ge Fu pondered in his heart, why the lunatic beat her daughter without saying a word, it should be his own fault.

"How much money can I earn a month outside?" Ge Fu asked Weng Jiuqiang in a low voice.

So if Fang Hua is not allowed to go out to work, he is afraid that Fang Hua will get to know other people, get distracted, and run away with others.

Fang Liwan added: "Guardian."

It's hard for me to say such things to this cousin.

"What I mean is, after going out, she knows a lot of people. Even if I can control her money, it's only for a short time. After a long time, the money is still out of control. I can't guarantee you that I can control her all the time. money."

Ge Fu: "..."

She doesn't care if it's easy or not, she only cares about how much money is made a month.

It's not good to say in front of Weng Jiuqiang that Fang Hua has become so crazy now, I'm afraid Weng Jiuqiang will also be afraid of this lunatic, so I won't take it anymore.

"It's just that I haven't met my fate for so many years, and I haven't married a wife. I don't blame you. It's just that those women have blind eyes."

Seeing his daughter was beaten by a lunatic again, Ge Fu dared not speak out.

Who dares this lunatic to stay at home and torture himself at home?

Weng Jiuqiang was exhilarated by Ge Fu's two flattering words, swelled up, with his hands behind his back, as if he was a leader.

Ge Fu nodded: "Yes, then you will be her guardian at that time. As a guardian, you should be able to help her receive salary?"

"My girl is a good girl, and you are also a good person, a powerful person."

"Like a little painter who is clever and good at reading. After all, he graduated from high school, and he can get a relatively easy job in the factory."

Fang Liwan sighed a little bored: "Whatever."

Whatever it is, he was in so much pain that he didn't want to talk.

With him like this, there are women chasing him?

"If this girl stays outside for a long time, she will definitely have more thoughts." Weng Jiuqiang felt that the husband and wife really wanted this girl to be a cow and a horse.

Waving hands again and again.

Take one step at a time.

Weng Jiuqiang said: "Look at where you go, and what position you want to see."

After saying this, Ge Fu glanced at Weng Jiuqiang, the setting sun shone on Weng Jiuqiang's face, and Ge Fu felt that the oil on Weng Jiuqiang's face seemed to be shining.

"If you take our small paintings out, and you are her elder, what should you call..." Ge Fu couldn't remember that word for a while.

It seems that going out to work not only increases savings, but also bragging skills.

She was not allowed to cry.

Ge Fu watched Ge Jinpan come out of the kitchen with red eyes, slapped his forehead, and thought it was terrible.

Just to warn Ge Fu, don't talk less, don't disgust her.

I forgot to tell my daughter not to go into the kitchen, that lunatic is inside.

This is Weng Jiuqiang's concept, and he also upholds this concept in the plot.

He basically understood the couple.

"It's okay to be a little bit tired, money can't be spent indiscriminately."

Understand that Ge Fu misinterpreted his meaning.

When Ge Fu heard Weng Jiuqiang's suggestion to keep him at home, his face turned pale with fright, thinking that Weng Jiuqiang had seen Chu Yin's fierceness, and he was unhappy again.

Weng Jiuqiang looked at Fang Liwan and asked with a smile, "You think so too?"

Weng Jiuqiang felt that from the cousin's face, he could see the fear of that girl.

The lunatic looked at himself wrongly before he entered the kitchen.

She opened her mouth and said, "Qiangzi."

Ge Fu finally understood.

It is more reliable to stay at home and simply not let it out.

"She actually has a good heart. Don't look at her being so fierce, she is actually just bluffing. She has the police backing her up. We did beat her, but she didn't pursue it. She just went crazy."

There was also a moment of silence in my heart.

"Your parents are also very worried about you. I can't bear to see them worry so much, so how do you think Xiaohua's girl is?"

"It's okay, the little girl just doesn't know how to dress up, she's worse than the girls outside who are chasing me."

"How are wages paid? In cash or by card?" Ge Fu asked again.

"She's young, and she can't handle things like money. I'm afraid she will spend it indiscriminately, so I hope you can help find a factory, the kind that can receive wages on behalf of her."

Ge Fu said: "Okay, if you think it's good, then I'll say it straight, I think of you in all good things, so if you have the ability to coax her into your hands, it would be a good thing for us to kiss and get closer."

She said it so bluntly, if Qiangzi had the heart and what she said, Qiangzi wouldn't have to worry about Fang Hua being her stepdaughter.

After all, there is no blood relationship between Weng Jiuqiang and Fang Hua, so this is not impossible.

If you have to chase it, you should chase it, and it is best to catch Fang Hua.

(End of this chapter)

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