Chapter 439 This Summer (37)

For some reason, Ge Jinpan felt that today's dishes were particularly delicious.

Ge Fu and Fang Liwan felt the same way.

It seems that the taste is similar to before, but it just feels delicious, and I want to eat it after eating it.

Weng Jiuqiang felt the same way, obviously the taste was similar, but it made people want to eat it even after eating it.

After dinner, Weng Jiuqiang said that he drank a little too much and asked Ge Fu to arrange a room for him to sleep in.

Originally, he made up his mind to sleep here at night, and Ge Fu also asked Weng Jiuqiang to stay overnight, so he could take Chu Yin away the next day.

He dared not let Chu Yin vacate the room, nor let Weng Jiuqiang and Fang Liwan sleep together, that bed was too bad.

They could only vacate the mother and daughter's room, and Ge Fu took the children to the room where the grain was stored to make a bed on the floor.

In summer, you can sleep on the ground with a mat.

Late at night, Chu Yin came to Weng Jiuqiang's room.

Looking at Weng Jiuqiang's sleeping face.

He released his energy and checked the sleeping conditions of the rest of the people in the house, and they all slept soundly.

The reason why she cooks is also to add ingredients to the dishes with her own hands.

A drug that can calm the nerves is added, which can make them sleep until dawn, and it is difficult to wake up.

And this kind of material will not make them feel sleepy immediately after eating it, which will lead to suspicion.

The effect of the medicine will not take effect in the body until they are asleep.

In order to allow them to eat enough ingredients, Chu Yin also added some other things to the dishes, just to make them want to eat more and order more.

And she specially poured wine for Weng Jiuqiang, just to make Weng Jiuqiang sleep more 'soundly'.

The best way to deal with Weng Jiuqiang now is to use black hands.

This kind of thing is obviously too inappropriate.

The next black hand, Weng Jiuqiang's matter will be resolved, she has to study, and has no time to waste time with Weng Jiuqiang.

Chu Yin took out the silver needle and shot at Weng Jiuqiang.

He also fed the pills prepared in advance to Weng Jiuqiang.

After this set of operations, Weng Jiuqiang will not feel it immediately.

But with the development of time, and because Weng Jiuqiang's obsession with drinking could not be changed, under this catalysis, toxins would slowly break out in Weng Jiuqiang's body.

In less than half a year, Weng Jiuqiang will become a useless man in some respects.

Completely useless, completely scrapped.

This is a punishment for forcing the client like Weng Jiuqiang did.

Of course, Chu Yin did not forget that Weng Jiuqiang beat the client to disable him. Chu Yin used silver needles to prick Weng Jiuqiang's acupuncture points below his knees.

In less than half a year, Weng Jiuqiang will become a cripple who has difficulty walking. Not only that, but the other leg will not have much strength, and he will lose his labor force at a young age.

The rest of my life will be miserable.

Chu Yin finished everything and left Weng Jiuqiang's room silently.

And Weng Jiuqiang was sweating all over because of the medicine, but he just couldn't wake up.

When he woke up in the morning, he was sweating profusely, dizzy and nauseous.

Shaky when leaving the room.

"It's too tiring and uncomfortable to sleep on this bed in your house. I sleep in Simmons all the time outside." Weng Jiuqiang saw Ge Fu and said.

Ge Fu twitched the corner of his mouth: "It's hard for you."

For a moment Weng Jiuqiang didn't know whether Ge Fu said polite words or sarcastic words.

"Headache, uncomfortable, your family's wine is not good, let my cousin and husband drink less." Weng Jiuqiang said.

This fake wine is so uncomfortable to drink.

If I had known earlier, I would not have drunk it.

I felt very tired last night, I felt very uncomfortable all over, and I couldn't sleep very well.

Ge Fu rolled his eyes, and there is no other kind of wine. If you are picky, why is that wine not good? She bought it for ten yuan.

"What are you waiting for if you haven't made breakfast yet?" Chu Yin saw that Ge Fu hadn't moved, and Ge Jinpan was also sitting quietly by the side.

Ge Jinpan immediately said: "I don't know what you want to eat, sister?"

"I don't know if you want to cook by yourself."

Chu Yin: "Go cook."

Ge Jinpan immediately went to cook.

Ge Fu said to Chu Yin: "That little painting, just pack up your things and follow your cousin later."

"Aren't you in a hurry to go out to work to earn money? Don't delay, I will say hello to your cousin for everything, and he will take care of you."

Chu Yin looked at Weng Jiuqiang: "When are you going out?"

"Have you bought a ticket yet?"

"Not yet, can't you go to the train station if you buy a ticket? I haven't gone yet." Weng Jiuqiang rubbed his head.

Chu Yin asked coldly, "Then when will you buy it?"

Weng Jiuqiang thought for a while and said, "How about this, Xiaohua, you come with me today, and then you can play at my house for a few days. I still have something to do at home. After I deal with it, we will go directly to the station to buy tickets."

Chu Yin glanced at him disdainfully: "What am I going to your house with you to play with?"

"I don't want to go."

Ge Fu: "..."

She hurriedly gave Weng Jiuqiang a look.

Weng Jiuqiang understood: "I see that you are really anxious to go out to earn money, and you are not willing to wait for me for a few days."

"Then what do you think, you come with me today, stay at my house for one night, and I will take you to buy tickets tomorrow."

"If you don't come with me today, why don't I make a special trip to pick you up tomorrow? The traffic here is inconvenient, and it will take a lot of time."

Chu Yin said: "Isn't this simple? When are you leaving, call this family, and then we will make an appointment, and I will wait for you in the county."

"Why do you have to stay at your house for one night? I'm not happy to live at someone else's house."

Weng Jiuqiang: "..."

Why stay for one night, of course it is to cultivate feelings.

It's okay to take it home and show it to your parents first, and then coax her to make her feel a little good about yourself.

On the road, maybe you can win it.

At that time, I deliberately took her to change trains, and then said that I couldn't buy a ticket, so I could only stay in a hotel outside and wait for the ticket.

Weng Jiuqiang had a plan in mind.

Chu Yin didn't want to, and Weng Jiuqiang didn't know how to fool her for a while. He looked at Ge Fu, and Ge Fu couldn't do anything about Chu Yin now.

"You just follow, we don't feel relieved if he doesn't lead you." Ge Fu said.

Go to the county seat to meet with Weng Jiuqiang, in case she sneaks away.

Ge Fu thought of this possibility and was quite anxious.

"What are you worried about? Are you afraid that I will run away by myself?" Chu Yin said, "If I wanted to run away, I would have already run away. Do you still need to ask someone to come back and take me to work?"

Ge Fu was instantly persuaded by Chu Yin, feeling that what Chu Yin said was very reasonable, very reasonable.

That's right, this girl had already run away if she wanted to.

"It's not that the outside world is too complicated. I'm a girl who is easily deceived, and my grandparents don't feel at ease when I go out alone." Chu Yin also gave an idea of ​​her own.

Ge Fuming understood, no matter how crazy a girl is, she is afraid of being cheated.

I don't even have the guts to venture into the rivers and lakes alone.

That's all.

"Okay, when the time comes, your counties will join together." Ge Fu's doubts were completely dispelled, and he knew that there was no way to force Chu Yin, so he said.

(End of this chapter)

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