Chapter 443 This Summer (41)

The old man told Ge Fu and Fang Liwan: "Xiaohua said that she went out to work with her classmates."

"Don't go out with that cousin of yours."

"Then isn't she playing tricks on us?" Ge Fu was about to die of anger.

"Do you know that in order to let my cousin take her out to work, I spent money and gave gifts?"

The old man sighed: "She doesn't think I can do anything."

"Then she ran away like this, and won't contact this family in the future?"

"We're just raising this child for nothing, aren't we?"

Ge Fu was so angry that he questioned the old man again and again.

"Don't quarrel with your father, you didn't raise that child." Grandma said dissatisfied.

Ge Fu said: "Then she just left and left you alone, wouldn't you raise her for nothing?"

Grandma looked at Fang Liwan and shook her head: "This is not the only child raised for nothing."

"As long as Xiaohua lives well outside, don't worry about us two old ones."

Fang Liwan: "..."

"Heh, you should be tough now. Since you don't count on Fang Hua and are willing to raise her for nothing, then don't count on us." Ge Fu got up angrily and left.

Fang Liwan hesitated for a moment, and said to the old man, "Dad, Xiaohua has contacted you and let us know."

"We're worried that it's still my child."

The old man snorted, but didn't say anything else, he just said one thing.

The old man didn't understand why his son was worried about his granddaughter.

It's nothing more than knowing that her granddaughter is definitely worried about them and will definitely contact them.

Ge Fu was so angry that he had a fight with Fang Liwan for half the night when he returned home.

He kept scolding Fang Liwan for being unbelievable, a child can't control him, and there is nothing he can do if the child teases her like this.

Said that Fang Liwan was a waste, a useless useless person, which caused her to be bullied so hard by a little girl.

"Stop making noise, my back hurts, can you let me be quiet?" Fang Liwan was very helpless.

Ge Fu was half-dead with anger: "Your back hurts? The child will start school soon, you don't go to earn money, just lie at home complaining about back pain."

"If you don't go out to make money, do you expect me to go out to make money?"

Fang Liwan was also angry: "I told you that my back hurts."

Ge Fu questioned: "Your back hurts and you don't know what to do. What's the use of telling me? I'm not a doctor. Did you do it on purpose to be sowed by Fang Hua, a little girl, and feel resentful towards us?"

Fang Liwan stopped talking.

He was too weak to speak, too lazy to speak.

Do you still need Fang Hua to sow discord?

Isn't that all true?
I didn't care about it before, but it doesn't mean it's not true.

Although he is a man, he is also a person. He treats the mother and daughter like a bull and a horse, but he has no care or respect at all.

For the sake of these two mothers and daughters, the daughter hated him and the parents resented him.

He didn't fall at all.

Chu Yin went directly to the city where she was studying, which was relatively far away. It was too late to find a job by the time, so she found a hotel to rest.

Early the next morning, Chu Yin changed into the new dress she bought earlier and went out to look for a job.

Regarding work, Chu Yin already has a goal in her heart, and she knows what kind of work is suitable for her now.

Those who come directly to study in the city also hope to find a job to see if it is possible to be stable, and they can also get familiar with the city in advance.

Another idea is that even if the salary is not paid in time, anyway, if I want to study here, I won't have time to ask for salary.

That is, after buying a bus ticket and coming to this city, I have very little money left in my hands. If I don't find a job quickly, I will have to live on the street after staying here for a few days.

Tickets are quite expensive.

Really tight time and heavy tasks.

Chu Yin was looking for a job with a purpose, specifically looking for that kind of custom-made clothing store to apply for.

After asking several companies in a row, none of them wanted summer jobs, so Chu Yin could only patiently search for them, and only in the afternoon did he come across one that wanted summer jobs.

The salary given is relatively average, [-] a month.

The store is relatively high-end, specializing in custom-made clothes.

Daily life is to entertain guests, serve tea and water, do odd jobs, and tally goods.

Even the measurement is a professional person, and the work is relatively simple.

What is required of her is that she has a good image, a good temperament, can speak, looks gentle and approachable.

Chuyin meets these requirements.

But Chu Yin is not satisfied with earning [-] yuan here serving tea and water, mainly because it is not enough for tuition.

There are also many places to spend money after school starts.

Chu Yin said that she wanted to do sales.

The proprietress is a woman with an excellent temperament. Everyone calls her Sister Chi.

Hearing that Chu Yin wanted to do sales, the proprietress said, "If you do it for a long time, I can give you this chance."

"But you can only work for one month, and it will take at least one month until you get familiar with everything here, and the basic salary of sales is also lower than your basic salary."

"Maybe when you start school, you haven't sold a single thing. There is no commission, and there is only a basic salary."

Chu Yin said, "I'm not afraid."

"I'll get to know everything very quickly."

As a result, Chu Yin started sales here, and she quickly became familiar with everything here.

Because in fact, it is not difficult in itself, and it is quick to get started.

In addition, she has been to so many worlds and has seen many people and clothes. Even if she has no novel aesthetics, she can still give good advice based on her past knowledge.

She can give good advice on what kind of clothes and styles are suitable for what kind of customers.

In particular, she will also propose improved styles and create novel styles. The novel styles proposed by her are very popular among customers.

Customers will soon be spotted by others when they wear it, and then they will involuntarily introduce others to come here to customize clothes.

The price here is not low, and those who can come here to customize clothes are relatively rich, so when Chu Yin faces these customers, he doesn't need to repeatedly discuss the price with them.

It is enough to find out what they want in their hearts, what occasions they need to wear, and determine the expected effect in their hearts.

After all are satisfied, the transaction will be a matter of course.

Because of Chu Yin, the business here suddenly became very good.

Sister Chi didn't come to the store very often, because the business in the store was so good that she had no choice but to come to the store to help.

Then silently watched Chu Yin receive customers, and silently watched Chu Yin match clothes for customers.

"It's amazing. After matching it with her hands, it looks more upscale and more fashionable." Sister Chi said to the people around her while she propped her chin and looked at the busy Chu Yin.

"She is very talented. She learned everything in a very short time, and now she is more professional than the old-fashioned salesman, and she speaks clearly."

Sister Chi said: "Yes, it's a good material. Some people have high aesthetics, lots of ideas, and a natural understanding of beauty. She has a deep understanding of clothing matching and styles."

"It's only been ten days since you've been here, right?" Sister Chi asked.

"Yes, she got started in just two days."

"Ten days, there are so many repeat customers." Sister Chi sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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