After practicing in the middle of the night, Chu Yin finally had some spiritual power in his body, so he could rest contentedly.

After sleeping for more than an hour, she woke up again.

The two younger sisters were still sleeping, and she got up and sat by the window sill alone. It was early in the morning, and she could already see things clearly by the light outside.

Chu Yin opened the mall, searched, and focused on a "Comprehensive Medical Book of Traditional Chinese Medicine".

The self-operated price of this book mall is [-] credits. Judging from the name, it is also about Chinese medicine.

Click on Exchange.

Chu Yin thought there was only one book, but unexpectedly it was divided into three books, each of which was extremely thick and divided into top, middle and bottom.

Each book can be said to be very thick!
Very heavy, the cover texture is very good, and the bronzing font.

Looking at it, Chu Yin was very satisfied. This is a set of Chinese medicine books taught from scratch, with detailed introductions of various medicinal materials, various diseases, how to diagnose, and how to treat them.

Chu Yin felt that as long as he could understand all the contents of this book thoroughly and achieve a mastery, he would be regarded as an expert in medicine.

With 3308 points, it is really worth it to get such a comprehensive set of medical books. Chu Yin happily said to [-]: "It's another big advantage!"

"It's equivalent to taking advantage of [-] points!"

3308: "You can think so, as long as you're happy."

Chu Yin snickered: "Then I think so." It's happier to think this way.

Rubbing her belly, she was hungry. According to the habit of this family, she did not eat in the morning. The poor family only ate two meals a day. She had to find something to improve her life.

The child woke up. In order to avoid disturbing the two younger sisters to sleep, Chu Yin carried the child to the yard and fed the child some food exchanged in the mall.

In the past few days, the child basically ate the food exchanged in the mall, and Chu Yin felt that the child's complexion was much better.

This gave Chu Yin a sense of accomplishment, watching a child get better step by step.

Xu's father and Xu's mother got up one after another, and the two younger sisters also got up. Everyone played with Xing'er, and Xu's mother took out some pastries and handed them to Xing'er.

"We don't have to eat in the morning, the children have to eat."

Xing'er did not refuse anyone who came, and happily took the cakes. Chu Yin taught him, "Thank you, grandma."

"Thank you, grandma." Xing'er thanked her immaturely, and said in a bumpy voice.

Chu Yin rubbed Xing'er's face: "Xing'er is so good."

"Mom, I'm going to the mountains too, let's go together." Yesterday Xu's mother said about today's plan, she would take her two younger sisters to the mountains to cut firewood, and her father would go to work in the fields.

The work in the field is almost done, and it will be harvested in a few days. After the harvest, another one will be planted.

In this era, the grain output is low, the harvest is not good, and one year of hard work is only enough to survive.

As soon as Chu Yin said that, he threw Xing'er on his back. When he first came to this world, Chu Yin could not master the skill of relaxation, but now he is very proficient.

When doing something, throw the child on his back, fix it with cloth strips, and then he can do things.

"Lan'er, Mei'er, go and feed the chicken, I have something to do." After Chu Yin finished speaking, she got into the sundry shed.

Xu's father sometimes went to the county to do casual labor, because he could read and write, and it was easier than others to find a job, but the wages were very low.

Because I always go to the county, I asked Xu's father to bring back some unwanted things and put them in the sundry shed. Sometimes they can be sold for some money.

It was piled up in a mess on the side of the sundry shed. Chu Yin went to search and found some strings, a few useless ceramic pillars, and a few bamboo slices. The bamboo slices are elastic and very useful, and there are many more Combining bits and pieces of gadgets and miscellaneous things together, Chu Yin created several mechanisms.

I found a few broken baskets at home.

Taking the finished mechanism up the mountain, Mother Xu took her two younger sisters to chop firewood without asking what Chu Yin was busy with.

Chu Yin was chopping bamboo, and she still needed some flexible bamboo pieces. She couldn't do it by herself, so she called her two younger sisters to help her dig traps.

Xu's mother looked at Chu Yin with a funny face: "Tang'er, I thought you came to the mountain to chop firewood, but it turned out that you came to dig traps."

"Can it work? You want to grab something?" Xu's mother glanced at Chu Yin's mechanism props, only to think that the shape is very strange, never seen before, and very novel.

Xu Shumei said: "Sister, the little animals in the mountains are smart now, and they are not easy to catch at all."

Chu Yin was busy with her hands, and smiled confidently: "You all prepare to have a good meal today!"

This little gadget is still within reach.

"It's okay if you can't eat it, sister, I think it's very fun!" Xu Shumei smiled happily at Chu Yin.

Xu Shulan struggled to dig the trap, her face was full of excitement and interest: "It's really fun!"

Xu's mother shook her head, and the three daughters could let them go if they were interested, and went to cut firewood by themselves.

Chu Yin and his two younger sisters set up several institutions, and then moved away from the "organ area".

These traps are all hidden in the undergrowth.

There was no delay in the work. Chu Yin was about to chop firewood when the child started crying on his back.

The two younger sisters were more nervous: "What's wrong with Xing'er?"

Chu Yin rubbed her nose. At first she was also nervous when the child cried for no apparent reason, but now she has mastered the basic skills of raising a baby.

To boo or to pull...

"You have to say it yourself, you have to express it." Chu Yin taught the child how to express his needs while urinating the child.

Very patient: "You have to shout, mother, I want to..."

This child develops later, and he is not as good as a child on the technological plane. He can express something clearly at the age of two.

He can only complain about being hungry now, because he has always been hungry in the past.

After taking care of the child, Chu Yin started chopping firewood, and was anxious to go back to see his own traps, so he chopped very quickly, and before he knew it, there was a pile of firewood beside him.

Xu Shulan looked at Chu Yin in amazement: "Sister, are you working so fast?"

Chu Yin looked back at her achievements and clenched her fists: "Well, that means I have gained a little strength."

This is the result of practicing for most of the night last night. There is spiritual power in the body, even if it is only a little bit, it will be stronger than the two younger sisters.

After cutting the firewood, carrying the firewood back and then turning it back, Chu Yin held the child in his arms while carrying the firewood, and Chu Yin led them to watch the traps everywhere.

"Sister, there really are!" Xu Shumei pushed aside the leaves in front of her eyes and jumped up excitedly.

Chu Yin glanced at the cage above, and it had fallen down to cover a pheasant. The stone that had been hanging above also fell on the cage, and the pheasant could not get out.

Tie the pheasant with a rope, Chu Yin probably looked at it, and said happily: "It's a few catties, it's a fat chicken!"

"Sister, I really want to see if the other traps have been caught!"

"Sister, I want to too." Xu Shumei jumped up.

Finally, a total of three pheasants, two hares, and a few small birds were caught.

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