Chapter 89 The Rise of Peasant Women (35)

Including the serious crime of selling an official, everything Dong Mingcheng did was to win over the ministers of the DPRK and China.

It is very common for princes to want the support of ministers. The difference lies in the means. Dong Mingcheng's means are unbearable, but they are also the most effective.

There was no sound in the hall, and Dong Mingcheng's forehead was dripping with cold sweat.

Dong Ye looked at Dong Mingcheng from time to time, feeling happy in his heart, but his face remained calm as usual.

In his heart, he couldn't help but mutter. He has been trying to catch Dong Mingcheng's criminal evidence all these years, but he has never been able to find it. Dong Mingcheng is very cautious and cunning. This ability to find this kind of thing?
After the emperor looked through the account book carefully, he threw down everything he could pick up to vent his anger, and fell into a rage, feeling dizzy, dizzy, and poor in blood.

Holding on to his breath, he stared at Dong Mingcheng: "This is all in your handwriting. You wrote down the account yourself. The evidence is convincing. What else do you have to say?"

Everyone in the hall held their breath, knelt down in unison, and knocked their heads on the ground. The emperor was furious, and it would be wrong to take a second look, and shouted tremblingly: "The emperor, calm down, calm down!"

Rao Dongye was gloating in his heart at the beginning, but now he is also very frightened by the furious emperor, and dare not show his anger.

Dong Mingcheng plucked up great courage and looked up at the emperor, his eyes were full of disappointment and pain, the throbbing veins on the emperor's forehead highlighted the monstrous anger in his heart.

His whole body was limp, his hands were shaking constantly, and his mouth opened: "Father, my son is wronged, wronged!"

"What an injustice!" The emperor sneered again and again, and Master Xiao, seeing his son-in-law in trouble, boldly persuaded the emperor: "My lord, everything needs to be checked again, and you must not be convicted lightly!"

Although this is said, the account book is now in the hands of the emperor, and the emperor only needs to follow the people on the account book to check, and everything will be over.

Lord Xiao suddenly felt that he had lost the bet, and married his daughter to Dong Mingcheng in vain.

There were also some people who were not afraid of death interceded with Dongming, begging the emperor not to convict him just like that.

If you can procrastinate, you can procrastinate, in case there is still room for turning things around.

"Dong Mingcheng, you have let me down so much. Over the years, due to border wars, the national treasury has been strained, and everyone in the palace is living frugally, including me, saving as much as possible, but you are living such a luxurious life in private. "

"For money, you even sold an official in private...!" The more the emperor thought about it, the more angry he became. Is this the son he valued?
"Did you ever think about the common people in this world when you were extravagant? As a prince, he indulged his minions to run amok and domineering to bring suffering to the people, served as a protective umbrella for the magistrates, and helped the magistrates to deceive others, causing them to become arrogant and oppress the local people. Common people, you don't have the world in your heart, you only have selfish desires in your heart, you are not worthy to be a prince at all!"

"Come here, come here, take the Dongming Cheng for me, and imprison the Anyang Palace. Before the matter is clarified, you must not step out of the palace gate!" The emperor passed out after saying these words.

Chu Yin was hurriedly called into the palace to see the emperor.

Dong Ming's acceptance of those things made the emperor dizzy.

In fact, after she read the ledger, she was also shocked that Dong Mingcheng would use all means to achieve his goal.

She felt that people like Dong Mingcheng must have a lot of unknown things in secret, so she went to investigate and successfully found out.

Last night, she sneaked into Master Li's mansion and put the account book in Master Li's room, because when she investigated Dong Mingcheng, she found that Master Li's eldest son was indirectly killed by Dong Mingcheng. With such hatred, Chu Yin concluded that Master Li would never Let go of the chance to bring down Dong Mingcheng.

The queen was very worried when she saw Chu Yin, she guarded Chu Yin to see the emperor, and she didn't dare to vent her anger when she stayed beside her.

After Chu Yin finished his diagnosis, the queen stepped forward and asked, "How is it?"

The imperial physicians had made a diagnosis before, but they didn't trust the imperial physicians very much. They were really worried about the emperor's health. Mrs. An Guo came to give her peace of mind.

The queen had a prince when she was young, but she was murdered by someone. Now she has only one princess under her knees, and she is also married.

So usually I don't care much about how the princes compete for imperial power, but the emperor was dizzy with anger, which made her angry and blamed Dong Mingcheng.

"It's okay, ma'am, the emperor is fine." Chu Yin prescribed the medicine and asked the people from the imperial hospital to brew it.

Taking out the silver needles and giving the emperor acupuncture, the emperor woke up leisurely, and seeing Chu Yin, he felt relieved: "Mrs. An Guo, will I be fine?"

Chu Yin comforted him: "How can something happen, the emperor's life is as long as the sky."

Chu Yin has upgraded his flattering skills in communicating with the emperor time and time again.

She took the initiative to give up the seat to the worried queen, and went out to wait outside. The emperor and the queen whispered for a while, and the queen let Chu Yin go in again when the queen came out.

"What do you think I should do?" The emperor sat by the bed, his eyes heavy.

When I woke up after being fainted, my mood was stable, but my heart was really sad.

"I know that the emperor is sad. All I can do is to adjust the emperor's mind and relieve some physical pain." Chu Yin said cautiously.

The emperor shook his head: "No, Mrs. An Guo, you are so intelligent, you must know what I want to ask."

Chu Yin was silent.

Long Jiu said: "Since the emperor asked the minister such a question, the minister is very grateful for the trust of the emperor, but the minister is a woman and has no right to judge state affairs."

What the emperor asked was nothing more than whether he would let Dong Mingcheng go this time.

I was furious before, but now I have calmed down, and I can't bear it.

This is his valued son. If he wants to let him go, he can just check him casually, and then prove that there is no serious crime, and he will be punished for a period of time.

If it is true, and the investigation is comprehensive, according to the law, the position of the prince inherited by Dongming will be lost.

The emperor smiled: "Madame An Guo said that this is a state matter, so it must be done publicly."

If Mrs. An Guo said it was a family matter, that would be a different point of view.

Saying that it is a family matter means that Mrs. An thinks that this time she can be forgiven, and it is not a big problem.

But when she talked about state affairs, she was probably worried that it would cause a catastrophe in the future and harm the common people.

If it's a public office, then Dong Ming's son will be abolished.

Another son was crippled, how could his heart not ache.

Chu Yin bowed her head in fear: "I dare not speak nonsense."

"Forget it, I can't pamper him anymore." The emperor stood up with a sigh and made up his mind.

Haven't spoken for a long time.

How did Dong Mingcheng know that just one word from Chu Yin determined his fate.

State affairs?housework?
Dong Mingcheng was imprisoned in the Anyang Palace, and he couldn't understand it. How could the account book be stolen?

No one knows about that dark room.

He didn't even realize that the ledger had been stolen. During this period of time, all he thought about was Tang'er, and he didn't even bother to make the ledger, so he didn't even look at it.

Yes, Tang'er, the only one who can save him now is Tang'er!
Then there is the bet, betting on whether the father will deal with him cruelly and severely.

(End of this chapter)

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