A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 111 The Dongfang Family Is Nothing Good

Chapter 111 The Dongfang Family Is Nothing Good

Erni was not as excited as Lin Zimo, but she was still very happy, with a smile on her brows.

"Luo Luo, I'll do it according to the method you told me, it's really useful!"

It turned out that before Erni came to the stage, Lin Luo told her a way to do it during the competition, and it turned out to be useful, and she won the competition because of it.

Lin Zimo's eyes widened, and he looked at Lin Luo with displeasure.

"Luo Luo, how can you do this, only tell Erni, not me!"

As he spoke, Lin Zimo folded his hands and turned his face away.

A copy of the baby is already angry, you have to coax me well, give me the appearance of explaining.

Lin Luo was amused for a while, she seemed to have become Lin Zimo's boss, and she had to coax her.

"Zimo, you are different from Erni. This is Erni's first real confrontation with someone. It is reasonable for me to say a few words to her."

"Luoluo is eccentric, she is so kind to Erni." Lin Zimo turned his head and said something, then turned his face away immediately, "Don't tell me what you said."

Erni opened her mouth, wanting to explain to Lin Luo.

However, Lin Luo stopped her.

"I didn't say anything, I just told Erni that she has more strength, so it's best to choose melee combat. If it's a long-distance attack, she may not be the opponent's opponent." Lin Luo said frankly.

Hearing Lin Luo's words, Lin Zimo immediately forgot the unpleasantness.

"That's right, Erni's strength is really great. When I fight her, I feel that she can blow me away every time. Fortunately, Erni has controlled her strength, otherwise if I am thrown by her , I guess it would be embarrassing." Lin Zimo smiled, "By the way, I heard that the top ten people in Naibi can choose whether to go to the inner court or not, and there will be a few vacancies at that time, and people from other aristocratic families will fill them. , Of course, it is also a person who has been tested by a teacher or an elder alone, and the talent is also good. The young master of the Dongfang family, Dongfang Lie, who is sick, will also come. At that time, plus the person who entered the Miscellaneous Academy three months ago, we will be alone. After class, there are about 80 people."

Lin Luo was not very interested in these, but she heard about the Dongfang family.

I still remember that when the Lin family tested her spirit root but failed, Bai Qiong said that she could not explain to the Dongfang family.

So at the beginning, what was Bai Qiong trying to send her to the Dongfang family?

"Zimo, you said that the young master of the Dongfang family is a sick child, so he can still practice?" Lin Luo asked.

"I'm not too clear about this, but I heard that his condition seems to have improved, and I don't know if it's true or not. I'm not too clear about the rest. A third-grade alchemist from the Wuji Temple, his eyes are in the sky." Lin Zimo snorted, "Don't pay attention to him, even if Dongfang Lie comes, don't have any contact with him, the Dongfang family is not good."

From Lin Zimo's mouth, Lin Luo got another piece of news, and she felt as if she had guessed something.

"Don't worry, I won't have too much contact with them." Lin Luo replied.

These words are not to comfort Lin Zimo, but really intend to do so.

"That's right, those people from the Dongfang family are not good people, especially that Dongfang Yun, who had a lot of troubles at the beginning, it seems to be with"

Before Lin Zimo could finish his words, he was called away, and it was his turn to compete again.

Not long after, Erni was also called away.

The results came out very quickly, and all three of them entered the finals, which was the competition of forty people from the last four classes.

Lin Luo was very happy for Erni and Lin Zimo to make it this far, even though she knew that they couldn't make it to the end, she was satisfied.

An hour later, the final match between the inner court and the outer court was just beginning.

This time, Lin Zimo played first. Unfortunately, he missed the top [-] and stopped here.

Erni narrowly won and entered the [-]th place.

When it was Lin Luo's turn, Lin Luo also defeated her opponent, but this time she took out the White Feather Sword. Although she didn't use the Falling Flower Sword Jue and the Nine Swords of the Fighting God, she also used the two swords of Treading Snow and Seeking Plum Blossoms. Tell her to preserve her strength.

Compared with Blue Star in the last life, where the aura is thin, there are no monsters, and there are very few practitioners, it is not bad to have two decent exercises, especially one of them is like the Nine Swords of the God of War .

Regardless of the Falling Flower Sword Art or the Nine Swords of the Fighting God, if you look at the power, it must be the power of spiritual power.

Although Yuanli can also be exerted, its power is still not as good as spiritual power. After all, it was created by monks.

Lin Luo vaguely had a crazy idea in his heart, but he didn't dare to implement it yet.

At this moment, Lin Zimo, who had lost the competition, moved to Lin Luo's side aggrievedly, his bright little face was full of displeasure.

"Luo Luo, why do you think I lost?"

Lin Luo coughed lightly, and suppressed the smile on the corner of her mouth.

"Whatever you lose, I'll help you win it back."

"Uh, but, I didn't win that." Lin Zimo was still a little unwilling.

Anyway, I have practiced for three years, why is it still so bad, I didn't make it into the top [-].

He couldn't even rank in the top twenty in the outer court, and the more he thought about it, the more angry he became.

While speaking, Erni was called by name, and she began her competition to hit the top ten.

At this point, Lin Luo already understood in her heart that Erni might stop here, and there is probably no way to move on.

If it weren't for Erni's natural supernatural power, it's hard to say whether she would be able to enter the finals, after all, her cultivation base has only reached Foundation Establishment.

Lin Luo didn't start the competition now, of course she was going to watch Erni's competition, Lin Zimo also followed.

On the stage, Erni was standing face to face with a woman. The woman on the opposite side looked pretty good, but her eyes were full of arrogance staring at Erni, as if she looked down on Erni, which made Lin Luo frown a little.

"Zimo, is Erni's opponent Hu Ling'er?" Lin Luo asked Lin Zimo in a low voice.

Hearing Lin Luo's question, Lin Zimo answered immediately.

"Yes, she is Hu Ling'er, and she is also from our class A, but she didn't contact us in the past. Let me tell you, Hu Ling'er has a backer, and her backer is in Xunxianzong, so it's normal to look down on people at work. If I hadn't come from the Lin family, she probably wouldn't have given me face." Lin Zimo said in a low voice, "It is said that it has something to do with the elders of Xunxianzong."

Lin Luo frowned, not quite understanding.

If it was related to the elders, why did they stay in the outer court instead of going to the inner court?

It stands to reason that it is very easy for an elder to bring his own people into the inner court. Why doesn't Hu Ling'er go to the inner court, but insists on coming in the outer court where the resources are not as good as the inner court?
Then there is another possibility, which is related to her own cultivation.

"Zimo, is Hu Linger's cultivation high?"

(End of this chapter)

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