Chapter 125

Lin Zimo's expression relaxed a little. He looked at Lin Luo and Erni, and he also understood that the dark appearance of these two girls probably wouldn't attract the demon.

Forget it, this is a good deed, and the middle-aged woman who fainted from crying came to mind again.

"Then you have to draw a better picture for me, so as not to affect my image." Lin Zimo whispered.

"No problem, I will definitely draw a good-looking picture for you." Lin Luo said with a smile.

I can't tell, Lin Zimo has a lot of idol baggage.

Hearing Lin Luo's answer, Lin Zimo closed his eyes resignedly, and let Lin Luo start tinkering with makeup for him, as if he had given up the treatment.

In Lin Luo's room, voices soon came out.

"Hey, Luoluo, I don't like doing this."

"Hey, Zimo, trust me, it will look good this way."

"No, Luoluo, are you sure you'll look good? I asked why I didn't believe you so much? I lost a few eyelashes, are you okay?"

"Okay, why not, the woman's paper is fine!"

A howl came from Lin Luo's room, and the passing guests shook their heads and quickly walked past the door of her room.

Some people even complained, this girl is so fierce, she bullies people in broad daylight.

Naturally, Lin Luo didn't know what the people outside thought. She used a bamboo stick to perm Lin Zimo's eyelashes, but the guy was afraid to move, and the bamboo stick burned his eyelids. When she pulled it, a few eyelashes fell off .

Fortunately, Lin Zimo was a monk anyway, and his skin wasn't as fragile as it looked, otherwise he would have poked a blood hole.

In any case, Lin Luo is a person who has experienced beauty makeup in her previous life. She put a light layer of powder on Lin Zimo, drew her eyebrows, and painted her lips. Looking at that face now, it is really a bit fake .

Fortunately, he is not very tall now. At the age of 15, he can be regarded as tall among women at most. Anyway, just looking at his face is enough.

Now that Lin Zimo's makeup is finished, she is indeed a beauty who has made people into a symbol, especially the eye makeup, which makes people itch, with curled eyelashes and eyeliner.

Lin Zimo admired his face from the mirror, and the resistance in his heart was not so great. He found that he looked much better.

Next, after changing his clothes, he fastened his belt to Lin Zimo.

The woman's waist is very thin and soft. After all, Lin Zimo is a man, so he must be a little thicker. The skeleton is here, and he is not too small.

"Erni, you can fasten Zimo's belt a little harder, but be careful not to strangle him to death."

Lin Luo spoke with a smile, handed the belt to Erni's direction, and concentrated on admiring her masterpiece.

Look, this makeup is really beautiful.

Erni took the belt from Lin Luo, "Okay, I understand."

Lin Zimo was admiring his beauty when he was suddenly pulled by a strong force.

"Hiss! Erni, you violent woman, don't you know that you are born with supernatural power? Control your strength, my waist will be strangled by the belt!" Lin Zimo roared loudly.

Everyone outside the house shook their heads, thinking that the people inside the house were too noisy, and they didn't pay attention to their proportions in the inn, and they didn't worry about disturbing others.

Hey, the world is going down, the world is going down!

The afternoon sun makes the air warm and lazy, making people feel warm and sleepy.

At night, there is a hint of coolness again, and goose bumps are easy to get when the breeze hits.

Cultivators are not as sensitive to temperature as ordinary people. The main reason is that monks will not feel very cold or hot because of their spiritual power, which means that the body's ability to resist heat and cold is much higher.

There are few pedestrians in the town at night, and with the recent evil spirits haunting the town, the doors of every house are closed, and the atmosphere is quite lonely.

On the empty street, a carriage came slowly in the night and stopped in front of an inn.

Driving were two dark-looking maids, one of whom jumped out of the carriage and opened the curtain.

A frail and boneless white hand poked out from the curtain of the carriage, reached out and hit the little maid's hand, and then a woman in pink came out of the carriage.

The waiter in the inn was still slapping bugs boredly, leaning against the door frame of the inn door, waving the sweat towel in his hand boredly.

Just after the carriage stopped, he moved his eyes and looked at the carriage.

At that moment, his eyes widened.

"Why, how could there be such a beauty!"

Xiao Er muttered to himself, his eyes longing to be glued to the girl in the pink dress, unwilling to leave for a moment.

The pink-clothed woman's gestures were full of nobility, and she put her hands on the hands of the little maid, swaying her body as she walked, and she looked like a woman from an aristocratic family.

"Ahem, little brother, our family is on our way here, the young lady is weak and needs a room."

Lin Luo, the little maid supporting the woman in pink, spoke.

Only then did Xiao Er regain his senses, "Gu, miss, please go inside."

"Second brother, please check our carriage, we have to go early tomorrow morning. Hey, there is no way, our lady is weak, this is not to go to the capital to see a doctor, so she has to leave overnight." Lin Luo sighed Take a breath.

Hearing this, Xiaoer looked at the woman in pink, that is, Lin Zimo, distressedly.

"Miss is not in good health, but why did she rush all night? Recently, there are monsters in our town, and they will take the girls away." Xiaoer looked serious.

"We Ben"

Lin Zimo spoke with a sharp voice, wanting to say that we were here for that monster, but was interrupted by Lin Luo.

"Don't worry, little brother, we didn't know this place was dangerous. Now that we know it, we must be careful and not drive at night." Lin Luo nodded with a smile.

Only then did Xiao Er set her eyes on Lin Luo and Er Ni, and quickly put them aside.

Compared to looking at the two little maids, it is better to look at the young lady.

Lin Luo was already used to such gazes, so she helped Lin Zimo to walk inside, and soon the three of them were taken to the upper room by Xiaoer.

As for Lin Luo and Er Ni, they also live in the upper room, with two soft couches outside, also for taking care of Lin Zimo.

A three-legged cat like Lin Zimo is most likely not the opponent's opponent, and when he is in danger, he can only wail.

If he really left her here alone, he probably wouldn't be able to do anything except scream, and he might even forget how his spiritual power works.

Lin Zimo was wearing women's clothing, and his waist was severely constricted. It was not easy to sit down at this time, so he could only stare at Lin Luo aggrieved.

Lin Luo hurriedly opened her mouth to comfort her, fearing that Lin Zimo would quit.

"Zimo, bear with me a little longer, the monster will definitely appear in a short time. We have come all the way, which is considered high-profile, and the monster will definitely come after seeing that you are beautiful. Fortunately, your spiritual power is low and restrained If it loses its breath, I believe it will definitely not find out."

Lin Zimo.
Thank you, it seems to be comforted, but it seems not to be comforted.

(End of this chapter)

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