Chapter 130 Xuanyue Guoshi
In a luxurious mansion in Kyoto, two handsome men in white sat facing each other.

One of them was a little older and looked to be in his twenties, but just sitting upright could give people the feeling of being exiled.

The other one was sixteen or seventeen years old, and he was also very good looking.

"Ayan, you just said that you gave away Feng Yi?"

The young man was exactly Chu Yan whom Lin Luo had met before.

Chu Yan nodded slightly, and looked up at the man.

"Yes, Master, that girl saved my life on the [-]th day. In order to repay this life-saving grace, I gave her the Phoenix Wing, which is considered to be the end of this life-saving grace."

"It happened on the [-]th day, did you go back to the sect to check it later?" the man said again.

Hearing this, a icy chill flashed in Chu Yan's eyes.

"My disciple always felt that in the eyes of outsiders, I was just a waste that couldn't cultivate, and no one should plan. But after I returned to the sect, I realized that there were some clues that I was manipulated. Probably because of the disciple's luck. Well, I didn't attract any powerful monsters, otherwise I'm afraid I would have died already." Chu Yan replied.

"It's fine."

The man smiled gently, stretched out a white jade hand, and poured a cup of tea for Chu Yan.

Chu Yan took it with both hands, took two sips and put it down.

"Master, I heard that there was a competition of the five major sects some time ago. Master thinks the disciple should go to see the excitement? The disciple thinks that it can appear appropriately, so that the news that the disciple is a waste can be spread more loudly. At the beginning, everyone said that the disciple was a waste, only the master said that the disciple was not, and revealed his identity as Xuanyue Guoshi, and accepted the disciple under the sect. If not, the disciple is now a waste, and anyone can bully him at will Waste." Chu Yan couldn't help looking at Xuanyue while speaking, "Master, I suddenly remembered that you have something to do with the Lin family. The girl I met happened to be named Lin, but I don't know if it's from the Lin family. people."

Hearing this, Xuan Yue's expression didn't change at all.

"Is that so? It seems that her cultivation is not bad, otherwise she wouldn't be able to save you. But you don't need to belittle yourself. Your talent is unmatched." Xuan Yue said.

That little girl named Lin Luo seemed to be quite talented.

Chu Yan came back to his senses and thought of what Lin Luo asked him to do. He wanted to tell Xuan Yue, but he still didn't say anything when it came to his lips.

"Master, this disciple came here because there is an important matter, and it was my father who asked me to talk to Master. I heard that some people with hydra tattoos appeared in some small sects, and the Xunxianzong also appeared. , Ask Master, but you know what it is." Chu Yan asked.

Xuan Yue still looked gentle, "Hydra tattoos appeared hundreds of years ago, and they are regarded as demons and heretics in the eyes of monks. This sect is ruthless in doing things, and an ordinary small sect is in their hands. It can be destroyed. The name of this sect is the Hall of Nine Evil Spirits, and I heard that its lord is similar in strength to the lord of the Ice Region, and may be slightly better."

Hearing what Xuan Yue said, Chu Yan looked a little serious.

"Master, what do you mean is that the Nine Shattered Hall should have taken some action recently? Otherwise, they would definitely not be so high-profile. Do you want to reply and remind father?" Chu Yan frowned.

Xuan Yue stood up, her white robe fluttering.

"I had nothing to do yesterday to watch the stars at night, and I took advantage of the trend to make a divination. The hexagram showed that a dazzling star appeared in the Qingxuan Continent, which will bring a turning point for the Qingxuan Continent. Since the sect competition is about to take place, then You go and look for this person, maybe we can break the shackles of the Qingxuan Continent. I don't know the age of this person, whether he is a man or a woman, and his name. I can't see through the history of this person, and I can't figure out the future However, I calculated the general direction, and learned that this person is likely to participate in the Zongmen Competition, otherwise how can he become a dazzling star? In addition, this person has one of the top ten fierce beasts in ancient times, and I don’t know about the others , you need to check slowly."

"Master, do you mean that there are any restrictions in the Qingxuan Continent? Yes, the highest cultivation here is the Nascent Soul, and there is no one above the Nascent Soul." Chu Yan looked serious.

However, Xuan Yue didn't seem to have any intention of telling him, so she just shook her head slightly.

"It's no good for you to know these things, just find and bring this person." Xuan Yue said softly.

Chu Yan responded, turned and left.

After Chu Yan left, Xuan Yue also stood up and looked up at the sky.

And Chu Yan, who had left the gate of the National Teacher's Mansion, was about to go back in a carriage, but he heard a familiar cry.

"Master Chu!"

The corner of Chu Yan's mouth twitched slightly, and he followed the source of the sound, and saw that piece of brown sugar from Qingzhou again.

It's not that he doesn't dare to deal with her, it's just that Sun Yunhan's mother and his mother are friends, otherwise he wouldn't be like this.

If time could be turned back, he would definitely not go to Shenjian Villa, nor would he meet Sun Yunhan. He only blamed his mother for insisting on asking him to give something, otherwise he would not have met them.

Seeing that Chu Yan had already boarded the carriage, Sun Yunhan was extremely anxious.

"Young master Chu, we are so destined to meet in the capital, why don't you just leave when you see me, don't wait for me!" Sun Yunhan shouted.

Unfortunately, Chu Yan's carriage had already left.

Sun Yunhan also chased for a while, but Chu Yan's carriage, her carriage couldn't catch up at all.


When the servants behind Sun Yunhan heard this, they were in a bad mood.

It's true that you didn't call the male pet to attend the bedroom, but you went to the male style hall by yourself!
"Ahem, miss, we still have important things to do, why don't we do things first? Anyway, we know where Mr. Chu is, why don't we go directly to his sect?" one of the boys said.

Hearing what he said, Sun Yunhan nodded.

"You're right. After we finish our work, we will go directly to the sect where Young Master Chu is."

Sun Yunhan turned around and left, Chu Yan took a look from the carriage and heaved a sigh of relief.

"Young master, why are you so afraid of the eldest lady of Shenjian Villa? It's fine that she didn't know your identity before, but now that she knows your identity, she dares to come up to you. It's really reckless." Chu Yan's driver said.

"You don't understand. Mother said that the wife of Shenjian Villa helped her and asked me to show Sun Yunhan some face." Chu Yan sighed.

The driver shook his head, "I'm afraid that Miss Sun doesn't think so."

Chu Yan didn't speak anymore, his head was so big.

After a long time, Chu Yan lifted the curtain of the car to have a look.

"Let's go back first, and watch the five major sects and the Xunxianzong's sect competition in a few months."

I don't know who the master is talking about, but it should appear in this competition.

(End of this chapter)

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