A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 140 The Rumors Are Unbelievable

Chapter 140 The Rumors Are Unbelievable
Erni also looked behind Tian Liangcai and found that she didn't recognize him.

"Senior Sister, it's been a while." Lin Zimo quickly opened his mouth to make friends, and then quickly winked, pretending to be familiar with the other party, "I, Erni and Luoluo haven't seen you for a long time."

The visitor covered his lips with his slender hand and smiled lightly, his every frown and smile was full of indescribable charm.

"Oh, did my sister come at the wrong time? Erni girl, why are you still injured?"

Erni came out immediately. The person in front of her was Lin Luo's second words, and she called out in a low voice, "Senior Sister."

A charming voice sounded, and Tian Liang turned around.

Just looking at it made him short of breath.

"Wonderful, Senior Sister Miaoyan."

Tian Liangcai looked at Miaoyan blushing and heartbeating, not even knowing how to put his hands down.

There is no way, a stunner like Miaoyan is liked by men in the comprehension world, it can be said that more than half of the men want to be her guest of honor.

It's a pity that Miaoyan doesn't keep the door open, but in fact there is no man.

"What's going on, poor Erni got hurt, I quite like this girl." Miao Yan looked at Tian Liangcai, "Junior Brother, these two are my friends, can you give Senior Sister some face and don't do anything?" gone?"

That's right, the few of them can indeed be regarded as friends, after all, Xuanniao and the thousand-year-old purple crown tree have lived and died together.

He heard Miaoyan say so, but Tian Liangcai knew very well that Miaoyan was giving him a step down, and he said so for Yu Jianzong's sake, and it was also to let him not hold grudges. Don't do anything to these two people.

If you want to attack him according to Miaoyan's cultivation base, he can't resist at all.

"It turned out to be a good friend of the senior sister, so the junior brother naturally won't say much." Tian Liangcai blushed, retracted the sword, and opened his mouth again, "Senior sister, I will take my leave first."

"Okay, be careful." Miao Yan waved his hand.

After Tian Liangcai left, Lin Zimo helped Erni up and looked at Miaoyan with a smile.

"Senior Sister, it's good to have you, otherwise Erni and I would be miserable." Lin Zimo stuck out his tongue.

Miao Yan smiled, "It's okay, it's just a few words, don't take it to heart. Why are there only two of you, Lin Luo little girl?"

When it comes to this, Lin Zimo is speechless.

"We didn't teleport to the same area with Luo Luo, and we haven't met her after walking for a long time, and now we are looking for her. By the way, why did the senior sister come here? And according to the status of the senior sister, there should be no need to participate in the sect competition. If you participated, wouldn’t we have no chance at all.”

While talking, Lin Luo fed Erni another pill and asked her to sit down and heal her injuries.

Miaoyan looked around and smiled.

"Of course we didn't come to participate in the sect competition. We had other tasks. It wasn't just me. Chen Xin and Cheng Hao came. I followed Chen Xin before, but this little monk dumped me. That's why I just walked around casually. I didn't expect to meet you here, why did you fight with Yu Jianzong's disciples?"

Mentioning this, Lin Zimo was furious.

"We saw a spiritual herb, which was very suitable for Luo Luo, and we wanted to keep it for her. As a result, that Tian Liang suddenly appeared and said that we would exchange it with us for that spiritual herb. We didn't want to Thinking, it’s easy to find something as common as the spirit grass here, so why should he exchange it? Then, the discussion failed, and a fight broke out. Both of us are their opponents, and he wanted to grab it. Hey, it’s only our fault Poor cultivation, being bullied." Lin Zimo sighed.

"So that's how it is. The law of the jungle is an eternal truth. If you want not to be bullied, you must practice hard." Miao Yan replied with a smile.

Lin Zimo was immediately discouraged. He just didn't like to cultivate, so even at home he used a lot of resources for cultivation, and his cultivation was still the same.

However, since they met Miaoyan here, can they hug their thighs first?
"Senior sister, where are you going? That is, can we follow you until we find Luo Luo?"

Miaoyan raised his eyebrows, suddenly laughed, and approached Lin Zimo.

"Senior Sister does have a mission, but it won't affect you if I take you along. But, Senior Sister's reputation is not good. If you join me, everyone in the Zongmen Tournament will see it. At that time, don't worry about what will be rumored Did you say something bad to you?"

"Well, Senior Sister, don't worry about it. Luo Luo said that rumors cannot be fully believed. We have to look at people carefully. Rumors are misleading, and everything has to be perceived by ourselves. The people in Wan Yao Valley are not as good as the Senior Sisters of Hehuan Sect. "Lin Zimo replied, "Not to mention, we were in Qiansheng Linhai at that time, and I also saw what those people in Wanyao Valley did."

After meeting Qiansheng Linhai and encountering Miaoyan, Lin Zimo asked Lin Luo on the way back.

That's what Lin Luo said at that time.

Miao Yan had been smiling all the time, but was obviously taken aback after hearing Lin Zimo's words.

She had heard too many malicious words against her, including disciples of the Hehuan Sect, but this was the first time she heard someone say that the rumors could not be trusted.

That's right, Lin Luo didn't show any disdain when she knew they were members of the Hehuan Sect.

"All right, you all follow me until you find Lin Luo." Miao Yan laughed again, "However, you have to keep everything I do secret, understand?"

"Understood, thank you, Senior Sister." Lin Zimo said with a smile.

After a rest, Miaoyan took Lin Zimo and Erni to walk together. Miaoyan found Lin Zimo interesting and had a good chat with her.

Erni seldom said anything, unless she was asked about it with witty words.

Compared with Lin Luo's actions alone, Lin Zimo's three-person journey was much more lively.

After the fur ball entered the contract space, Lin Luo started to walk alone.

Originally, she came to Yunwu Mountain to find resources. Naturally, she wanted to find spiritual grass to cultivate, so she needed to spend more resources.

There are towering trees everywhere in Yunwu Mountain, Lin Luo took a branch in his hand and beat the grass as he walked.

This is Lin Luo's habit. Even after becoming a monk, she is still afraid of snakes.

After walking for five days, Lin Luo met some people from other sects, but still did not see the disciples of Xunxianzong, let alone Lin Zimo and Erni.

Lin Luo couldn't help feeling a little worried, not knowing what was going on with the two of them now.

As for Lin Wenxuan, she was not so worried, after all, his cultivation level was higher than theirs.

It was getting late, Lin Luo planned to find a place to take a rest, light a fire and roast some game to eat.

Suddenly, the sound of fur ball came into my head.

"Luo Luo, hurry up, there are good things, go to the right."

Hearing the excited voice of Fuqiu, Lin Luo knew that it must be needed very much, otherwise it would not have such a big reaction.

Thinking of this, Lin Luo raised her foot and walked in the direction Mao Qiu said.

(End of this chapter)

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