Chapter 144

There were several elders standing in front of the Xuanguang mirror, they stared at a certain side of the Xuanguang mirror with their eyes wide open, the elders seldom left, everyone was watching the situation of the disciples in Yunwu Mountain.

At this moment, a disciple suddenly walked in and reported to the elders.

"I would like to report to all the elders that Zixiao Sect has arrived."

Hearing this, all the elders widened their eyes and looked at each other.

"Why would people from Zixiao Sect come?" The elder of Wan Yao Valley frowned, "Could it be that they are also interested in the competition of our several sects?"

"Let's not talk about that, the Zixiao Sect's people are here, let's welcome them in first." Liu Yi said.

The other elders also came to their senses and nodded.

Indeed, Zixiaozong, as one of the three top powers in the Qingxuan Continent except for the Ice Region, faintly overwhelmed the other two powers. Naturally, these powers couldn't match them.

The five major sects and Xunxianzong said that they were weaker than those few, but in fact they were far apart.

Take the monks of Jindan stage and Nascent Soul stage as an example, the top forces add up to dozens or hundreds of people, unlike their sects, which only have a dozen or so people.

All the elders waited at the same place, they thought they were ordinary disciples of Zixiao Sect, maybe they were just passing on a message, but after seeing this outstanding young man in front of them, they were all a little dumbfounded.

This young man did not wear Zixiaozong's clothes, but the people behind him were all wearing Zixiaozong's clothes, including two old men, who had extraordinary demeanor from top to bottom, and it was obvious at a glance that they were definitely not ordinary people.

Before the elders could speak, the young man bowed his hands and saluted.

"Chu Yan has seen the seniors."

"Chu Yan?" Several elders exclaimed.

It's Chu Yan!
The elders stared straight at Chu Yan, as if they wanted to see something from him.

Unfortunately, nothing can be seen.

"Is that the young master Chu Yan and Chu I thought of?" asked the elder of Yu Jianzong.

Chu Yan smiled slightly, "Zixiaozong should have only one Chu Yan, the junior. If the elders want to know if it is Chu Yuan's son, then it should be me. The two behind me are the elders of our Zixiaozong, They are here to protect my safety."

If he hadn't encountered a monster on the [-]th day and was rescued by Lin Luo, Chu Yuan would not have arranged for an elder to protect Chu Yan.

The person who arranged for those monsters to attack him probably thought that the low-level monsters would not be easy to find out, but he didn't expect Chu Yan to investigate clearly and catch the person who arranged the monsters.

Although the person behind was not implicated, it also reminded Chu Yuan.

From that time on, the two elders of Zixiao Sect have been by Chu Yan's side all the time.

"I don't know why Mr. Chu came here today? Or is there any advice from Zixiaozong?" Another elder of Lingyun Pavilion asked.

The two elders of the Hehuan Sect stood aside silently, did not speak, and neither of them had contact with other elders. After all, the reputation of the Hehuan Sect was not very good, and they knew it very well.

As for the other elders, after hearing what the elder of Lingyun Pavilion said, they all set their eyes on Chu Yan.

Chu Yan smiled slightly, "You guys are overthinking. The junior senior came here today, just following the arrangement of the master to find someone. This person is very important to my master."

"So that's the case, who is Mr. Chu looking for? Which sect is it from?" Liu Yi asked.

"Master didn't say it clearly, he just said that there is a monster beside this person." Chu Yan replied.

The elder of Wan Yao Valley changed his expression, "Since Mr. Chu doesn't know who it is, you might as well take a look first. But it seems that except for our disciples in Wan Yao Valley, no one seems to have monsters around them."

This is true, among so many disciples, it seems that only the disciples from the Ten Thousand Monsters Valley have monsters with them.

In fact, Chu Yan also guessed in his heart whether he might be a disciple of Wan Yao Valley, but he didn't see it now, so he couldn't be sure.

It seems that it should be no problem to focus on the disciples of Wan Yao Valley.

"The junior will take a look first." Chu Yan replied.

The elders nodded and said no more.

Liu Yi glanced at Elder Xiao, winked at him, and then turned and left.

Elder Xiao understood what Liu Yi meant and followed him out.

It was only when there was no one outside that Elder Xiao opened his mouth with a puzzled expression.

"Brother, why did you ask me to come out?"

Liu Yi glanced indistinctly at the direction of the room where the Xuanguang mirrors were located, and lowered his voice to speak softly.

"Chu Yan, do you know? The only son of Chu Yuan, the suzerain of the Zixiao sect, and the future suzerain of the Zixiao sect, but he has miscellaneous spiritual roots and cannot cultivate. It is said that he is a useless person and he will not live long. Later, he worshiped Xuanyue Guoshi As a teacher, I heard that he is recuperating his body, but he still hasn't cultivated."

"The rumor is so, he should be that Chu Yan." Elder Xiao nodded, "But, brother, why are you paying attention to Chu Yan? He can't practice at all, and he is here just to find a Xuanyue Guoshi. People who are not involved should have little impact on our competition."

Liu Yi had a helpless look on his face, "Aren't you worried about what Chu Yan will do when he finds this person? Should he bring him back to the Zixiao Sect to accept his disciples, or hand it over to Master Xuanyue?"

Hearing this, Elder Xiao finally realized that something was wrong in his heart just now.

It stands to reason that Zixiao Sect, as one of the top forces, has never intersected with second-rate sects like them.

But now, why did he choose to reveal his identity to find this person?
"Brother, do you mean that this matter is not simple?" Elder Xiao quickly realized.

Liu Yi nodded, "In any case, we have to be careful. You go back and tell the Great Elder that we'd better not expose our talented disciples. The purpose of Chu Yan's visit this time is not pure, and the one involved is Master Xuanyue. We Be careful. Since their eyes are on the disciples of the Ten Thousand Monsters Valley, this is a good thing for us."

"Okay, I understand, thank you brother."

Elder Xiao turned around and left after speaking, leaving Liu Yi alone.

Seeing that Elder Xiao's back had already entered the room, Liu Yi sighed.

"Brother Xiao, don't blame me."

After saying that, Liu Yi shook his head and turned back.

The people in Yunwu Mountain didn't know that another person was added to observe them now, and the situation in Yunwu Mountain was a bit chaotic.

The disciples of Xunxianzong and Wanyao Valley seem to be at odds, and people on both sides are fighting openly and secretly.

And the woman from Hehuanzong seems to have something to do with Yujianzong. Anyway, it seems that she can't deal with it, but it's strange to fight together when encountering a monster.

As for the little monk of Fulong Temple, he and the disciples of Lingyun Pavilion seem to be much calmer, without any grudges, probably the ones who are most serious about looking for Dragon Blood Nine Yezhi.

In the entire Yunwu Mountain, only these two parties worked hard to find things.

(End of this chapter)

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