A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 150 Lingyun Pavilion Chief Disciple

Chapter 150 Lingyun Pavilion Chief Disciple
Lin Luo's words not only silenced Chen Xin, but also silenced the elders outside Xuanguang Mirror.

If the third elder of Xunxianzong was here, he would definitely say that Lin Luo is a prodigal son, so wasteful.

Master Chang Jing also had a very complicated heart. After all, he was the one who came to negotiate with Xunxianzong, hoping to get lava rocks, but at that time Xunxianzong directly refused, even if he offered to exchange Bodhi fruit.

But no matter what, Master Chang Jing was very happy that Chen Xin could get the lava stone.

Although Chen Xin's cultivation is in the Golden Core Realm, she has not yet entered the Nascent Soul, a large part of which is due to her incomplete soul.

If the lava stone can repair Chen Xin's soul, then his cultivation level will also increase accordingly.

From this point of view, Fulong Temple owed a lot to that little girl named Lin Luo of Xunxianzong.

As for why not owe Xun Xianzong?
Wasn't it because Xunxianzong refused righteously back then, but now Lin Luo gave the lava stone to Chenxin.

All the elders in front of the Xuanguang mirror were silent, no one spoke again, and their eyes were always on the Xuanguang mirror.

In fact, Lin Luo didn't think there was anything wasted. No matter how precious lava rocks are, they are not as important as friends.

Now Chen Xin has become her friend, and she didn't give him everything, so naturally she doesn't care.

As she said, since Chen Xin is used to repair the soul, it must be as much as possible, so that the success rate will be higher.

"But, this is too much." Chen Xin murmured.

Lin Luo chuckled, "Not much, and I don't need it anymore, just accept it if you are a friend."

Maybe Lin Luo didn't even realize it, she never regarded the boy in front of her as older than her, but as her younger brother.

For now, Lin Wenxuan is the only one. She can't be a younger brother, she can only be an older brother.

Others, as long as they are younger than her actual age, she thinks they are younger brothers.

After finishing speaking, Lin Luo seemed to have thought of something, she approached Chen Xin again, and whispered something.

"I don't know what you are talking about. I have to see it to know what it is." Chen Xin paused, "I will accept the lava stone, and then I will bring you some bodhi fruits. Bodhi fruits can purify Inner demons, no matter whether you are cultivating spiritual power or spiritual power, as your cultivation level grows, you will generally have inner demons. With Bodhi Fruit, you don’t have to worry about inner demons causing troubles and affecting your cultivation.” Chen Xin replied.

If you really want to say it, the value of bodhi fruit is higher than that of lava stone.

However, Fulong Temple has a bodhi fruit tree that is tens of thousands of years old, so there are some bodhi fruits, and the number is not too small.

Lin Luo thought for a while, even if she didn't need it, she could give it to Lin Wenxuan and Erni, and Lin Zimo could give it if she needed it, and then nodded.

"Okay, then it's settled."

Chen Xin put away the lava stone, he hasn't used it so quickly yet.

It is not so easy to repair the gap in the soul of the Jindan cultivator. At least the master and the elders from the Yuanying stage of Fulong Temple will be needed to help him when he goes back, and he must prepare a lot of treasures.

After the break, the group of four started to move forward again.

Not long after, the four of them arrived at a mountain depression, and there seemed to be two women in the mountain depression.

Originally, Lin Luo didn't intend to be troublesome, but after seeing one of the women, she took Chen Xin and the two sisters from the Shen family to hide.

"Lin Luo, why should we hide? Isn't that woman the number one beauty in our Xunxianzong, Lin Qingyan who is known as Fairy Bailian? Since she is our person, we should go and say hello." Shen Qiuyu was a little puzzled .

Shen Qiuhe also looked at Lin Luo, wondering why she reacted this way, aren't they all from the Lin family, why didn't she go over?
Lin Luo had a gossipy face, "The other one is someone from Lingyun Pavilion, right? I think the two of them seem to be confronting each other, let's hurry up and watch the excitement. As for Lin Qingyan, don't worry, I'm not familiar with her."

"Then who do you think will win if there is a fight?" Shen Qiuhe asked in a low voice.

Hearing this, Lin Luo turned to look at Chen Xin.

"Little monk, let me ask you, the chief disciples of your five major sects, and those senior sisters, Cheng Hao from Wanyao Valley is in the late stage of fusion, and so is Miaoyan. You are the future abbot of Fulong Temple, born Not to mention the Golden Core Realm, but what about the chief disciples of Yujianzong and Lingyun Pavilion? What kind of cultivation? Why do the next generations of your major forces have such uneven strength? My brother's cultivation is higher than theirs, But they are still in Xunxianzong."

This question has troubled Lin Luo for a long time, and she didn't know who to ask before, and she was busy practicing and doing tasks all the time.

Now that we have met each other, and the relationship between her and Chen Xin has also become closer, it is natural to ask.

Chen Xin didn't hide anything from her, and answered Lin Luo directly.

"The so-called young masters, chiefs, or eldest disciples of the major sects are only future heirs. This is assessed in many ways, and they are not necessarily the highest in cultivation. Therefore, it is normal for the strength to vary. That Lingyun Pavilion The woman is a senior sister of Lingyun Pavilion's generation, her name is Shen Bingxin, and her cultivation is at the early stage of heartbeat." Chen Xin explained.

Lin Luo looked up, and her eyes moved from Lin Qingyan to Shen Bingxin.

To be honest, Lin Qingyan was indeed a beauty, and she was famous enough in Xunxianzong.

However, she still felt that Shen Bingxin was slightly better.

Not only is her cultivation level higher than Lin Qingyan's, but Shen Bingxin's whole person feels much more noble than Lin Qingyan's. It's about the comparison between a pheasant in a phoenix skin and a real phoenix.

Lin Luo knew that she was good-looking these days, but she also knew that she was not as beautiful as Shen Bingxin.

Shen Bingxin was about eighteen or nineteen years old, with a round oval face, dark eyeballs, snowy skin, picturesque eyebrows, she was a stunning beauty.

Moreover, Shen Bingxin was standing opposite Lin Qingyan, with a cool air on her body, which made people feel a sense of distance, but it was not disgusting.

On the contrary, it was Lin Qingyan who would give people a sense of inauthenticity.

Lin Luo nodded, and stopped talking, but stared at the two people speaking opposite.

"Senior sister Shen, I said it wasn't intentional, why is the senior sister so aggressive? Could it be that the senior sister of Lingyun Pavilion is such a narrow-minded person?" Lin Qingyan said softly.

Shen Bingxin looked worried, "Don't try to get involved with me, it's your business that you attracted a man to fall for you, it has nothing to do with me. You said you didn't do it on purpose, if I arrive in time to crush the teleportation jade for my junior sister, I'm afraid she has already died in your hands. It's just that you don't want to hand over the spirit grass to you, so you are so cruel and put people to death. It is said that you are the Bailian fairy of Xunxianzong. In my opinion, you It should be called Fairy Black Heart Lotus."

Hearing this, Lin Luo secretly gave Shen Bingxin a thumbs up.

Not bad, dare to say, this temper loves it!

(End of this chapter)

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