A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 153 We Seek Immortal Sect No Cowards!

A few more days passed by, and the end of the competition was getting closer and closer. In only three days, everyone would be teleported out of Yunwu Mountain.

Now there are only more than 100 disciples in the entire Yunwu Shangshang, and most of them have failed.

Except for the first few days when the elders liked to stay in front of the Xuanguang mirror, they rested in their own rooms for the rest of the time.

But seeing that there were only three days left, the elders gathered together in front of the Xuanguang mirror again.

"Do you guys already have candidates for disciples? Those who were mixed into the Hall of Nine Demons in this competition, the casualties of the disciples are not small. Fortunately, there are disciples with advanced cultivation bases from various sects mixed in, otherwise it may be dangerous." Already." The Great Elder looked at the crowd and said.

The elders also nodded, indicating that this is the reason.

"We have already prepared the list, and we will hand it over to the Great Elder at that time, and I will ask the Great Elder to worry about it then." Liu Yi said.

The Great Elder responded with a smile, "We are also happy for the disciples who are able to go to the five major sects. Naturally, we will not block their way."

The sect contest is actually used to test the talent and character of the disciples. People from the five major sects will choose their favorite disciples to bring back to the sect. Generally, such disciples can directly worship the mountain. All of them have received more attention from the Zongmen.

People from the five major sects will use jade slips to write down the list of disciples they want, and then hand it over to the elders of Xunxianzong.

The elders of Xunxianzong checked and took the person back, and then asked the other party to pack up their things, and then sent them to the corresponding sect with monsters.

If two or more of the five major sects choose a disciple, then that disciple will conduct a counter-election to see which sect the disciple is willing to stay in.

Now the list of elders has been prepared, but some changes can still be made in the last three days.

Therefore, in the last three days, everyone paid more attention to the performance of the disciples in Xuanguang Mirror.

"You guys are talking about what is going on with the disciples of Wan Yao Valley and Xun Xianzong, why are they still robbing each other now, the time is coming, and now few people have found Longxin Jiuyezhi, and none of them will be able to complete it by then Mission." The elder of Hehuan Zongzong asked.

It is also rare for her to come to the Xuanguang Mirror to watch the performance of the disciples, and she came today thinking that there are still three days left.

Regarding these words, the elders were actually quite puzzled.

The disciples of other sects are relatively safe, but the disciples from the Ten Thousand Monsters Valley and the Xunxianzong are on the fence, and the two sides are like gunpowder, and they will explode at the slightest touch.

"Hey? Look at the mysterious light mirror. The disciples of the Xunxianzong met the disciples of the Wanyao Valley again, and he is still the young master of the Wanyao Valley. But this time, the disciples of the Xunxianzong also have the disciple of the Hehuanzong Miaoyan , I don’t know which side is stronger.” An elder said.

Everyone looked at it and couldn't help wanting to touch their foreheads.

By fate, the disciples of Wan Yao Valley met the disciples of Xunxianzong again.

The faces of Erni and Lin Luo were clearly printed in the Xuanguang mirror. Standing opposite them were the disciples of Wan Yao Valley, led by Cheng Hao.

"How is Junior Sister?" Cheng Hao asked with a smile.

Miao Yan had a smile on his face, "It's not so good recently. After all, I have a mission. It's really hard to fight and kill every day. But senior brother, we have missions. You follow your fellow apprentices. Didn’t complete the task that the elders entrusted to us? Could it be that you are still helping your juniors to find the Dragon Heart Nine Yeats? That’s not okay, this is cheating. After all, the disciple who got that thing is rewarded of."

Cheng Hao was dazzled by Miaoyan's smile, and took a few deep breaths before he calmed down.

"Junior sister is too worried. I just happened to meet my juniors. I just heard that our disciples from Wanyao Valley and the disciples of Xunxianzong have some quarrels. But junior sister, please rest assured that as long as junior sister doesn't make a move, I won't make a move either." , just let them experience it." Cheng Hao replied.

Lin Zimo rolled his eyes, "Fellow Daoist, you said that Senior Sister Miaoyan didn't want to make a move, but you didn't. You just saw that besides Senior Sister Miaoyan, there are only three disciples in Xunxianzong. And you Wan Yao Gu, besides you, there are five other disciples, that's why I said that. Indeed, Erni, I, and Zhong Min are not your opponents, but we can also crush the teleportation jade, and we won't rob you of resources Opportunity."

Damn it, these people know that persimmons are soft.

Zhong Min only joined Lin Zimo's side a few days ago and acted with them. At that time, Zhong Min was injured by the disciples of Wan Yao Valley, so she also had no good looks towards the disciples of Wan Yao Valley.

"It's really shameful of you to bully us by relying on your cultivation." Zhong Min snorted coldly.

Cheng Hao smiled slightly, "This junior sister doesn't have to be like this. In Yunwu Mountain, they are robbing each other for resources. As long as no one is killed, it's not a big deal. That little girl in the Guizong sect didn't just rely on the cultivation of the two seal talisman masters to rob us. The resources of the disciples of the Ten Thousand Monsters Valley? She is also very powerful, and she actually stripped all the clothes of our Ten Thousand Monsters Valley disciples, making us lose face."

At the end, the smile on Cheng Hao's face disappeared completely.

Lin Zimo was stunned for some reason, but he always felt that the person Cheng Hao mentioned might be someone he knew.

It's just that it's true or false to directly pick up other people's clothes?
Thinking of this, Lin Zimo took a step back, approached Erni and asked in a low voice.

"Erni, Luoluo wouldn't be so courageous, would she?"

"Even if she did it, it was the people from Wan Yao Valley who provoked Luo Luo first, otherwise why didn't people from other sects bother us?" Erni replied.

Anyway, no matter what others said, she believed that Lin Luo would not do this for no reason.

Lin Zimo nodded, "That's the reason, we should be on Luo Luo's side."

"Stop talking nonsense, fight if you want, we have no cowards in Xunxianzong!" Zhong Min rushed out directly.

Er Ni followed closely behind, only Lin Zimo flinched slightly, but in the end he gritted his teeth and followed to fight with the people from Wan Yao Valley.

Unfortunately, even if Lin Zimo summoned up the courage to fight with the disciples of Wan Yao Valley, he was still no match for them.

In almost a quarter of an hour, Lin Zimo and Zhong Min were knocked down to the ground.

As for Er Ni, she also relied on her infinite strength and Duan Yan Sui Feng Po to fight against her opponent, but she also lost the wind.

Miao Yan had a smile on his face, but he had already quietly started to use his spiritual power.

Anyway, they are also friends who have been together for so many days. She can't just watch the three of them being bullied by the people of Wan Yao Valley, let alone the Hehuan Sect and Wan Yao Valley.

Just when Miaoyan was about to make a move, Cheng Hao smiled and took a step forward.

Evidently, he had been watching Miu Yan's movements.

Miaoyan bit her lip, what should I do?

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