A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 160 Surprised Bone Dragon Appearance

Everyone didn't open their mouths to speak, they all concentrated on walking behind Lin Luo, their eyes still looking around.

Finally, Lin Luo stopped.

Seeing Lin Luo stop, everyone looked forward.

Well, it looks like there is nothing, but it makes people feel weird, as if the front is shrouded in some fog.

"Lin Luo, there seems to be something wrong in front." Shen Qiuhe said.

"It's like a small barrier." Chen Xin said suddenly.


Either it is man-made, or it is generated by too much spiritual power.

No matter what kind of enchantment it is, it must be treated with care.

"Luo Luo, it's inside, the dragon's blood Jiuyezhi is inside." Mao Qiu's voice also came.

Lin Luo breathed a sigh of relief, knowing that she had found the right place, she nodded.

"Everyone, run your spiritual power well. There may be something in the fog ahead. Let's be careful, get closer, and go in and have a look."

"Okay." Everyone agreed.

Everyone is on guard for any danger ahead.

But when everyone stepped in, they found something was wrong.

I saw a huge pit in front of them, almost the size of the square of Xunxianzong, with a depth of about two meters. They safely passed through a layer of something like an enchantment, and this big pit appeared in front of everyone. before.

In the pit, there are dozens of huge skeletons, already glowing white, and it looks like it has been there for an unknown number of years.

Those who entered the enchantment all looked at the huge skeletons in the pit. These skeletons were full of brilliance. Obviously, they were not weak monsters who died here, or were sent here after death.

However, judging from the size of the skeleton, it should be that the monsters died in this place. Ordinary people probably have no way to transport so many huge monsters here.

If the monsters are restored, it is estimated that there are more than ten meters and twenty meters.

Xuan Guangjing's picture of Lin Luo and the others disappeared, as if blocked by the barrier just now, the elders stared wide-eyed and couldn't see anything.

But Lin Luo didn't know anything about it.

"These monsters were very strong in life, and" Chen Xin hesitated to speak.

Lin Luo grasped the point, "And what?"

"Lin Luo, look, are those the Dragon Heart Nine Yezhi!" Shen Qiuyu roared in surprise.

"Yes, it must be. It is the same as what was described before." Zeng Tingting also said.

On the white skeleton, there is a spiritual herb under almost every skeleton, which is the Dragon Heart Nine Yeats, and all of them are three-leaf, that is, 300 years old.

From this point of view, these monsters should have died at about the same time, about 300 years ago.

Except for Lin Luo and Chen Xin, everyone else became excited. Fortunately, An resisted the impulse and went directly to pick the dragon's blood Jiuyezhi.

Chen Xin looked at Lin Luo, "And these monsters are related to dragons. I don't know how many years have passed, but I can still feel a strong aura."

In other words, Dragon Blood Nine Yeats is not as easy to capture as imagined.

Lin Luo had already heard what Chen Xin meant, and she frowned slightly.

"Don't act in a hurry, I'll go find out the truth."

After speaking, Lin Luo jumped down directly.

It was too late for them to stop them, they could only watch Lin Luo jump down, they didn't misunderstand, they felt that Lin Luo did it on purpose, and wanted to get the resources first.

In fact, several people knew very well in their hearts that Lin Luo was acting as a vanguard for them to see if there was any danger.

When Lin Luo entered the pit, she had already used her mental power to perceive the situation in the pit.

There was indeed a powerful wave of spiritual power coming from the pit, and Lin Luo had a bad premonition in his heart.

Suddenly, the white skeletons trembled, and Qi Qi flew towards the biggest skeleton in the middle.

Lin Luo was worried about Dragon Blood Nine Yeats, fearing that the vibration of those skeletons would shatter Dragon Blood Nine Yeats, but he didn't want the dozen or so plants of Dragon Blood Nine Yeats to be fine and not at all affected by the abnormal movement of the skeleton.

"Lin Luo, come back quickly, these monsters still have consciousness left, now they gather together and will attack the intruders." Chen Xin reminded.

As if to verify Chen Xin's words, all the skeletons came together to form an even bigger monster.

However, when gathered together, it seems that the skeletons of each monster have shrunk, and more than a dozen skeletons have been pieced together to about 30 meters.

This monster made of bones is similar to the dinosaur fossils that Lin Luo saw in modern dinosaur museums. She even felt that what she saw in front of her was a dinosaur fossil.

The only difference was that the eye sockets of the dinosaur fossils in front of them emitted a scarlet light.

After a few breaths, Lin Luo found that it could still move.

"Everyone, don't do anything to it. This bone dragon is very powerful, stronger than all the monsters we have encountered before. Little monk, you and I can clamp it together. Others wait for the opportunity, wait for me and the little monk When we started, the bone dragon came to deal with us, so we hurried to pick the dragon blood Jiuyezhi, and then went to the pit to wait for us." Lin Luo said the plan directly.

I don't know why, although Lin Luo is the youngest one, but everyone still listened to her arrangement unanimously.

Perhaps, it was her words that made people feel at ease.

Everyone started to move together, Chen Xin jumped slightly, and his whole body was suspended in front of Bone Dragon.

Lin Luo also took out her own White Feather Sword, exchanged a glance with Chen Xin, and started to strike directly.

The other four people also seized the time and quickly fell into the pit, but they didn't attack the Dragon Blood Jiu Yezhi immediately. After all, the bone dragon hadn't made a move yet, and they didn't find a gap.

Fortunately, when Lin Luo and Chen Xin shot at the same time, Bone Dragon also made a move.


The bone dragon was able to make a sound, which seemed to be a kind of anger, annoyed that his chassis was stepped into by others.

Breathing out a breath from the bone dragon's mouth, the person who fell into the pit just now was blown up and down. Even the dust heart in mid-air was shaking a little. Lin Luo could only stab the ground with the white feather sword desperately, to fix your body.

"What's going on?" Lin Luo was sweating profusely.

Strong, the opponent is really too strong, she has no room to fight back.

"I'm not sure, hurry up and pick the dragon's blood Nine Yeats, and leave this place immediately, we are not opponents." Chen Xin said.

If even Chen Xin, a cultivator at the golden core stage, couldn't directly smash the bone dragon, Lin Luo would be no match.

From crossing over to now, this bone dragon is definitely a mountain that Lin Luo cannot climb over, and perhaps a monk in the Nascent Soul stage may not be able to completely defeat it.

if it can be
Forget it, don't go looking for death, the most important thing is to go back safely, I guess this thing doesn't have too much wisdom.

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