A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 163 A Private Talk with the Great Elder

Lin Wenxuan recognized Chu Yan, he already knew the name Chu Yan.

As for Erni, she looked dazed, she didn't take Chu Yan seriously at all at first, Lin Luo finally said the other person's name, but in the end she still couldn't remember where she met this person.

"I still have something to do to find Chen Xin from Fulong Temple. If we have a chance, let's take it easy and say goodbye." Chu Yan nodded slightly.

Lin Luo also agreed, and didn't expect to say goodbye to Chu Yan at first.

But having said that, he is really good-looking, and those little fresh meats in modern times can't compare to him.

When Chu Yan left, Lin Wenxuan frowned and looked at Lin Luo.

"Sister, leave him alone and avoid contact with him. Their Zixiao Sect is not so peaceful, and they are full of intrigue everywhere. Maybe when we met him, he was chased by monsters because of the internal affairs of the Zixiao Sect. The reason." Lin Wenxuan reminded Lin Luo.

Lin Luo nodded, "I see, brother, let's go find the Great Elder and Elder Xiao quickly."

She didn't know it before, but the person who appeared on the night of the day she entered Xun Xianzong was actually the Great Elder, and she only found out on the day she came to Yunwu Mountain from Xun Xianzong.

From this point of view, the Great Elder knew very well about her cultivation of spiritual power.

It's just that Lin Luo didn't talk to the Great Elder since he recognized him, lest someone with a heart should see him and give the Great Elder a bad reputation.

"You are all here." The Great Elder chuckled, "If there is no problem, let's go back quickly."

While speaking, the Great Elder looked at Lin Luo, hesitant to speak.

Lin Luo obviously also saw that the Great Elder seemed to want to talk to her, but there are still many people around now, so it's better to go back to Xunxianzong to talk.

People began to leave one after another at the foot of Yunwu Mountain, and the two elders of Xunxianzong also took their disciples along.

And Lin Luo knew that the Great Elder had something to say to her, so he deliberately walked at the end of the team.

The Great Elder smiled, and deliberately separated from Elder Xiao, and the two of them protected more than a dozen disciples one after the other.

When the great elder came to Lin Luo's side, he waved his right hand, and a thin light enveloped the two of them, but it did not attract the attention of the people in front.

However, Lin Qingyan, who was walking beside Elder Xiao at the front, changed her expression, a flash of understanding flashed in her eyes, but she remained calm.

"Lin Luo, you can speak with confidence now, they won't be able to hear you within my barrier."

Lin Luo smiled slightly, and explained why she didn't recognize the Great Elder last time.

"Great Elder, did you also use the Xuanguang Mirror to see the performance of the disciple on the day when the disciple entered the sect? That's why the Great Elder came to the disciple's courtyard that night? Originally, the disciple was here on the day you brought us out. I should recognize you, but there were too many people at that time, so the disciple didn't come to talk to you."

The Great Elder also had a smile on his face, and now he looked much more amiable than before.

When he brought his disciples out before, the Great Elder's face was a little serious, which is partly the reason why Lin Luo didn't come to talk with him.

"It's okay, I didn't come to you with any fanfare in the first place, so naturally I didn't plan to make a public announcement at this time." The elder said, stroked his beard, and looked at Lin Luo, "You know, you have dealt with Hu Ling'er this time, Hu Ling'er The elders will not let you go? The Second Elder was protecting you during the Grand Competition in the outer court, and then you entered the Buddha Pagoda. Elder Hu couldn’t do anything to you. This time, you abolished Hu Ling’er’s cultivation and let her go again. You can't cultivate, Elder Hu may want to kill you directly to vent his anger."

"Great Elder, this disciple has already thought of all the possibilities when he was doing this. I know that Elder Hu and his disciple will never die, and I don't think that he will turn the fight into friendship with the disciple. Since no matter what he does, he will not I would let my disciple go, so why should I wrong myself? This is the first time I am a human being, everyone has seen what Hu Linger did, so why should the disciple wrong me to fulfill her? Could it be that I just watched my brother die at the hands of Hu Linger? Is it best to ignore it?" Lin Luo said lightly.

No matter what she said, she would never regret abolishing Hu Ling'er.

There is no point in killing her. What Hu Linger cares most about is her own cultivation, so Lin Luo just wants Hu Linger to live a life worse than death, so that she will not be able to practice in this life.

The Great Elder smiled and shook his head, "It doesn't matter whether you are right or wrong, the important thing is that you have to face Elder Hu's calculations when you go back. Hu Ling'er has been sent back to the sect, and Elder Hu knows everything now, maybe he will It is entirely possible to wait for you at the gate of the sect and invite you to the stage of life and death."

Elder Hu is narrow-minded, holds grudges, and is even more shameless. Even if he asks his disciples to go to the stage of life and death, he can do it. If it is not because of him...they will not let him go and condone his actions.

"If you fight, you will fight. Although I don't want to show off, my disciples are bullying me, so I won't be a coward." Lin Luohan said.

The Great Elder suddenly laughed, seeing that Lin Luo was also puzzled.

"You girl, I like this temperament, and I appreciate it very much. Don't worry, Elder Hu probably has no chance. This five major sect competition is a complete success. According to the rules, I will tell you after I go back, but I I can tell you in advance. Your name has been written down by Yujianzong, Wanyaogu, Hehuanzong, Lingyun Pavilion, and now you can think about which sect to go to."

Having said that, the Great Elder sighed.

Originally thought that Lin Luo could stay in Xunxianzong for three years, and would be selected in the next five major sect competitions.

Who would have thought that this time the competition of the five major sects changed the rules to allow all the disciples to participate, so Lin Luo's talent would naturally be hidden, and it was reasonable to be favored by the four major sects this time.

As for Fulong Temple, there is no way, Lin Luo is a woman, they will not choose Lin Luo.

Although the world of cultivating immortals is not so strong against men and women, it is really impossible to justify a female disciple in a temple.

Lin Luo was slightly taken aback when she heard the words, but she did not expect that she would be selected by all four sects.

But the Ten Thousand Monsters Valley's choice of her may have impure motives.

"Grand Elder, this disciple will think about it carefully, but I don't know if my brother has been selected by Yu Jianzong?" Lin Luo asked.

The Great Elder paused, thinking that since Lin Luo had already been told about her, it would be okay to tell about Lin Wenxuan by the way.

"Yes, your eldest brother was not only selected by Yu Jianzong, but also Lingyun Pavilion."

They knew about Lin Wenxuan a long time ago, and they also knew that this was his last year in Xunxianzong. After all, his talent was extraordinary, and it was normal for him to be selected by the five major sects.

To be honest, Lin Wenxuan was more talented than Lin Qingyan.

It's a pity, Lin Wenxuan is a man, and he is also a wind spirit root, otherwise I am afraid that the ice field will also be moved.

As for Lin Luo, I don't know if the people in Bingyu would like it?

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