As Liu Yi finished speaking, he stretched out his hand and pinched the back of Lin Luo's neck.

Before Lin Luo could react, she had already been lifted by Liu Yi and landed not far away, putting a distance from everyone.

At this moment, a blue bird appeared out of thin air, and Liu Yi took Lin Luo to step on the bird's back.

"This is my monster Qingluan bird, but it's not the real Qingluan, its blood has been diluted a lot. However, if it's used for the journey, there is still time. I can guarantee that the elders of Xunxianzong will not be able to catch me." Liu Yi smiled and said.

Lin Luo's mind was full of black lines, Liu Yi, who was still fine just now, actually started to grab.

Really, it was too surprising.

"Liu Yi! What on earth are you trying to do? Why are you robbing our disciples!" Elder Xiao yelled.

At this moment, he is not called other people's elder brother, but directly changed to his name. If he is robbing his disciples in front of him, Elder Xiao will have a ghost if he is not angry.

"Okay, you guys go back, I'll take you away. Wait until the girl is willing to be my apprentice, and I'll let her come back to see you." Liu Yi said.

After finishing speaking, the blue luan raised its head to the sky and let out a long cry, and flew away with Lin Luo and Liu Yi on its back.

Elder Xiao cursed a few times, feeling extremely helpless, but he also knew that Lin Luo would not be in danger. In fact, he knew very well that it would be better if Lin Luo was taken away by Liu Yi, at least he would not have to face Elder Hu when he went back.

Moreover, Liu Yi's evaluation is very good, I believe that Lin Luo will not suffer a bit from being his apprentice.

The Great Elder kept silent all this time, maybe he thought so in his heart.

"Great Elder, Elder Xiao, will Luo Luo be okay?" Lin Wenxuan was very worried.

Lin Zimo and Erni also looked at the direction where Lin Luo left and remained silent. They could tell that Liu Yi really wanted Lin Luo to be his apprentice. It would be better for Lin Luo to follow Elder Liu Yi, at least he didn't have to go back to face the Lin family and Elder Hu.

Still, there are concerns.

"Don't worry, Liu Yi's character can still be trusted. He is not that kind of person. He will come to snatch Lin Luo, probably because he knows that Lin Luo's name is written in four sects, and he is worried that Lin Luo will be snatched away." The Great Elder comforted, "And it's safer to go to Lingyun Pavilion than to go back to Xianzong, isn't it?"

Not really consolation, in fact it might be.

Lin Wenxuan sighed, knowing that Lin Luo was fine.

"Then let's go back quickly." Elder Xiao took the words.

Lin Qingyan turned around first, her nails had already sunk deeply into her palm.

She is obviously the number one beauty in the Immortal Seeking Sect, the No. 1 talent of the Lin family, why did Lin Wenxuan suppress her, and now there is an extra Lin Luo?
Did the brothers and sisters have a grudge against her in their previous life?
Why do you have to have trouble with her!
After the people from Xunxianzong left, two women flashed on the spot, one tall and one short, both wearing white dresses.

"Elder Ning, Lin Luo has already left, should we follow?" a woman in Gao asked.

The two of them are good looking, the short woman is only as tall as the tall woman's chest, but looks much older than the tall woman.

If Lin Luo was watching here, she would probably call Tianshan Child Elder.

Yes, the short one is similar to the Tianshan Child Elder Lin Luo saw in her last life.

Of course it's not about her appearance, but about her overall state. She has white hair, but she looks like a young man.

"You are already a two-seal talisman master at a young age, and you have only been practicing for a year. We have found out all of this. Isn't it a pity for us to give up on her with such a talent? Even if she has no spiritual roots, You can also earn money, I don’t think she will stop here. It’s rare to meet such a person, Lu Liu, you continue to hide in the Xunxianzong and follow the Lin family, and pay attention to whether there is any news about Lin Zhanhong. I guess he was probably I have come into contact with the enchantment, but I just don’t know where it is. Leave Lin Luo’s matter to me, and I will find time to meet her.”

The person called Luliu by Elder Ning was indeed the Luliu next to Lin Wenzhe.

"Lu Liu understands, and will definitely follow Lin Wenzhe well." Lu Liu replied.

"Very well, when I go back, I will take you with me."

After the words fell, Elder Ning disappeared in place.

Luliu took a deep breath, a trace of surprise finally hung on her indifferent face, after ten years of absence, she could finally go back.

The speed of the blue luan bird was very fast. Lin Luo sat numbly on the bird's back with a helpless expression on his face. He never thought that there would be a robbery in the world of cultivating immortals, let alone that he was the one who was robbed.

In the end, it was Liu Yi who broke the silence first.

"Little girl, you won't suffer from being my disciple, and you are my disciple of Jingsi Peak, the entire Lingyun Pavilion will give you face." Liu Yi said.

Lin Luo nodded, "The elder is right, I don't doubt this, but I still want to go back."

"What are you doing when you go back? Waiting for Elder Hu to harm you secretly? Or is the Lin family venting their anger on you? If I were you, I would stay in Lingyun Pavilion to practice directly. Since you are a fellow practitioner of spiritual power and spiritual power, you naturally know how to seek immortality. The resources that Zong can give you are incomparable to Lingyun Pavilion. You are in the outer courtyard of Xunxianzong. Although you got lava rocks and went to the Buddha Pagoda to practice for free for half a year, the disciples in the inner courtyard are not as good as your resources. But , that's all they can do, and the Elite Academy is meaningless."

Lin Luo understood what Liu Yi said.

After joining Xunxianzong for a period of time, Lin Luo already knew that the resources of each courtyard of Xunxianzong are actually similar, at most, the discounts are different.

As for those exercises and so on, Lin Luo was not very interested.

She can't eat into a big fat man in one breath. Now she has only practiced one sword in the Nine Swords of the Gods of Fighting, and stepping on the snow to find plums is just superficial, and she has no idea to learn other skills.

She also knows the Taoist exercises that she learned in her previous life, but she still feels that it is more important to cultivate spiritual power and spiritual power.

"Elder, how do you know that I have spiritual power, does everyone know?" Lin Luo frowned.

Although she was prepared in her heart before, she was still very curious when Liu Yi said it outright this time, thinking that she could hide it from these people, but she was found out by the elders on the first day of entering Xunxianzong.

Now he came to participate in the competition of the five major sects, and was known by Liu Yi of Lingyun Pavilion.

"Of course I know, but don't worry, among the elders of the five major sects, I am the only one who is Lei Lingen. If I am not Lei Lingen, I can see that you secretly drew out the spiritual power of the thunder attribute with your sword, otherwise I would I don't know. Since you are Lei Lingen, you should know that I am very suitable to be your master." Liu Yi said with a smile.

There are very few Lei Linggens, let alone monks in the Nascent Soul stage, they are even more rare.

Lin Luo fell into silence after hearing the words.

It's one thing to be snatched away by Liu Yi, but it's another thing to really worship him as a teacher.

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