A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 167 The Background of Jingsi Peak

With Li Qing's comfort, everyone's atmosphere improved a lot, and they were no longer so worried.

Just when everyone was relieved, a bird's cry sounded in the air.

Immediately, everyone saw Liu Yi standing on the blue luan bird, and a little girl standing beside him.

Since the other party was at least five or sixty meters away in the air, everyone couldn't see the other party's appearance clearly. They only knew that Liu Yi had brought someone back.

In the next moment, everyone's eyes were on Li Qing.

Didn't you say that my uncle was joking?

Now that everyone has brought them back, is it still a joke?
Li Qing's face darkened slightly, a trace of hatred flashed in his eyes, but he quickly concealed it.

"You don't need to be like this, even if you have one more apprentice, it doesn't matter. Instead of feeling sorry for yourself here, you should think about how hard you can work hard to get into the eyes of your respective masters, so as not to be squeezed out by the new disciples."

Hearing what Li Qing said, everyone nodded, it was true.

Seeing that everyone didn't dwell on what he just said, Li Qing took a deep look at Qingluanniao, said goodbye to everyone, and turned to leave.

Soon, the blue phoenix sank into Jingsi Peak.

When they reached Jingsi Peak, Qingluan stopped immediately and did not continue to go up.

Originally, Lin Luo was a little curious, mainly because she didn't quite understand why Liu Yi didn't let Qing Luanniao take them directly to the peak.

As a result, Liu Yi said that Qingluan still had something to do, so he stopped here.

There is another reason that Liu Yi didn't explain, that is, Qing Luanniao was injured before, and now carrying two people back to Lingyun Pavilion, the spiritual power in his body is running out, almost exhausted, and he can't go up again.

Jumping off the blue luan bird, Liu Yi took Lin Luo on foot. He didn't fly up with Lin Luo, hoping to familiarize himself with the way to the top.

Walking on the unremarkable mountain path, the fallen leaves covered both sides of the path, but the middle was exceptionally clean.

The path is really small, not even enough for two adults to walk side by side. Fortunately, now that Lin Luo is thin and small, he can barely walk side by side with Liu Yi.

Surrounded by trees, the shadows of the trees are whirling, and there are stains on the stone steps of the path. It doesn't look like a very good environment.

Lin Luo looked at Liu Yi suspiciously, as if asking, why is the future master's peak like this?

Liu Yi understood the doubt in Lin Luo's eyes, and was quite embarrassed, but he didn't speak.

Not long after, Liu Yi brought Lin Luo to a remote mountain peak. The mountain peak was empty and quiet, except for a simple small courtyard, there was nothing there.

Seeing Lin Luo's surprised eyes, Liu Yi rubbed his nose in embarrassment.

No matter how dilapidated the small courtyard looked, Liu Yi, who had lived in it for hundreds of years, wondered whether the dilapidated wooden house could be used for people.

"Ahem, girl, don't look at me like that. I have never paid attention to enjoyment, so I didn't ask the disciples from the outer sect to decorate Jingsi Peak for me. Well, there are four rooms on the peak, one for me and one for you. , and the remaining two rooms are for miscellaneous purposes. However, those rooms may be rather dilapidated, you can take a look first, and then I will ask the disciples of the outer court to rebuild it." Liu Yi said a little embarrassedly.

If he had known earlier that he would be able to snatch a disciple back by going out, he would definitely tidy up his yard. What if the disciple sees that appearance later and just picks him up and leaves?
Lin Luo didn't have much reaction, she had lived in even worse conditions in Liu Chunhua's house, and Liu Yi's place was much better.

"It's okay. I've lived in the village for so many years, and I've gotten used to it. Songjiagou is much worse than yours. At least here, I can practice with peace of mind. It's very quiet, and no one will think about it all the time. Kill me." Lin Luo comforted Liu Yi instead.

Liu Yi breathed a sigh of relief, but was still comforted by Lin Luo.

He thought, so the little disciple suffered so much.

After feeling relieved, Liu Yi took Lin Luo inside, introduced her to the house, and took her to see his room and Lin Luo's room.

Liu Yi's room is not very small, but all his treasures are piled up in this dilapidated wooden house, except for a small bed, there is no furniture, causing things to be piled up on the bed and in the room in a mess.

It doesn't look much different from a kennel, the only difference is probably that Liu Yi's room is full of good things.

However, Lin Luo still understood very well that an old monster like Liu Yi had been bigu for a long time, so he probably didn't care much about food and clothing, and only devoted himself to cultivation, which made the bad wooden house even more dilapidated, and the things were never combed.

Lin Luo inadvertently looked at the things on Liu Yi's bed and in the room, and was still surprised.

Sure enough, Lingyun Pavilion is not comparable to Xunxianzong.

Just these things in Liu Yi's room are comparable to the cultivation resources of a courtyard of Xunxianzong. This is due to the fact that Liu Yi has not accepted apprentices for hundreds of years.

When she arrived at her own room, Lin Luo keenly noticed a problem. There was only one bed in the room, and there was nothing else. Even the bed was tilted, and it seemed that it might die at any time.

Compared with Liu Chunhua's bed and dilapidated cabinets, this place is really hard to describe.

However, it was even more embarrassing when Lin Luo walked into the kitchen.

Why isn't there even a stove?

Your old man is bigu, but I still want to eat!
Seeing Lin Luo's eyes, Liu Yi touched his nose here, feeling more and more embarrassed.

"Well, we can go to Juling Peak for a few days to eat, and come back after the yard is repaired."

Hearing this, Lin Luo stared at Liu Yi with a complicated expression.

To be honest, Liu Yi's behavior and habits are really similar to the old man's, but the old man's cultivation level is not as good as Liu Yi's, and he doesn't get so many good things.

My own den is like a kennel, and I have to go to the peak of my senior sister or brother to eat.

I have to say that Liu Yi's operation is really 666.

"Well, elder, is it really good to go to Cengfan? Will it make other elders angry?" Lin Luo asked tentatively.

It would be really embarrassing to be kicked out directly.

"No, don't worry, my third senior sister is very nice, she will be your senior uncle in the future." Liu Yi replied.

In the end, Lin Luo could only agree to be taken by Liu Yi to Juling Peak.

On the way, Lin Luo once again wondered whether Liu Yi was really unreliable, because she was confused by his appearance. Who would have thought that the elders of Lingyun Pavilion would be like this?
At the top of Juling Peak, just as Lin Luo stood firm, a burly man walked up to him.

"Junior brother, you are back, this little girl is so handsome, who is she sending her as a disciple?" the man said with a smile.

While speaking, he stretched out his palm and patted Liu Yi's shoulder hard, making a loud noise.

Lin Luo thought to herself, if it was her body, she would probably suffer internal injuries.

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