About 13 years ago, a young man came to Tianhan Valley, he was a monk.

This cultivator belongs to casual cultivators, and his own cultivation level is not very high, but he got a book of exercises from somewhere, and he specializes in practicing with babies as a medium, which can be regarded as magic skills.

At first, the people around didn't know about it. Four or five babies were missing before they suspected this cultivator.

No one in the villages thought that the fairy who looked like a banished fairy was actually a demon, and only the Song family and other families attacked the monk and killed him in Tianhan Valley.

I thought the matter would end like this, but I didn't want to. The monk died with too much resentment, and he happened to die in a special place in Tianhan Valley.

According to Lin Luo's understanding, the place where the monk died was a geomantic treasure.

However, such a geomantic treasure land is only for evil cultivators, similar to the corpse raising land seen in the last life's handbook.

Coincidentally, in the corpse raising ground, there was also a monster that died.

The cultivator died in Tianhan Valley, and happened to encounter a corpse raising place, coupled with lingering grievances, there were corpses of monsters, so a monster was formed.

Everyone didn't know it before, but gradually discovered that the demonic aura in Tianhan Valley was a bit strong.

As long as the common stock is close to the position of Tianhan Valley, it will be killed.

Some time ago, a casual cultivator came and told Patriarch Song these words, and Patriarch Song realized that things were very troublesome.

As for the loose cultivator, he ran away after saying this, saying that he was not the opponent of the monster.

Patriarch Song was very helpless, so he had to call people from other families to deal with the demons together, but unfortunately they failed in the end.

In desperation, he thought of his friend in Lingyun Pavilion.

This is probably the case, Shen Bingxin nodded.

However, Lin Luo felt that it was a bit strange, and he had to go to see it to find out what was wrong.

If the monk died in 13 years, it shouldn't be a recent period of time to become a demon. Even if the previous cultivation level is not enough, with such unique conditions, two or three years should be enough.

Something is wrong, things are not that simple.

However, Lin Luo didn't say anything, just followed Shen Bingxin to settle down the disciples, and planned to go to see it early tomorrow morning.

"Senior Sister, let's go see it today, one more day, one more day of danger." Lin Luo said suddenly.

Shen Bingxin was taken aback for a moment, and was very happy that Lin Luo had such an idea.

"Okay, then let's go and have a look first, make sure there is no danger, and then let the disciples do it." Shen Bingxin replied.

After discussing with the other three, Lin Luo and Shen Bingxin found a disciple of the Song family and took them to Tianhan Valley.

When I arrived at Tianhan Valley, I only looked at the entrance, and there seemed to be nothing wrong.

Thousands of trees are verdant and the scenery is pleasant.

"You two girls, this is the entrance of Tianhan Valley, do I need to accompany you to enter?" the young disciple of the Song family asked.

Lin Luo waved her hand, "No, you go back first, we can go back later on our own."

"Okay, then I will leave first."

After the young disciples of the Song family left, Shen Bingxin looked sideways at Lin Luo.

"Junior Sister, do you not believe him?"

"No, I just think it's better to be careful, let's go in and have a look first." Lin Luo laughed.

It's not that she doesn't want to tell Shen Bingxin the doubts in her heart, it's just that there is no evidence at all, it seems meaningless to say it directly, groundless speculation will only make people alert, if it is true, it will also startle the snake.

The two stepped into the Tianhan Valley, and the surrounding air seemed to become heavy, as if a hole had been torn open, and they entered another world.

Looking up, the cloudless sky just now collapsed.

Shen Bingxin also looked solemn, subconsciously approaching Lin Luo.

It's not that Shen Bingxin is afraid and wants to seek protection from Lin Luo beside her, but that she has developed a habit over the years to protect her juniors and sisters.

Lin Luo is now a master of two seal symbols, so she naturally wants to protect her.

"Junior Sister, be careful." Shen Bingxin whispered.

Lin Luo nodded, "Senior sister should also be careful, it should be because of the enchantment."

Speaking of it, it is very similar to the place where Lin Luo met the Dragon Blood Nine Yezhi and Bone Dragon in Yunwu Mountain before.

This place looks a bit strange. After crossing the wilderness, the light is blocked just one step away, as if everything is shrouded in the area of ​​Tianhan Valley.

There was no sun, no stars, it was pitch black, as if something had collapsed and blocked the entire sky.

The two stopped talking and walked inside cautiously.

After walking for an unknown distance, Lin Luo suddenly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Shen Bingxin asked.

Lin Luo looked at Shen Bingxin with a strange expression.

"Senior sister, did Patriarch Song say what kind of monster that is?"

"I heard that it looks like a giant, at least five or six meters tall, and looks similar to a human being." Shen Bingxin replied.

Hearing this, Lin Luo nodded and pointed not far ahead.

"Senior sister, is it a demon?"

Shen Bingxin raised her eyes and looked. Although the surrounding area was still pitch black, it was not impossible for practitioners like them to see things. She saw a giant sitting in front of a big tree at a glance.

There was no light around, but there was a little brilliance where the big tree was.

The light penetrated from the covered sky and fell on the towering tree, thus clearly seeing the giant sitting in front of the tree.

"It must be, I'll go find out its reality." Shen Bingxin raised her sword and was about to charge forward.

Unexpectedly, Lin Luo had a sharp eye and quickly pulled her back.

Regarding Lin Luo's actions, Shen Bingxin was very puzzled, and asked her with her eyes, why did she stop her from doing it.

Lin Luo directly pulled Shen Bingxin hard, pulling him to her side.

"Senior Sister, no, look behind that giant, there is a big tree with red fruits on it. If I guessed correctly, it should be a whirling tree, and those red apple-like fruits should be whirling fruits." Lin Luo replied.

Shen Bingxin was full of doubts when she heard it, "Then what's going on?"

Strange, Shen Bingxin, who is a senior sister, doesn't know what a whirling tree is?

"Senior sister, look carefully, what's on that giant? It's been a while since we broke in here, but why didn't the giant move?" Lin Luo asked back.

Hearing Lin Luo's words, Shen Bingxin looked at the giant again.

This time, Shen Bingxin finally realized something was wrong.

It turned out that the giant was sitting in front of the big tree, and his eyes seemed to be closed tightly, and a very thick iron chain was wrapped around his body.

The color of the iron chain was very similar to the color of the giant's body, both of which were the color of mud, so Shen Bingxin didn't notice anything just now.

"Junior sister, the giant is locked, what's going on?"

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