A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 190 Finding the Monk at Fulong Temple

Originally, Lingyun Pavilion thought it was just to deal with a little demon, so they sent new disciples to protect it from a generation of disciples.

But I didn't expect that everyone would encounter such a situation.

"Then how do we arrange it now? If we leave, if someone strays into this place by mistake, or if people from the Nine Evil Palace find out, I'm afraid it will be very troublesome then." Shen Bingxin frowned.

Lin Luo nodded, this is indeed a problem, but she has already thought about it.

"Senior sister, what do you think of this? Let's see if there is any imprisoning formation, and then we will work together to set it up. The death of Patriarch Song will definitely be known by the Nine Evil Palace, so we must hurry up and inform Master They. Then leave people here to wait. I think it’s best to contact the monks of Fulong Temple. Things like the whirling tree have entered the way of demons. People in Buddhism must be more aware. I always feel that things are a bit complicated , maybe the Nine Evil Palace's calculations are more than that."

During this period of time, the movements of the Hall of Nine Demons became more and more serious, and Lin Luo always felt that they might have other ideas and calculations.

The more so, the more Lin Luo wanted to visit Tang Yuan.

"Junior Sister, I understand what you mean, why don't we divide our troops into groups. I sent a letter to the people in the master's school to ask Junior Sister Xiaoxiao to take the new disciples back, and then Junior Brother Jin went to Fulong Temple to find Chen Xin and the others. I stay here with Junior Brother Muqi. As for you, I know you have important matters to go to Yujianzong, so you go first, and then go back to the sect directly. Since the matter here is related to the Nine Evil Palace, elders We're here, maybe we'll go back too." Shen Bing thought.

Lin Luo looked at the whirling tree, thought about it, and agreed.

Even if the elders of Lingyun Pavilion come, they may not be able to directly deal with the Posa tree.

Perhaps, in the end, the people from Fulong Temple still need to take action.

What Shen Bingxin said was right, there was no point in staying here for her.

"Alright, then do as Senior Sister said." Lin Luo nodded.

"Wait a minute." Dongfang Lie looked at Shen Bingxin, "Senior Sister Shen, we remembered that we had something to go back to Qingzhou. How about seeing your family and then returning to Lingyun Pavilion?"

While going down the mountain, the disciples told the senior sisters and brothers in charge of the sect that they were going back. These situations often happened.

Shen Bingxin agreed, but did not refuse their request.

"Okay, but be careful on your way. It's best not to reveal your identity as a monk, so as not to be known by the people in the Hall of Nine Evil Spirits." Shen Bingxin said.

Dongfang Lie breathed a sigh of relief, "Don't worry, Senior Sister, we will."

Lin Luo glanced at Dongfang Lie, but the other party didn't look at her, as if he didn't intend to say anything to Lin Luo.

Seeing this, Lin Luo suppressed the emotions in her eyes and turned around.

Regarding the formation of confinement, it happened that Tang Xiaoxiao had some research, so everyone arranged another formation outside Tianhan Valley according to Tang Xiaoxiao's arrangement.

The previous formation was meaningless because of Patriarch Song's death, so they naturally had to rearrange it.

However, the enchantment about the whirling tree is still there, anyway, nothing can be seen from the outside.

After the incident last night, everyone also started to act separately according to Shen Bingxin's arrangement. Lin Luo went to Yujianzong alone, intending to find Lin Wenxuan and Erni.

Tianhan Valley is not far from Yujianzong, and Lin Luo is on his way with the fur ball.

However, just as she walked a short distance away, she stopped and looked in one direction with a gloomy expression.


And the people who want to go back to Qingzhou are not only Dongfang Lie and Lin Ruoxi, but also Lin Huanyue.

After bidding farewell to Shen Bingxin, the three of them headed towards Qingzhou at an extremely fast speed, as if there was a ghost chasing after them.

When they arrived in the town, Dongfang Lie bought a flying monster eagle and took them back.

On the back of the giant eagle, Dongfang Lie looked towards Qingzhou with a complicated expression.

"Lin Huanyue, are you really sure you want to do this? I never thought about how your grandfather would react if he was found out?" Dongfang Lie asked.

Lin Huanyue looked as usual, "From the time I made the decision, I knew there was no turning back. But don't worry, we will not fail. After this plan goes smoothly, no one will suspect us."

"Okay, but I'll put my ugly words first, if I'm found out, I'll confess you mercilessly." Dongfang Lie said.

Hearing his words, Lin Huanyue didn't speak, but just lowered her head and suppressed the look in her eyes.

After a long time, Lin Huanyue raised her head and showed a faint smile.

"up to you."

Lin Ruoxi's expression remained unchanged, she didn't seem to listen to Dongfang Lie and Lin Huanyue's words, but her right hand still curled up a bit.

Three days later, Songjiagou.

After more than a year of recuperation, Tang Yuan's complexion is better now, and there is always a faint smile on his face.

Zong Lin arranged for Tang Yuan to protect her with two people, but Tang Yuan didn't think it was necessary. She was just an ordinary person, and she didn't seem to have anything to do with the world of cultivating immortals.

But regarding this issue, Zong Lin was very insistent and kept the two of them.

The two girls were twin sisters picked up by Zong Lin by chance. They grew up in Fushi Pavilion since they were young. One is Wu Huan and the other is Wu Le.

Along with getting along, Tang Yuan and the two girls also developed feelings, calling them Huanhuan and Lele.

The two sisters Wu Huan and Wu Le didn't have parents in the first place, and they were picked up by Zong Lin because of an accident at home.

At that time, Zong Lin didn't pay much attention to Wu Huan and Wu Le at all because of his own affairs, so the two of them lived in Fu Shige only as a normal life, not as good as expected, and couldn't follow Zong Lin often, after all, It's not Zong Lin's goddaughter, but they don't care.

The two sisters were not displeased at being assigned to Tang Yuan to protect her.

If it wasn't for Zong Lin, the two of them would have died a long time ago, let alone the two talisman sealers.

After getting along with Tang Yuan, both sisters realized the feeling of having a mother, Tang Yuan is really too gentle.

Every day, Tang Yuan is in charge of cooking and cooking, and the two sisters will start.

The yard has been expanded, and there are extra rooms, even if the two sisters live in, it will not appear crowded.

"Aunt Tang, how about we eat river crab tonight? I'll get some back in the afternoon. The spicy river crab that Aunt Tang made last time was really delicious." Wu Huan said while drying the clothes.

Tang Yuan also showed a smile, "Okay, listen to you, I will eat spicy river crab tonight."

Ever since she knew that the twin sisters were orphans, Tang Yuan felt compassion and gradually regarded the two girls as juniors, eating and living with her.

"Hey, I know Aunt Tang is the best." Wu Huan was very happy.

Tang Yuan smiled lightly. When Lin Wenxuan and Lin Luo were not at home, it was Wu Huan and Wu Le who accompanied her.

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