Chapter 292 Hand it over!
Naturally, Lin Zimo would not refute Lin Luo's words, and her plan now is naturally the best.

Originally, Chen Xin had already gone to deal with the Nether Wolf King, so they couldn't let other Nether Wolves interfere with Chen Xin.

"Okay, no problem." Lin Zimo replied.

Although Erni didn't speak, she responded to Lin Luo's words with practical actions.

Lin Luo and the others moved towards the back of Chen Xin, letting him concentrate on dealing with the Nether Wolf King without any worries. However, all wolves who wanted to secretly attack Chen Xin from behind were dealt with by Lin Luo and the other three.

When Lin Qingyan saw this, a sneer flashed in her eyes, but the movements in her hands slowed down.

Since someone is willing to help her, she certainly doesn't need to waste too much spiritual power.

In the eyes of her supporters, what Lin Qingyan did was because she was very tired and exhausted, and her spiritual power was running low.

From Lin Luo's point of view, she did it on purpose, and she didn't know what bad idea was still in her heart.

On the other side, after Chen Xin fought against the Wolf King, he finally restrained the Wolf King.

Now that the wolf king was restrained again, the wolves suddenly had no leader, and became quiet again, and no wolves attacked, and everyone stopped and didn't move.

Who wants to be noisy if it can be quieter?
"Xiaota, the Nether Wolf King has lived to such a great age, and has reached the Golden Core stage, can he speak?" Lin Luo asked.

But Xiaota laughed, "You still want it to talk? Forget it, it's in a secret realm, and it doesn't have much contact with people at all. Of course it can't talk, otherwise it was discovered by you just now, and it will directly find you. You guys. If you want to communicate with it, there must be a bridge in between, and I think the little furball is pretty good."

Upon hearing this, Lin Luo immediately called Mao Qiu to stop.

"Maoqiu, go and communicate with the Nether Wolf King to see what happened before and if you can be kind."

After all, this is the monster left by Yan Qingxuan, and Lin Luo doesn't want to kill it all.

Moreover, she didn't want to do anything to the Nether Wolf King from the beginning, but there was nothing she could do.

Mao Qiu responded and ran towards the Nether Wolf King.

Lin Qingyan's face immediately became ugly. If the monster communicated with the Nether Wolf King, wouldn't her previous actions be discovered?
No, stop them!

Thinking of this, Lin Qingyan flicked her right hand lightly, and a spiritual force attacked a ghost wolf from behind her.

The underworld wolf that was being attacked screamed, and suddenly attacked Lin Qingyan.

"Miss Lin, be careful!"

Someone yelled and waved a sharp sword aura.

The Nether wolf who was about to attack Lin Qingyan just now was chopped off in half, but two wolves were also involved and injured, and began to attack the man just now.

Lin Qing was extremely anxious on the face, but she was about to laugh in her heart.

Originally, he wanted to cause the wolves to riot again, but he didn't expect that person to be so stupid, to make such a big move, and hurt other wolves.

It seems that there is no need for her to continue to attack, and then the wolves will riot by themselves.

Maoqiu has already communicated with the Nether Wolf King and said something, but due to the sudden situation of the Nether Wolf, the Nether Wolf King got angry again and refused to communicate with Maoqiu.

The fur ball was also so angry that its body exuded a strong coercion, but Lin Luo knew that it was the fur ball that was using the power of its blood.

Because the blood power of the hair ball is much stronger than that of the Nether Wolf, it finally made the Nether Wolf and the Nether Wolf King quiet down as it wished.

Lin Qingyan didn't dare to act rashly now, because Lin Luo walked to her side.

"Sister Lin Luo, what's wrong with you?"

Lin Luo smiled, "It's nothing, I just think that you are very dangerous, senior sister, and you have been attacked for no reason, so I will be by your side to protect you. Don't worry, I am a talisman master, and the attack of spiritual power can be faster than the attack of spiritual power .”

Regarding Lin Luo's actions, Lin Qingyan thought in her heart, could it be that Lin Luo had already discovered something?
But Lin Luo didn't say anything, and it was impossible for her to say it directly, otherwise she would be self-reporting.

After a while, the fur ball turned back to the size of a rabbit and jumped onto Lin Luo's shoulder.

"I'm so mad. It's all their fault. They robbed others of the fragrant white magnolia. They didn't say anything. They told them to leave. They didn't intend to hurt others. But unexpectedly, they also fell in love with their little ones. The Nether Wolf, and it is the son of the Nether Wolf King, who is born with a crescent moon mark, and is the next generation of the Nether Wolf King. The cub of the little wolf is still on their body, as long as it is replaced, the Nether Wolf The wolf king can ignore the casualties of his offspring."

It's not that the Nether Wolf King really doesn't care about the life and death of its descendants at all, it's just that he sensed the aura of Yan Qingxuan on Lin Luo's body, and guessed in his heart whether Lin Luo might be related to Yan Qingxuan, that's why he was willing to retire. step.

Those descendants are not direct descendants, and the wolf king can afford to lose.

But the next generation Nether Wolf King with the crescent mark cannot be lost, and they must be exchanged for it.

Even if the Nether Wolf King did not recognize his master, but after following Yan Qingxuan for so long, it stands to reason that he would not attack humans casually. They should regard humans as good friends.

From the very beginning, Lin Luo thought it was Lin Qingyan's problem, but she didn't think it was the Nether Wolf's attack. After all, it was Yan Qingxuan's monster.

So when she did it, she didn't kill the Nether Wolf, but she still saved a chance.

Now that everything was clear, Lin Luo felt angry, and she turned to look at Lin Qingyan.

"Hand over the things and return them to the Nether Wolf King."

Lin Qingyan's complexion changed slightly, "Lin Luo, I don't know what you are talking about."

If the Nether Wolf King cubs were raised from an early age, it would be a great help to her.

Before there was no one around, Lin Qingyan secretly hid the Nether Wolf King cub. Her movements were fast, and the supporters accompanying her were trying to protect her from harm, so naturally no one noticed her move.

At this moment, Lin Luo was really itchy with hatred.

Even if he hadn't had much contact with Lin Qingyan, he already fully understood this person's character.

"Hand over the Nether Wolf King cub in your hand, and give it back." Lin Luo said word by word.

Lin Qingyan's supporters immediately couldn't sit still, and glared at Lin Luo one by one.

"What are you doing, Miss Lin didn't take away any cubs of the Nether Wolf King, we have always been together."

"That's right, she didn't go to get the cub of the Nether Wolf King at all, she has always been among us."

"Even if you help us, you can't slander our innocence!"

Lin Luo laughed angrily, you idiots, you know what the hell!
(End of this chapter)

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