A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 297 Lin Zimo's Formation Achievements

Chapter 297 Lin Zimo's Formation Achievements
The concept of blood in the world of cultivating immortals is very strong, especially in the case of a big family, everyone is more concerned about the children of the same surname.

If there is a disciple with good talent in the branch, the main family will definitely not be able to sit still, and will take the other party into the main family.

However, what I didn't expect was that Lin Qingyan didn't care about the rise and fall of the Lin family at all.

Perhaps in her opinion, as long as someone threatened her status as a genius, it would be destroyed.

The existence of Lin Wenxuan already made her uneasy, let alone having a sister like Lin Luo.

Lin Luo's talent is also not bad, and now he is a master of two seals, and he is not much less than Lin Wenxuan.

If Lin Qingyan is a person who loves talents, she will take the siblings to the master's house.

It's a pity that she can't stand someone with more talent than her.

Lin Wenxuan just didn't understand why Lin Qingyan thought this way, and found it incredible. After all, if it was him, he would definitely pay attention to the rise and fall of the Lin family.

"It is true that our surname is Lin, but you are just a member of the separated family. Why should you be compared with the people of our main family? Not to mention you, even your younger sister. I don't like it either. I wish you didn't exist. It seems that you I was trapped in it, I heard the elders mentioned that if you are trapped by the formation, you may not be able to be teleported out once the time in the secret realm is up, should I congratulate you in advance?" Lin Qingyan said with a smile .

Obviously, she was very happy to see Lin Wenxuan fall into the current situation.

Lin Wenxuan had indeed guessed this way before, but there was no evidence, and he didn't know if it was true.

But he didn't want to, Lin Qingyan's words finally made him sure.

"Until the last step, no one knows what will happen. Maybe we won't be in danger." Lin Wenxuan replied flatly.

Since Lin Qingyan wanted them to die so much, then he really wanted to survive with all his might.

At that time, let her have a good look.

Lin Qingyan smiled inscrutably, turned around and left, not planning to pay attention to Lin Wenxuan and the others, anyway, she was just here for a joke, and she didn't plan to help.

For Lin Qingyan's departure, Lin Wenxuan didn't have any difficulty in accepting it, and he didn't have any hope for her at first, and he won't be disappointed now, it doesn't matter.

After Lin Qingyan left, another attack came.

The attack this time is different from the previous ones, it is flying sand.

The three of Lin Wenxuan tried their best to resist the attack, and soon realized the sound of footsteps coming again.

Just after the attack stopped, Lin Wenxuan looked at the person who came.

I thought it was Lin Qingyan who left and returned, but it turned out to be Lin Luo and his party!
"Brother, how are you doing?" Lin Luo asked.

Lin Wenxuan shook his head, "We're fine, don't worry, but why did you appear here?"

"It was the little tower that told me that you were trapped. It is the tower spirit. In this secret realm, it is much more sensitive than us." Lin Luo replied.

"Don't talk like that, let's rescue brother Wenxuan and the others quickly." Lin Zimo looked at the formation that trapped Lin Wenxuan and the others, "This formation looks a bit complicated, and it will cancel out their spiritual power inside. attack, and should actively attack them from time to time."

Hearing this, there was silence around, and everyone looked at Lin Zimo in surprise.

Seeing the reaction of the crowd, Lin Zimo was a little taken aback, wondering why they were all looking at him like this.

"Zimo, do you have research on formations?" Lin Luo asked.

Hearing what Lin Luo said, Lin Zimo belatedly understood what they were curious about, and understood their thoughts.

I saw Lin Zimo scratching his head embarrassingly, "I'm not interested in cultivation, and you all know it. After you left, I felt bored by myself, so I like to study formations in the past."

Lin Luo's eyes widened, "Zimo, you are so talented in formations! It's only been a year since we left. I'm really surprised that your research on formations has reached this level."

Others don't know, but Lin Luo knows very well that this is the formation left by Yan Qingxuan at the beginning, even if it is not too strong, it is not something ordinary people can see at a glance.

It can be said that Lin Zimo's attainments in formations are really strong.

He doesn't like to practice, and it turns out that he also has talent that belongs to him. Lin Luo was very surprised and happy for him.

It's a pity that Lin Zimo didn't know at all, he didn't understand his talent in formation at all.

"It's okay, this formation is not a very complicated formation." Lin Zimo didn't care, but set his eyes on the Heart Eater Grass not far in front of Lin Wenxuan, "That's the formation eye, but Wen Wenxuan Brother Xuan and the others' attacks inside are meaningless, it's better to attack from the outside."

"Then what should we do?" Lin Luo asked.

Lin Zimo leaned forward again to take a closer look, "Brother Wenxuan and the others don't move inside, this formation is actually consuming their spiritual power to a large extent. Their attacks will be resolved by the formation, and this formation Fa is still absorbing their spiritual power to maintain it. We attack directly from the outside. With Chen Xin's cultivation base and Erni together, it should be enough for the two of them to break the formation. You don't need to do anything, just watch and prepare Support at any time."

Lin Luo was very surprised that Lin Zimo had figured out how to break the formation in such a short period of time, and had even arranged for them.

"Okay, just follow the method you said." Lin Luo nodded, then turned to look at Chen Xin, "Little monk, my brother and the others are relying on you and Erni."

"Amitabha, it's a trivial matter." Chen Xin replied with clasped hands.

Erni also took out her dagger, and stood aside imposingly, looking at Lin Zimo.

"Where should we attack?"

Lin Zimo pointed to the place where the heart-eating grass was, "That's the eye of this formation. You attack that spiritual grass directly. The next time the formation attacks Brother Wenxuan and the others, you can act together. In your When attacking, there will be power to prevent you from breaking the formation, relatively speaking, the power to attack them will be reduced, but you must be careful."

The people present, even Chen Xin, didn't know the formation very well, and only Lin Zimo could talk about the formation.

Therefore, everyone believed in Lin Zimo.

The next time the formation took the initiative to attack, Lin Zimo called out to do it, and Chen Xin and Erni attacked the formation's eye together.

Just like what Lin Zimo said, when the formation was attacking Lin Wenxuan, Chen Xin and Erni made a move, and the whole formation underwent some changes.

The original light curtain became a little dim, as if he was using his own power to counterattack those who attacked him outside.

The pressure on Lin Wenxuan and the others was much less, and they became more comfortable dealing with the attacks in the formation.

The formation was double attacked, and it was relatively weak both externally and internally.


(End of this chapter)

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