Chapter 299
It's not that Chen Xin has any affection for Lin Luo, but that Lin Luo is a very trustworthy person.

Chen Xin returned to Fulong Temple separately from Lin Luo before, and also mentioned Lin Luo to Master Chang Jing. Master Chang Jing said that he had also observed Lin Luo, and he could be trusted.

Therefore, Chen Xin liked to follow her more and more.

According to Chen Xin's cultivation level, he followed Lin Luo and the others, and he would not hold back at all, but could even help.

Lin Luo had already regarded Chen Xin as a friend, a lifelong friend.

When the last day came, everyone finally disappeared into the secret realm and returned to Black Wind Valley.

Seeing that everyone is safe, the elders are also very happy.

"We have to go back as soon as possible. Something is not right with Xunxianzong recently. Many disciples at the foot of the mountain have disappeared for no apparent reason. We are all a little worried. There are a few elders who have come out this time. We need to be careful." Elder Xiao told the disciples of Xunxianzong .

Hearing Elder Xiao's words, the elders of the other four sects nodded to express their understanding.

After discussing with each other, everyone set off directly, intending to leave Black Wind Valley and return to their sect.

Walking behind the elders, Lin Luo didn't know why there was always a sense of unreliability in her heart, she was a little flustered, but she didn't know where the panic came from, as if something bad was about to happen.

When she was about to leave Black Wind Valley, Lin Luo felt more and more uneasy.

"Little monk, do you feel that something is not right?" Lin Luo approached Chen Xin in a low voice and asked.

Chen Xin glanced at Lin Luo in surprise. Just now he thought he was thinking too much, but Lin Luo also felt the same way.

"Yes, there seems to be some danger, maybe we have overlooked something." Chen Xin also answered in a low voice.

Sure enough, something was really wrong.

If even Chen Xin felt this way, it must not be his own illusion.

"Could it be that the people from the Nine Evil Palace are hiding in the dark and want to attack us?" Lin Luo guessed.

Chen Xin shook her head, "It should be impossible, there is no hidden fluctuation of spiritual power in the dark."

If there were people from the Hall of Nine Shatters in the dark, Chen Xin, a monk in the Nascent Soul stage, would not have felt it, it shouldn't be the case.

Soon, Lin Luo got the answer.

"Little monk, do you still remember the beast horde when we came? I think it might be the beast horde coming back, and the movements should be the same." Lin Luo's face was a little ugly.

Where they are now, there are no trees at all. If they really encounter a beast tide, unless they can fly, they will definitely meet them.

And those monsters had already left, why did they suddenly appear here?

When Lin Luo and his party arrived at the Black Wind Valley before, they encountered a wave of beasts. The monsters all rushed out, as if there was something good outside, rushing out.

But now, for some reason, the monsters have all rushed back.

The elders also noticed the movement of the beast tide, and they couldn't help but change their expressions.

"Too bad, now that the monsters have all come back, there is no way to hide in this place. We old guys are okay, we can still hide for a while, but the children are in a bit of a dilemma, what should we do?" Elder Xiao said shock.

If it weren't for the monks in the golden core stage, they wouldn't be able to fly at all, let alone there are dozens of disciples now.

Gao Yang frowned, "It seems that they are still a little far away, but the number is too large to avoid, and it is impossible to dodge. No, we must seize the time as soon as possible and find a way to hide the disciples. Unfortunately, there is no teleportation array around."

"Then what should we do now?" Xue Kai also looked worriedly at the disciples of Lingyun Pavilion.

At this moment, Lin Zimo whispered to Lin Luo, and Lin Luo immediately smiled.

"You tell the elders." Lin Luo said directly to Lin Zimo.

Lin Zimo was silent, as if seeing Lin Luo, he strengthened his faith, and finally gritted his teeth, looked weakly at the elders and said something.

"Elders, this disciple has an idea."

"What do you think?" the elder of Yu Jianzong raised his eyebrows and asked.

It can be seen from his expression that he is not optimistic about Lin Zimo, or that he doesn't think Lin Zimo can do anything useful.

Lin Zimo took a deep breath and spoke quickly to the elder's unfavorable reaction.

"Before this disciple accidentally learned about a formation called Dou Zhuan Xing Yi. This formation can lead hundreds of people to complete the movement together, and each time can move ten miles away. If we use this formation, we should be able to avoid the beast tide. We have no chance of winning the beast tide." Lin Zimo stopped after speaking.

Hearing what Lin Zimo said, Xue Kai's eyes were full of surprise.

"In that case, what are the requirements for this formation? Hurry up and set up the formation, and we will remove everyone together." Xue Kai walked to Lin Zimo's side while talking.

Lin Zimo breathed a sigh of relief, "I have all the formation materials I need here, but my cultivation is relatively poor, so I need at least four elders to help inject spiritual power into the formation. It's not too late, if the elders Believe me, I also hope that the elders can discuss the candidates as soon as possible, the beast tide is getting closer."

While speaking, Lin Zimo looked at the dark area not far away, and the sound of Hu was loud, and he was extremely anxious.

Don't look at the beast hordes of monsters are still so far away from them, but they can reach them in the blink of an eye, Lin Zimo is also very afraid!

"Second Senior Uncle, Fourth Senior Uncle, I believe in Zimo." Lin Luo looked at Gao Yang and Xue Kai, then at Elder Xiao who was beside him, "If we don't leave this place, we will surely die when the beast horde comes. "

Hearing this, the three of them looked at each other, and finally nodded in response.

"We'll do that, Zimo, hurry up and do it." Elder Xiao urged.

With Lin Zimo's words, Elder Xiao called an elder from the Hehuan Sect to join them.

Standing behind Lin Zimo, Lin Luo watched him place the spirit stones and arrange the formation, feeling quite emotional in his heart.

Lin Zimo, who had been neglected by them for a long time, was now able to take charge on his own, and even mastered formations that they were not very good at.

Although there are slightly more formation masters than talisman masters, it is also difficult to learn.

Although the formation does not require spiritual power and spiritual power, it does require talent.

If the talent is not good, the understanding of formation is not good enough, and there is no way to become a formation master.

I have to say that Lin Zimo gave Lin Luo a surprise after not seeing him for a while.

It didn't take long for Lin Zimo's formation to be completed.

Seeing that the beast horde was less than 100 meters away from them, the disciples panicked a little, and the elders were also fully alert, protecting the disciples behind them.

If the formation method is not feasible, they will try their best to protect the disciples of their sect!

(End of this chapter)

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