Chapter 305 Guardian Spirit
Lin Luo was a little curious. Looking at Si Jing's hesitation to speak, it seemed that there was something wrong with the things needed by the Nine Evil Palace.

If the Jiusha Temple can't find such a thing, I'm afraid Xunxianzong will not be let go by then.

And looking at the meaning of the Jiusha Palace, it is estimated that they will also attack Xunxianzong.

"Please tell the suzerain, Lin Luo is willing to hear the details."

Si Jing smiled wryly, "There's nothing you can't say, it's okay to tell you."

Next, Si Jing told Lin Luo and other elders who didn't know what the Jiusha Temple wanted.

It turned out that the ancestors of Xunxianzong accidentally obtained a spiritual body with high cultivation base, which is said to not come from the Qingxuan Continent.

Although the spirit body is only a kind of weapon spirit, its cultivation base is also very high.

It may be that the ancestor of Xunxianzong was a good person, and the spirit body became close friends with him, and then became the guardian spirit of Xunxianzong.

The so-called guardian spirit is the guardian of Xunxianzong, protecting Xunxianzong's safety.

However, the guardian spirit did not obtain the spiritual power suitable for his cultivation in the Qingxuan Continent, so its breath became weaker and weaker.

Seeing that it was about to dissipate between the heaven and the earth, the guardian spirit integrated all its remaining power into the pagoda, but the people in the Nine Shades Hall didn't know about it, and only the suzerain and the great elders of the sect knew about it.

Si Jing didn't know what Jiushadian wanted to do with the guardian spirit of Xunxianzong this time.

However, he couldn't get it out.

At this moment, Si Jing didn't know what to do. It seemed that no matter whether the guardian spirit was handed over or not, the result of Xunxianzong would not be good.

"It turns out that the Buddha Pagoda has so many times of gravity because there is a guardian spirit in it, so that we can practice. In other words, the guardian spirit has always been guarding our Xunxianzong, but now it is changing It’s just a way to protect. The Hall of Nine Demons probably knew that the aura of the guardian spirit had weakened, so they wanted to get it. I always feel that they are playing a big game of chess.” Lin Luo looked complicated.

After working for a long time, what the Jiusha Palace wants is the guardian spirit, but unfortunately the guardian spirit has disappeared.

"The guardian spirit in the Buddha Pagoda is actually similar to me, but I have lived longer than it and is much stronger than it. It is a pity that my power has been consumed by the Talisman Tower, so I will be like this now." Weak. But compared to it, I am so selfless. I never imagined that such a small weapon spirit would have such a heart. If it didn’t give all its power to the Buddha Pagoda, maybe it would still have a chance What a pity to wake up." Xiaota's voice sounded.

Si Jing and the elders were a little surprised. When they heard the voice, they knew it was coming from Lin Luo, but they didn't know what was speaking.

According to what it said, it is also a tool spirit?
Lin Luo paused, then reached out and took Xiaota off her neck and put it in her hand.

"Xiaota, if you say that the guardian spirit is similar to you, then you can also be the guardian spirit?" Lin Luo asked curiously.

Of course, she didn't want Xiaota to be the guardian spirit of Xunxianzong again, but she was a little curious.

Xiaota snorted coldly, "Of course I can, but my current cultivation has consumed too much, and I can't do anything. The aura of your guardian spirit has not completely dissipated. When I came in just now, I felt the existence of the same kind. I'm guessing that it gave all the power to the Buddha Tower, but because of the spiritual power generated by the disciples' cultivation, the Buddha Tower should retain part of its spiritual consciousness. Another thing is that there are gathering places around the Buddha Tower The spirit array, these are the reasons for its immortality. Unfortunately, it is too weak now, it can't do anything, and it can't protect Xun Xianzong."

Although Xiaota's words were not pleasant to hear, Lin Luo knew that what it said must be true.

The Great Elder sighed, "As the suzerain said, it doesn't matter if we old men, but I still feel uncomfortable when there are disciples. I always wonder if there is any way to take the disciples out, even if we Tried formations, but they didn’t work, and the people in the Nine Evil Palace are probably already prepared.”

Lin Luo's heart was also a little heavy. It is very dangerous for so many young disciples of Xunxianzong to be surrounded by the Hall of Nine Evils.

The people in Jiusha Temple act without any scruples at all, they don't care about the lives of young disciples.

"Sovereign, elders, is it so difficult for Xunxianzong that there is no secret way or formation to escape?" Lin Luo asked again.

Si Jing shook his head, "We have thought about this a long time ago. If we set up a teleportation array ourselves, we won't be able to teleport at all. I guess that the people from the Hall of Nine Demons have already set up Forbidden, that's why we can't leave. As for the escape exit, the previous suzerain mentioned it, but now I can't find it at all. It has been passed down from generation to generation, and I don't know where it is. I have read ancient books in the past two days , I didn’t get any results, even I searched for it myself, but I couldn’t find it.”

"Sovereign, in my opinion, we can make two-handed preparations. If we can find an escape exit, then we will find a way to escape with our disciples, instead of directly confronting the people from the Nine Evil Palace. Keeping Qingshan alive will not worry about it." Firewood, the Immortal Seeking Sect will always exist and will not dissipate in this Qingxuan Continent. If we can’t find it, we will fight hard, and we will escape as many disciples as we can escape from the Nine Evil Palace.” Lin Luo said bluntly outspoken.

At this time, there is really no need to think too much, and there is no shame in running away.

The second elder looked at Lin Luo with admiration, "I knew you were not a creature in the pool the day you entered the sect. Today, if you are willing to go back to the Xianzong, you have done enough. If the people from the Nine Evil Palace attack you , I hope you can protect yourself, you are also a member of Xunxianzong, and it is our hope."

"What the second elder said is very true, Lin Luo, you must protect yourself." Elder Xiao reminded him worriedly.

Lin Luo smiled, but did not answer directly.

"The suzerain, and the elders, this matter is settled. I will go to Zimo now to see if he can do anything. You must know that Zimo's attainments in formations are already considered outstanding. "

"Speaking of Lin Zimo, I didn't expect him to be so talented in formations. After I came back from Black Wind Valley, I found some books related to formations for him, so that he could read them by himself. As a result, he actually I forgot to sleep and eat while watching, obviously I have a strong interest in the formation." The Great Elder said with a smile.

Hearing this, Lin Luo breathed a sigh of relief, it seems that Lin Zimo's talent will not be buried.

"The disciple will go to find him first, and Lin Luo will leave first."

Si Jing waved his hand, indicating that Lin Luo could leave.

After Lin Luo's figure disappeared, Si Jing chatted with several elders again.

(End of this chapter)

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