A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 308 No regrets even though I die

Chapter 308 No regrets even though I die
Zou Jie didn't pay attention to Si Jing's abuse at all. In his eyes, Si Jing and Xun Xianzong were just insignificant people.

Seeing Zou Jie approaching, the ten elders stopped.

"Guzhu Zou came a bit late, if I miss it, I will definitely go back and report to the Palace Master."

The tenth elder was a little rude, or he looked down on Zou Jie, probably because he, as the elder of the Nine Shades Hall, felt that he was superior to the owner of the Ten Thousand Monsters Valley.

A trace of displeasure flashed in Zou Jie's eyes, but he quickly covered it up.

"Tenth Elder, it's not that I came too late, but that you started a little earlier, half an hour earlier than we decided." Zou Jie replied flatly.

It was said that the Tenth Elder couldn't say anything right now, it was true that he started his action a little earlier and couldn't hold back.

"Zou Jie! As one of the five great sects, you Wan Yao Valley are so shameless to associate with the Nine Shades! I heard that the massacre of the Gu family in Xuanzhou was done by your people from Wan Yao Valley. You are really ruthless. You are in vain!" Si Jing stared at Zou Jie angrily.

The five major sects and Xunxianzong who were originally in the same spirit, now have a traitor, and the people from the Wanyao Valley have mixed up with the people from the Jiusha Palace. It is really a shame for the righteous way.

No wonder the Valley of the Thousand Monsters disappeared completely, and there was no trace of them anywhere.

After a long time, they went to the Hall of Nine Evils to surrender!
Zou Jie didn't feel embarrassed at all, "It's human nature to walk to high places and water to flow to low places. You think you can rely on the five major sects to be safe, but don't forget that there are three major sects above. There is also the existence of Bingyu, and even Xuanyue Guoshi in Kyoto. From this point of view, if you can’t stand up anywhere, it’s better to follow the Jiusha Palace. It can be said that no matter what force it is in the future, it will not be able to stop the Jiusha Palace In the future, the Nine Evil Palace will be the ruler of our Qingxuan Continent."

Hearing Zou Jie's words, all the disciples of Xunxianzong were furious, thinking that he was really brazen.

"Since ancient times, evil has prevailed over righteousness. Places like the Nine Demons Hall may not have a good end in the future. Even if our Immortal-seeking Sect is destroyed by you and the Nine Demons Valley today, there will be other things in the future. Your sect is fighting against you, just wait!" Si Jing snorted coldly.

Zou Jie didn't care at all, "I guess you won't be able to see what's going on in the future, so hurry up and breathe the last air. Si Jing, you might have thought that one day you would end up in a state of complete destruction." end?"

"It's just one life. I've lived long enough, so I don't care. If I die at your hands, I won't regret it." Si Jing suddenly laughed.

Seeing this, Zou Jie's face was a little ugly. What he hated most was Si Jing's arrogance.

Obviously there is no hope of living anymore, but he still looks like he is not afraid of death.

It seemed that everything he did was meaningless.

"Okay, now the most important thing is to destroy the Xunxianzong and find what the palace master needs. We will talk about other things later!" The ten elders said coldly.

The meaning inside and outside the words is that Zou Jie wasted time.

Zou Jie didn't want to talk too much with Si Jing, "Okay."

After finishing speaking, no matter it was Zou Jie or the ten elders of the Hall of Nine Demons, they all called on the disciples to deal with the Xunxianzong people.

Lin Luo's mental power has a wide attack range, and she still has the White Feather Sword in her hand. She has already killed more than [-] disciples with slightly lower strength in the Nine Evil Hall, like a killing god.

With the addition of disciples from Wan Yao Valley, the monsters were naturally dealt with by Mao Qiu, while the humans were dealt with by Lin Luo with the talisman array.

Si Jing was still fighting with the tenth elder, and soon the second elder rushed here with the inner court disciples, and he went up to fight Zou Jie.

Both the Tenth Elder and Zou Jie saw Lin Luo, and were surprised that her combat power was so strong, and it was faintly close to that of Jin Dan Qi.

"Go and kill that little girl!"

The ten elders took advantage of the time when Si Jing was forced to retreat to give instructions to the disciples, but no matter whether it was the disciples of Wan Yao Valley or the disciples of Jiu Sha Temple, they all set their sights on Lin Luo.

"Lin Luo, go!" Si Jing also yelled.

"Little girl, protect yourself and escape while you're free!" the second elder also said.

Lin Luo didn't answer, she pursed her lips and said nothing, the white feather sword in her hand drew a beautiful sword flower.

"Sect Master, Second Elder, Lin Luo is not completely afraid of death, but he must die well. It is Lin Luo's choice to live and die with the sect, and you two don't need to say more."

After finishing speaking, dozens of blue thorns floated around Lin Luo, and three natal talismans emerged between the eyebrows, emitting blue light to cover the thorns.

These thorns are much more solid than when she was a two-print talisman master before, and with the rune endowment of the natal talisman, the attack power is naturally two levels stronger.

Seeing this, the disciples of Wan Yao Valley and Jiu Sha Temple turned back as they approached, trying to avoid Lin Luo's stabbing attack.

It's a pity that Lin Luo's spikes spread around her, and quickly flew towards the disciples in the Valley of the Thousand Demons and the Hall of Nine Demons, but they were still locked on for a while.

In fact, when Lin Luo became a three-seal talisman master, she didn't know that the spikes she sent out could be locked with mental power. Cone spines don't seem to have increased much.

It was also during the battle that she discovered that after the spike flew out, she could still bring a little mental power, and it didn't consume her at all.

It is similar to a kind of copying, a trace of the original spiritual power is attached to the spike, and other spikes can also be copied with the original spiritual power.

The original spiritual power is very different from her spiritual power. After all, the original spiritual power allows her to control it absolutely.

No wonder it is said that the three-seal talisman master is the watershed of all talisman masters. It turns out that it is related to the original spiritual power.

Lin Luo's dozens of thorns were not wasted, and they were all given to the people of Jiusha Temple and Wanyao Valley.

The cultivation base of this group of people is much higher, so it is impossible for Lin Luo to kill them with a single blow, at most it will hurt them.

However, the attack of spiritual power, even the wound is not as easy to heal as the attack of spiritual power, and it must still have some impact on their strength.

However, as Lin Luo kept using mental power to attack, she used the talisman array several times, and also used the White Feather Sword to use the Falling Flower Sword Art, her mental power was also consumed a lot.

It can be seen that there is not much mental power left.

Mental power is different from spiritual power, even if she wants to take the elixir that Du Feiyu gave her, there is no way to restore it.

When the opponents around saw Lin Luo's figure stagnating, they immediately rushed towards her, ready to take her down.

Si Jing and the second elder were shocked, but they couldn't get away, so they could only shout Lin Luo anxiously.

"be careful!"

The corners of Lin Luo's mouth curled up, and he suddenly laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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