Chapter 310 Beheading
Lin Luo frowned and continued to accumulate energy. The black flood dragon was indeed very strong, and she was also in crisis.

Even the people who were fighting were paying careful attention to the situation of Lin Luo and Hei Jiao. It seemed that Lin Luo should be entangled by Cheng Hao and his monsters, and it was not easy to get out at the moment.

At the critical moment, the body of the black flood dragon froze, and suddenly fell heavily from mid-air.

This change surprised everyone, as if they did not expect things to develop like this, which caught people off guard.

Hei Jiao seemed to feel ashamed, and immediately raised his head to attack Lin Luo again.

However, as soon as it moved, it couldn't help crawling down again.

Strange, how could this be?
After Hei Jiao felt it carefully, his whole body trembled suddenly, and then he fell flat on the ground.

"Black Jiao!" Zou Jie shouted.

Why did the Heijiao, who was so arrogant in the Ten Thousand Monsters Valley, turn into an earthworm-like trash in front of Lin Luo?

Lin Luo reacted the fastest, and she suddenly laughed.

"Furball, you are awesome."

Mao Qiu shook his head triumphantly, and continued to attack those monsters in Wan Yao Valley.

Everyone was puzzled, and they didn't know what happened to the black flood dragon, and whether it had something to do with Lin Luo.

Of course they don't know that Maoqiu is one of the top ten fierce beasts in ancient times, the ice-armored horned dragon, and the blood power in its body is domineering and strong.

The black flood dragon is just a monster with a bit of dragon blood, of course it can't compare with Maoqiu, as long as Maoqiu uses the power of blood, the black flood dragon has no resistance.

Only Lin Luo knew this result, even if Zou Jie had been with Hei Jiao for such a period of time, he didn't know why.

Hei Jiao was restrained before he could make a move, and Cheng Hao had no one to help him, so he had to fight alone again.

"Now, you don't have a helper, so I want to see what else you can do." Lin Luo's eyes burst out with a strong killing intent.

Following her words, the first and second swords of the Nine Swords of God of Fighting superimposed, and Cheng Hao had no room to resist at all, and was beheaded by Lin Luo under the sword.

As for his monsters, probably due to the death of their master, they were now free and had a lot of resentment towards their master, so they directly attacked the disciples of the Ten Thousand Monsters Valley.

Seeing this situation, Lin Luo was also dumbfounded.

Sure enough, the people in Ten Thousand Monsters Valley did many unrighteous acts!


Zou Jie looked up to the sky and screamed, his body was full of spiritual power, his eyes were scarlet, and he looked at Lin Luo with the desire to peel him to pieces.

The damn girl actually killed his son, and he will make her pay for it!
Probably because of some special method, Zou Jie's spiritual power suddenly exploded, and his cultivation seemed to have improved a little. Finally, the second elder couldn't hold on and was hit by his palm, and fell to the ground with serious injuries and vomiting blood.

"Second Elder!" Si Jing shouted.

The ten elders of the Hall of Nine Demons laughed strangely, "Don't worry, you can go and accompany him right away."

Immediately, he slapped Si Jing with his palm, and Si Jing also couldn't resist being knocked to the ground. It seemed that his injury was worse than that of the second elder.

Zou Jie ignored the second elder on the ground, but walked towards Lin Luo who was not far away. His speed was extremely fast, and he was in front of Lin Luo in a blink of an eye, and attacked Lin Luo with one hand.

Lin Luo blocked the white feather sword in front of him, and was shocked by Zou Jie's attack. His right hand was numb, and he took several steps back. Sure enough, Nascent Soul's cultivation was so tyrannical.

Probably because seeing Cheng Hao being beheaded by Lin Luo, the disciples of Wan Yao Valley were a little crazy, and they became more and more ruthless towards the disciples of Xun Xianzong.

For a time, countless disciples of Xunxianzong were killed or injured.

Whether it was the disciples of the elite academy or the inner courtyard, they all suffered heavy casualties.

Everyone didn't even dare to think about the number of casualties among the disciples of the Back Mountain Gate and the disciples of the outer court, and they didn't know whether the Great Elder and the others could protect those disciples well.

"You can be regarded as the leader of the younger generation." Zou Jie stared at Lin Luo coldly, "Unfortunately, if you killed my son, I will kill everyone in your family too, first People are you."

After speaking, Zou Jie's attack came again.

The first sword of Lin Luo's Nine Swords of Fighting God has already accumulated spiritual power, and the blue-purple light turned into three attacks and attacked Zou Jie.

However, Zou Jie may have used some kind of secret method, Lin Luo's three sword lights did not hurt him.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Luo used the second sword, and the superposition of the two swords was naturally quite powerful.

However, Zou Jie still managed to defuse this attack.

"Is it gone? I see that your spiritual power has also been consumed a lot. If you don't have a stronger move, then it's my turn." Zou Jie smiled darkly.

Lin Luo gritted her teeth, "If you want to kill, kill, where is there so much nonsense!"

What's more, she hasn't reached the last step so fast, and she doesn't have no cards to save her life, she still has two cards!

Zou Jie quickly rushed to Lin Luo, "If you want to die, isn't that easy?"

Lin Luo still fought against him, without flinching at all.

As far as Si Jing could see, the corpses of the disciples of Xunxianzong were strewn across the field, and his heart felt like a knife was twisted.

Could it be that none of Xunxianzong can escape today?

Just when Si Jing was extremely desperate, the ten elders also fell in front of Si Jing, looking at him with heavy eyes.

"Your suzerain is quite courageous, much more interesting than the suzerains of those small sects. I know you want to protect your disciples, so let's do it myself. As long as you give us that thing, I will let it go." How about your disciples?"

Si Jing laughed loudly, "Hahaha, do you think I'm so stupid that you people in the Hall of Nine Evils can still make promises? Even if I hand over the things, you will not let our disciples go, so there is no need to act. That kind of thing, you Jiushadian will never be able to get it in this life, wanting to get it is tantamount to nonsense!"

While speaking, Si Jing looked at the bright red blood around him, he knew that many of them belonged to the disciples of Xunxianzong.

Looking at the bloodstains, Si Jing lowered his head, suppressed the emotion in his eyes, and made a decision.

"Since you don't want to hand it over, then I will follow the original plan and kill you all, and go find them bit by bit."

The tenth elder stood up and raised the machete in his hand high, as if he wanted to chop off Si Jing's head.

However, Si Jing's movements were also quick, directly dodging the ten elder's attack.

The second elder saw it in his eyes and was anxious in his heart.

Lin Luo was also retreating steadily. Of course, she couldn't be Zou Jie's opponent. It was not easy to fight against him until now.

With one move, Lin Luo was finally injured by Zou Jie's spiritual power, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

The second elder had already swallowed the elixir just now, and he was recovering his spiritual power, even if the recovery was a little less, he still had to protect Lin Luo.

Just when Lin Luo was defeated, the second elder rushed towards Zou Jie again.

"I didn't realize that you care so much about your Xunxianzong disciples. If that's the case, then I'll kill you first, and then kill her."

The spiritual power in Zou Jie's body surged again, and he slapped the second elder fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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