A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 335 Not as powerful as expected

Chapter 335 Not as powerful as expected

Lin Luo felt a little weird after hearing Xuanyue's words, so she asked out her doubts without any worries. She would not naively think that she had something to do with a strong man like Xuanyue Guoshi. different place.

Xuan Yue turned around, with a slight smile on her face, and a trace of relief.

"One day last year, I had nothing to do to watch the stars at night, and I took advantage of the trend to make a divination. The hexagram showed that a dazzling star appeared in the Qingxuan Continent, which would bring a turning point for the Qingxuan Continent. I don't know this person How old is he, is he a man or a woman, and his last name? I can't figure out the origin of this person, and I can't figure out the future. At that time, I asked Ah Yan to go to Yunwu Mountain to observe your five major sect competitions. People. Since there is no other news, I only know that the other party has one of the top ten fierce beasts in ancient times, so Ah Yan did not find you at that time."

Hearing this, Lin Luo felt a strange feeling in his heart.

It turned out that Chu Yan went to Yunwu Mountain to find her, but she didn't show anything at that time, and she didn't reveal her hairball, so he didn't know.

But, Xuanyue, as the national teacher in Kyoto, why did she come to her so well?
Lin Luo didn't think she would bring any turning point to Qingxuan Continent, she didn't think she was such a capable person.

"Master National Teacher, Lin Luo doesn't quite understand what you said, and I don't seem to be able to do anything."

It's not that she pretended to be confused, but that Lin Luo really didn't understand what Xuan Yue said.

"Don't underestimate yourself. Maybe you can't do anything now, but no one can tell if you can do anything in the next few years. The Qingxuan Continent is a prison to begin with. As for what kind of prison it is, you don't need to know it yet. When the time comes, you can do it yourself." I will understand. Your appearance is the hope of breaking this cage, so you must protect your own safety. If there is anything you don’t understand, or if you need help, just come to me.” Xuan Yue is gentle Open your mouth.

Lin Luo didn't show it on the face, but she was shocked beyond words.

To be able to know that the Qingxuan Continent is a cage, it is definitely related to the Lanchuan Continent, or the people who were exiled from the Lanchuan Continent!

Xuanyue is the national teacher of Kyoto in the Qingxuan Continent, with a high position and authority, and it seems that nothing can stop him.

It turns out that he is related to Lanchuan Continent!
It's just that Lin Luo won't tell him that he knows that Qingxuan Continent is a prison.

Lin Luo pretended to be very surprised, and stared at Xuan Yue with wide eyes, as if she was stunned by his news and didn't know how to react at all.

After a long time, Lin Luo seemed to have found her voice.

"My lord, Lin Luo understands."

Xuan Yue didn't seem to intend to say much, and told Lin Luo a few more words, and the figure disappeared in place.

When it was confirmed that Xuan Yue had left, Lin Luo sat down on a chair beside her.

Today's Xuanyue gave her a big shock, she really didn't expect Xuanyue to have a relationship with Lanchuan Continent.

"Luo Luo, this Xuanyue is probably a person from Lanchuan Continent. If she can recognize Maoqiu's identity at a glance, she must have seen the same kind of furball in Lanchuan Continent. Another thing that puzzles me is that He has no aura from the Lanchuan Continent at all. I don’t know if it’s completely hidden, or because of other reasons, but I’m sure he’s really strong. Yan Qingxuan was suppressed when he arrived in the Qingxuan Continent. Because, it didn't give me such a strong feeling." Xiaota's voice came.

From the moment he came to the front hall, Xiaota has been restraining his aura.

It is the pagoda spirit, and with the help of the guardian spirit of Xunxianzong before, it is easier to restrain the breath.

Even Xuanyue's cultivation base did not discover its existence.

The fur ball was a little bored in Lin Luo's arms, knowing that Lin Luo and Xiaota had something to say, but it didn't intend to listen, and simply went back to the contract space.

Lin Luo didn't care about the hairball either, she was still thinking about Xiaota's words and Xuanyue's words in her mind.

I just thought about it for a long time, but I couldn't figure out why.

"Xiaota, Master Xuanyue has a close relationship with the Lin family. I knew this before. It can be said that Master Xuanyue is the one standing behind the Lin family. Tell me, will he have a close relationship with Yan? Are the four disciples of senior Qingxuan related?" Lin Luo was even more puzzled.

Xiaota was silent for a moment before speaking slowly.

"I don't know. I don't know if he has anything to do with Yan Qingxuan's four apprentices. I feel a little baffled by his existence. When I was with Yan Qingxuan before, I had never heard of Xuanyue anyway. this person."

Since you can't figure it out, let's not think about it for now. Lin Luo said a few words, walked out of the front hall, and asked where Patriarch Lin's study was.

Lin Wenxuan was with Patriarch Lin, so of course she wanted to find him.

When Lin Luo arrived, Patriarch Lin seemed to have finished chatting with Lin Wenxuan, and Lin Wenxuan walked out of Patriarch Lin's study.

What Lin Luo wanted to ask Patriarch Lin most now was about Lin Zhanhong, but she knew that Lin Wenxuan would definitely ask.

"Luo Luo, have you finished talking with the National Teacher?" Lin Wenxuan walked up to Lin Luo and asked.

Lin Luo glanced at the direction of Master Lin's study, nodded, and answered.

After all, it is not a place to talk at the head of the Lin family. It is more appropriate to go to Lin Zimo's yard first.

The brothers and sisters went to Lin Zimo's yard very tacitly, but Lin Zimo didn't go anywhere, just waiting for them in the yard.

Seeing the two of them come back this time, I can finally let go of my hanging heart.

"I'm really worried about the two of you going to uncle's place. It's not because uncle is dangerous, but because my second brother will cause trouble for you. Today, second sister lost face in front of everyone. I guess she will try her best to embarrass you. You are safe Just come back." Lin Zimo sighed.

Lin Luo didn't care about Lin Qingyan at all, her goal was not just the Lin family.

"Zimo, help me and my brother find a quieter place, we need to have a good chat." Lin Luo whispered.

"It's very simple, you just go to my practice room. There is no one in my practice room, and there is a special formation that can block the sound." Lin Zimo replied.

He didn't care that Lin Luo and Lin Wenxuan had something to say and didn't tell him.

In Lin Zimo's view, it is normal for the two brothers and sisters to tell some secrets, and they came here this time to inquire about Lin Zhanhong.

Lin Zimo can't help with these matters, and it's not easy to participate.

"Okay, thank you, Zimo." Lin Wenxuan nodded.

The two brothers and sisters were brought to his practice room by Lin Zimo, and after closing the door, they exchanged information about their chats with Patriarch Lin and Xuan Yue.

Lin Wenxuan couldn't help frowning after hearing what Lin Luo said about Xuan Yue.

(End of this chapter)

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