A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 339 The Patriarch of the Lin Family

Chapter 339 The Patriarch of the Lin Family
The ancestor of the Lin family is not the father of the Lin family, nor his grandfather, but the great-grandfather.

It is said that when the Lin family was in the hands of the ancestor, it did not fall into an existence that was counted as the tail of the four major families. At least at that time, it was still full of glory.

Later, the children of the Lin family became more and more poor, and the Lin family gradually fell into a disadvantaged position.

The ancestor of the Lin family is a person who loves talents very much. Even if it is a branch of the Lin family, as long as they are talented, they can be accepted into the main family of the Lin family.

It is also for this reason that Lin Luo is more prosperous.

Later, when he retreated to the ancestral land, the Lin family began to decline.

Now Patriarch Lin's father has just quit the position of Patriarch not long ago, and he is even more cautious.

If Lin Zhanhong did not meet the previous Patriarch, but met the Patriarch, or the current Patriarch Lin, the situation would be completely different.

It is estimated that Lin Zhanhong will not let Lin Zhanhong try to accomplish great things before merging the Qingzhou Lin family into the Lin family.

In the final analysis, it was because of the narrow-mindedness of the previous Patriarch.

Now that Patriarch Lin takes over the Lin family, he naturally wants to restore the glory of the Lin family. Therefore, Patriarch Lin now has high hopes for Lin Luo and Lin Wenxuan, including the ancestors.

"Tomorrow, the ancestor summons you, so be careful, and don't make the ancestor angry. I have never met the ancestor, and I don't know how his temper is now. I just heard people who were lucky enough to meet say that the ancestor is really He is Xiongxiong. Besides, it is said that he is not easy to get along with, but it is not necessarily true, anyway, you just need to be careful." Lin Zimo exhorted worriedly.

After listening to Lin Zimo's words, Lin Luo was still somewhat curious about the ancestor of the Lin family.

If it is true what Lin Zimo said, then the ancestor of the Lin family is indeed a man of courage.

"Don't worry, I will be careful." Lin Luo responded.

Lin Zimo didn't say anything more, and when Lin Wenxuan came out of the practice room, he took the brothers and sisters around Lin's house.

When night came, Lin Luo and Lin Wenxuan naturally lived in Lin Zimo's yard.

But at this moment, Lin Luo didn't feel sleepy.

Knowing the news about Lin Zhanhong today, she felt a little bit stunned, and felt that it was not too real.

It has been two years since she traveled to the Qingxuan Continent, and she has grown a lot. She didn't even dare to imagine this level of cultivation in her previous life.

Since she couldn't sleep, Lin Luo had no choice but to sit on the bed and practice.

The night passed quickly, and after tidying up, Lin Qingyan also appeared in Lin Zimo's yard.

This time Lin Shiya didn't accompany her, only Lin Qingyan came here alone, she didn't have any displeasure on her face, she waited for Lin Luo and Lin Wenxuan with a smile, even after waiting for a while, her expression didn't change.

It can be seen that Lin Qingyan attaches great importance to the task assigned by that ancestor of the Lin family, even if she is about to go to the ice region, she will not be arrogant and will not take the elder of the Lin family seriously.

Bingyu is a place of cultivation, and it is only a matter of time before she returns to the Lin family.

It just so happens that for practitioners, time is the most meaningless thing.

Lin Luo and Lin Wenxuan greeted Lin Qingyan, and then naturally followed her to the place where the ancestor of the Lin family was.

The two brothers and sisters walked behind Lin Qingyan, they didn't look around, but looked down at their feet.

Lin Wenxuan was a little curious. He thought that the ancestor of the Lin family lived in a relatively gorgeous courtyard, but when he actually arrived at the place where the ancestor of the Lin family lived, he realized that he was thinking too much.

It turned out that the ancestor of the Lin family did not live in the yard, but in a bamboo forest behind the Lin family's house.

There seemed to be a formation in the bamboo forest, and when they stepped into the bamboo forest, the surrounding scene also changed.

From the outside, there are only messy bamboos around, and there are no paths. It looks like an ordinary bamboo forest.

However, Lin Wenxuan noticed that when they walked in, there was a narrow path inside, winding all the way to the front with no end in sight.

Lin Qingyan didn't speak, and continued to lead the siblings forward.

Not long after, the front suddenly opened up, and a small farmyard appeared.

This small courtyard is different from Lin Luo's previous home. The entire courtyard is made of bamboo, which is a small bamboo courtyard.

It can be seen that the owner who lives here should like bamboo very much.

Even the bamboos around the house are high-quality spiritual bamboos, which are different from the ordinary bamboos on the outside. The furnishings in the small courtyard look very simple, one table, one chair, one pot and one cup, simple and clear.

The three of them didn't have the aura to hide themselves, nor did they restrain their footsteps. When they stepped into the yard, an old voice sounded at the same time.

"You are here."

Hearing this voice, the three bowed at the same time.

"I have seen my ancestor."

Even though Lin Luo and Lin Wenxuan do not belong to the main family, but the ancestors are the ancestors of the entire Lin family, naturally they still have to salute.

With a creak, the door was opened, and an old man in coarse linen clothes came into view.

The old man's hair and beard are gray, and there are some signs of aging on his face. He looks about 50 years old.

Lin Luo thought to herself, cultivators really can't look at their faces, a face can't tell their real age at all, even though they look fifty or so, they may actually be five hundred years old.

The patriarch of the Lin family smiled slightly, he didn't seem to have the slightest airs, and looked very gentle.

"Qingyan, go back and rest first."

"Yes, Patriarch." Lin Qingyan left with a slight blessing.

Even if she wanted to stay in her heart, and wanted to know what the ancestor said to Lin Luo and the others, she could only leave obediently.

The patriarch of the Lin family was never a person who would be led by the nose. If he really had some small thoughts, he would be able to see it at a glance.

After Lin Qingyan left, the patriarch of the Lin family waved his right hand, and two chairs appeared out of nowhere next to the original table and chairs.

"You don't have to be too restrained. I just came here today to get to know you. Let's sit down and talk slowly."

After finishing speaking, the patriarch of the Lin family walked to his place and sat down.

The brother and sister thanked each other, and then sat down beside the ancestor of the Lin family, one on the left and one on the right.

Next, the patriarch of the Lin family didn't speak, but took out the tea set from the storage ring, used his spiritual power to boil the water, and started making tea.

His every move is smooth and smooth, which can be regarded as pleasing to the eye.

To make a cup of tea or a pot of tea, you must first master the amount of tea leaves. There is no uniform standard for how much tea leaves to use each time. It mainly depends on the type of tea leaves, the size of the tea set, and the drinking habits of the tea drinker.

Lin Luo didn't think she was a tea lover. If she was asked to make tea, she would definitely put the tea leaves and boil water to make it.

To put it bluntly, she is the rude kind, drinking tea is also a cow's drink.

Time passed a bit slowly, Lin Luo still sat upright, without any displeasure, she knew that the ancestor of the Lin family didn't simply ask them to come over to get to know each other and make tea for them.

Obviously, there is no purpose.

(End of this chapter)

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