Chapter 341 Death Mountain
The yard was very quiet, especially after the ancestor of the Lin family finished speaking.

After a long time, Lin Luo took a deep breath.

"My ancestor was joking. Why do you think that our brothers and sisters can get it? If you are not careful, you may die in the Death Mountain. After all, the name Death Mountain is very popular in Qingzhou." Lin Luo chuckled.

Lin Wenxuan also nodded, agreeing with Lin Luo's point of view.

The ancestor of the Lin family didn't feel that his request was too much at all. When he made this request, he also wanted to test Lin Luo and Lin Wenxuan.

"Don't worry, I won't let you two brothers and sisters go alone, and I will let people from the Lin family go with you, including Zimo's father. If your life is really in danger, someone will come to your rescue. I also don't want such a good seedling from the Lin family to die outside."

In this way, the brothers and sisters seem to have no reason to refuse, as if this is not a bad thing for them, but it seems to be beneficial to their brothers and sisters.

Even if they can't get the body clearing grass, they can still guarantee safety, and they really don't need to refuse.

If only the two brothers and sisters were sent to the Valley of Death to find Qingticao and face the Flying Thunder Leopard in the Jindan stage, it would be death.

It was different with Fourth Uncle Lin, he would never watch Lin Luo and Lin Wenxuan die.

Apart from the relationship between the two of them and Lin Zimo, it is more because Uncle Lin is famous for caring for the younger generation. As long as he is by his side, he will definitely protect his younger generation no matter what.

If you are lucky, you get the Qingticao, and you can participate in the big competition in the clan, as long as you enter the top ten, you can enter the ancestral land.

Looking at it this way, it's not too bad a deal.

"Okay, I agree." Lin Luo said firmly.

Seeing her answer, Lin Wenxuan also agreed.

"I agreed too."

The two brothers and sisters decided to look for the Qingti grass, also in order to be able to participate in the big competition in the clan.

The brothers and sisters can also guess a thing or two about the thoughts of the ancestor of the Lin family.

It can be seen that the ancestor of the Lin family is not a person who pays too much attention to his direct bloodline. As long as the offshoots are talented, he is also willing to give opportunities.

It stands to reason that Lin Luo and his sister are not qualified to participate in the competition within the clan.

In order to convince a group of young children in the clan, the ancestor of the Lin family asked them to pick Qingti grass.

After talking for a while, the brothers and sisters of the Lin family left the bamboo forest.

Two days later, it was also the day when the Qingti grass was close to maturity, and the people who the ancestors of the Lin family arranged to go to the Death Mountain were also waiting at the door of the house early in the morning.

Lin Zimo also went with the Lin brothers and sisters with the consent of Lin Sishu.

Among the accompanying people this time, apart from Lin Zimo and Fourth Uncle Lin, there were also Lin Qingyan and Lin Shiya.

Lin Luo frowned slightly, she didn't think Lin Qingyan's purpose was the same as theirs.

Obviously, even if Lin Qingyan didn't go to Death Mountain, she still has the qualifications to participate in the clan competition, so why bother to go with them to Death Mountain.

While everyone was walking, Lin Luo approached Lin Wenxuan and spoke slowly.

"Brother, I don't know why Lin Qingyan and Lin Shiya followed us to the Death Mountain, but we must be careful. If something happens in the Death Mountain, I'm afraid the two of them will wish that we can't live."

Lin Wenxuan also nodded, "You are right, everything depends on us."

Even with Fourth Uncle Lin accompanying him, Lin Wenxuan did not intend to entrust his life to others.

Lin Luo wasn't worried either, if it was really dangerous, she could hide in the wings of the phoenix.

However, she was still worried about Lin Wenxuan.

The brothers and sisters stopped talking and said nothing more.

Everyone chatted along the way, and it seemed to be calm on the surface.

Not long after, a group of more than a dozen people arrived at the Death Mountain.

A large part of the reason why the Death Mountain is dangerous is that the entire mountain is shrouded in dense miasma.

And this kind of miasma is also very dangerous to those who cultivate immortals.

If you stay in it for too long, people with low cultivation bases will not be able to withstand the miasma, and I am afraid that they will only end up dead.

Therefore, people who want to enter the Death Mountain have two requirements.

The first one is to obtain the consent of the Lin family. After all, it is the land of the Lin family. If you want to enter the Death Mountain, you must inform the Lin family, and there will be someone from the Lin family at the entrance.

Another very important point is that you need to take the detoxification pill before entering the Death Mountain.

The effect of Jiedu Pill is not long, at most it can last for three days.

However, for a family like the Lin family, there is still a lot of detoxification pills.

After the group of people took the antidote pill, they immediately entered the Death Mountain.

"Fourth Uncle, where is the Qingticao?" Lin Shiya asked Fourth Uncle Lin with a smile.

Hearing this, everyone's eyes were on Uncle Lin, as if they also wanted to know the answer.

Fourth Uncle Lin pointed to a mountain range in the distance, "That's where it is. I took a look at it from a distance when I came last year."

At that time, Fourth Uncle Lin was also picking a kind of herbal medicine to make alchemy, so he inadvertently ran into the place where Qingticao was, and saw the Flying Thunder Leopard.

It's just that Fourth Uncle Lin didn't intend to move the body grass at that time, and the distance was relatively far, so the Flying Thunder Leopard didn't attack him.

Thinking of this, Fourth Uncle Lin looked at Lin Luo and his sister.

Since the ancestor is so optimistic about them, why let them do such a dangerous thing?

If he didn't notice, or didn't protect them well, wouldn't it be that they lost their lives in vain?

"Fourth uncle, let's hurry up and go."

Seeing that Fourth Uncle Lin fell silent, Lin Shiya didn't know what was going on in her mind, so she quickly called him.

Fourth Uncle Lin came back to his senses and nodded.

"Let's go, I'll take you there to see the situation over there. There is one thing I have to remind you. When Lin Luo, Lin Wenxuan and Flying Thunder Leopard fight, you must remember to get out of the way, that Flying Thunder Leopard's The range of the attack is relatively large, so be careful that you are accidentally injured. Especially Shiya and Qingyan, besides the two of them, you are the only two who came here to learn." Fourth Uncle Lin was still a little worried.

Hearing what he said, Lin Shiya was a little unhappy.

"Fourth Uncle, Zimo's cultivation is the worst, so you should be most worried about Zimo, right?"

Lin Zimo stared, and was about to refute immediately.

However, a hand was placed on his shoulder, brushing away the anger in his heart.

"You can't say that, Zimo's formation technique is so good, I remember that you were able to escape from the siege of Jiusha Palace and Wanyao Valley disciples, and it was because of Zimo's formation technique that brought you out. Even if he went to practice with us today, I also believe that he has the ability to protect himself, and I just believe in him." Lin Luo spoke slowly.

Lin Shiya was so angry that she couldn't refute what Lin Luo said just now.

No way, because what she said is true!
(End of this chapter)

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