Chapter 343 Soul Eater

Hearing Mao Qiu's words, Lin Luo stepped forward and asked Mao Qiu.

"Furball, what is that?"

Mao Qiu tilted his head and thought for a while, probably thinking about the name of that thing, probably thought of it, so soon the voice continued to ring in Lin Luo's mind.

"I didn't expect there to be a soul-eating beast in this place. That thing is formed by the condensation of dark air, which will infuse human souls. Moreover, before it attacks people, it will deliberately tease them and keep them highly concentrated energy, they can absorb the emotion of fear." Fuqiu replied.

Lin Luo also searched and saw ancient books, which also recorded soul-eating beasts.

The soul-eating beast is a kind of beast, but in fact it is similar to the little tower, and should be regarded as a kind of spirit body.

This kind of small thing is extremely difficult to be discovered, and sneak attacks are almost always successful. The monks are very big-headed.

Even simply using spiritual power to attack, many times it cannot attack.

Don't think that the soul-eating beast sounds like a child. In fact, as soon as it appears, no matter how many monks with low cultivation bases, the entire army will be wiped out.

It is said that the soul-eating beast only eats once in three years, but it can cultivate for three full years after eating once.

One can imagine how much it needs to eat.

Lin Luo quietly approached the soul-eating beast according to Mao Qiu's command.

The soul-eating beast didn't notice Lin Luo's approach, and it didn't think anyone could see it when it wasn't visible.

"Luo Luo, attack directly with spiritual power. Spiritual power attacks are useless to it." Mao Qiu reminded worriedly.

Even if it is itself, there is no way to pose any threat to the soul-eating beast. That thing is not a monster, nor is it a pure spirit body. Anyway, it is very troublesome.

The members of the Lin family were a little puzzled. They didn't know why Lin Luo came to the little prince's side.

"Lin Luo, what do you want to do?" Lin Shiya couldn't help asking.

Lin Luo raised his right hand, "Nothing, just to see how the little prince's injury is. After all, the little prince has a noble status, so he accidentally fell, and he was afraid that he would be injured. If there is something good or bad, the Nine Worthy King will definitely Angry, my master has some friendship with the Nine Wise Kings, but we can't let some trivial matters separate us."

Hearing what Lin Luo said, Lin Shiya didn't say anything, but her eyes were still on Lin Luo.

On the contrary, the little prince, seeing Lin Luo approaching and saying these words of concern for him, made him quite uncomfortable. It seemed that his mother and concubine, who had passed away a few years ago, had always said these words to him so gently.

Just when the little prince was about to talk to Lin Luo, he saw that the original relaxation on Lin Luo's face disappeared, and his expression restrained, turning into a fierce aura.

At the same time, dozens of blue spikes floated in her palm.

"My lord, be careful!"

Before the little lord could react, his followers saw Lin Luo attacking him with mental power, and were immediately frightened. They were about to resist, but they saw Lin Luo's spike sticking to him at an extremely fast speed. The little prince's cheeks flew back.

In the originally empty place, a cloud of black mist slowly distorted.

The black mist gradually began to solidify, turning into the shape of a chicken.

"What is this?" Lin Zimo murmured.

Fourth Uncle Lin's complexion changed, "I didn't expect it to be a soul-eating beast. Fortunately, Lin Luo discovered its existence, otherwise we would be in trouble. This thing is very smart, and it feeds on our human emotions and absorbs our emotions. terror."

Even if Fourth Uncle Lin encountered it, he might try his best not to get hurt, but it couldn't be solved.

It's not that his cultivation is poor, it's that this thing can be invisible, unless it is injured, it's not easy to find at all.

There is still a difference between a spirit body and a monster. A monster can also judge its position by breathing, but a spirit body does not breathe, which is very difficult.

Unexpectedly, Lin Luo discovered the soul-eating beast and even injured it.

The injured soul-eating beast was a little riotous, and it desperately rushed towards the direction where the little prince was.

Among the people present, only the little prince had the worst cultivation and the most trouble-prone state of mind, so it rushed towards the little prince without hesitation.

Lin Luo was already prepared, and the white feather sword was in his hand, emitting a blue light.

"One sword transforms three cleans!"

The first sword of the Nine Swords of the God of Fighting used Yuanli to attack, and all of them fell on the soul-eating beast, causing the soul-eating beast to scream pitifully.

Finally, it fell to the ground, dying.

"Lin Luo, you surprised me. I didn't expect to find the trace of the soul-eating beast. This thing is not very strong, but even if I got it, there is no way to deal with it. He is immune to spiritual power. Fortunately, you are a talisman master." Fourth Uncle Lin said with a smile.

"That's not the case, fourth uncle. In fact, it was my monster that found the soul-eating beast. It told me when it saw the soul-eating beast. I also approached the soul-eating beast according to the command of my monster. That's how I found out that it was hiding behind the little prince. The little prince fell, and it was the soul-eating beast that did it." Lin Luo explained.

Fourth Uncle Lin nodded with a smile, "It's okay, although your monster discovered it, but if you weren't there, we wouldn't be able to do anything about it. Fortunately, the little prince is with us. If they encounter the soul-eating beast alone, even It’s the entire squad that’s going to be wiped out.”

It's not that Uncle Lin's remark was aimless. If the little prince and the others really encountered it, something would happen.

If something happened to the little prince in the death mountain range of the Lin family, the Lin family would not be able to explain to the Nine Sage Kings.

Only then did the little prince react belatedly. It turned out that Lin Luo didn't intend to attack him just now, but the soul-eating beast in the dark.

Lin Luo didn't say it directly, because she was worried that it would disturb the soul-eating beast.

He is just a cultivation base in the foundation establishment period, relying on the talents assigned to him by the Nine Sage Kings so indifferently.

Many of them are masters who still have a heart-pounding period, but without Lin Luo, they have nothing to do, after all, soul-eating beasts are immune to spiritual attacks.

In other words, Lin Luo saved his life!
After thinking clearly, the little prince set his eyes on Lin Luo.

Lin Luo looked at him calmly, not complacent just because he saved the little prince's life.

"That, that, thank you." The little prince said to Lin Luo awkwardly.

When he finished speaking, his face was already flushed red.

"Don't worry about it, it's just a matter of raising your hands." Lin Luo said lightly.

"This king will remember your kindness." The little prince's face was still very red, "Anyway, if you need anything, just come to this king, and this king will help you."

Lin Luo originally wanted to say no, but she found it very interesting to see that the little prince was a bit embarrassed after being taken care of by the elders.

In the final analysis, this is just a spoiled young boy, but his heart is clean and his three outlooks are upright.

"Okay, I will come to you if I need it."

(End of this chapter)

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