Chapter 358 You Can Go To Dad
After leaving the ancestral land, the head of the Lin family took Lin Wenxuan to the bamboo house of the ancestor of the Lin family, and the three of them chatted inside for an afternoon.

When she heard the news, Lin Shiya came to talk to Lin Luo on purpose in secret, just to tell Lin Luo that she was not as powerful as Lin Wenxuan in the master's house.

According to the talent shown by Lin Luo, the person the ancestor should meet was her, not Lin Wenxuan.

Lin Luo didn't care at all, and was even happy because the ancestor of the Lin family cared about Lin Wenxuan.

However, Lin Luo knew it very well.

If it weren't for Lin Wenxuan's relatively good talent, the head of the Lin family and the ancestors of the Lin family would not have set their sights on him.

As for what the two of them wanted to say when they called Lin Wenxuan in the past, a large part of it might be that they wanted Lin Wenxuan to pay for the Lin family.

This is also good, people are mutual, it shows that Lin Wenxuan is valuable, so people will value him.

Lin Wenxuan put the cakes on the plate in front of Lin Luo, but did not rush to answer Lin Luo's question.

"Luo Luo, chestnut cake was your favorite food when you were young. At that time, you ate too much at home and you were full. You felt uncomfortable, so let me rub your belly. But that was when you were four years old, and you didn't I know if you still remember, maybe you can’t remember. Later, you and your mother went to Songjiagou, so you probably didn’t have a chance to eat chestnut cakes. After that, you started to practice, and you never wanted to eat these cakes Idea, you can try it today."

Lin Wenxuan saw this plate of chestnut cake when passing by the kitchen, and asked the kitchen for a plate.

Now Lin Wenxuan and Lin Luo are both distinguished guests of the Lin family, so the Lin family will not be harsh on them when it comes to food, they can eat whatever they want.

Lin Luo's expression moved slightly, and he reached out and took out a piece of chestnut cake from the plate and took a bite.

The faintly sweet fragrance spread on the tip of the tongue, which gave Lin Luo a sense of satisfaction.

"It's delicious, brother, you should try it too."

Lin Wenxuan also reached out and took a piece of chestnut cake, put it in his mouth and took a bite, a lot of memories flooded his mind.

"Luo Luo, the Patriarch and Patriarch called me over today because they heard the news from the Yin family that there were signs of the appearance of the Mysterious Qing Realm. In the past, every time the Mysterious Qing Realm appeared, it would be accompanied by a tornado that would appear in the mountains for a month. Afterwards, Long Xuanfeng disappeared, and the entrance to the Qingxuan Secret Realm appeared. The place I just wanted to go to was the territory of the Yin family, so the Yin family told the news to several major sects and aristocratic families." Lin Wenxuan said.

It is estimated that neither the patriarch of the Lin family nor the owner of the Lin family approached Lin Luo to tell the news. First, it was due to Lin Luo's young age, and second, it was better not to make too much fanfare.

Keep a low profile. For Lin, it's always safer.

"So that's the case. Isn't it about a month before we can go to the Qingxuan Secret Realm to find traces of dad?" Lin Luo had a smile on his face.

"Yeah, we can go to find dad, but it's better not to tell mother, don't make mother happy." Lin Wenxuan sighed, "mother always doesn't show anything, but I understand everything, she I will always remember my father in my heart."

Speaking of this, Lin Luo also thought of Tang Yuan's life experience.

"Brother, did Mother tell you something about her background?" Lin Luo asked.

Lin Wenxuan was slightly taken aback, "No."

I don't know whether Lin Wenxuan, a son, spent less time chatting with his mother in the past, or because his son is not a caring little padded jacket like his daughter. Tang Yuan never told Lin Wenxuan about his identity.

Back then Lin Wenxuan asked Tang Yuan why he had spiritual roots but didn't cultivate, but Tang Yuan didn't say anything at that time.

To be honest, Lin Wenxuan was older than Lin Luo now.

Lin Luo thought about it for a while, and had some guesses in her mind that Tang Yuan didn't directly tell Lin Wenxuan about her life experience.

Immediately afterwards, Lin Luo told Tang Yuan's physique and family background.

"Mother's matter is probably like this. Mother is from the Tang family, and we are the blood of the Lin family and the Tang family." Lin Luo said.

Lin Wenxuan couldn't come back to his senses for a long time, his mind was buzzing, constantly digesting Lin Luo's words.

Who would have thought that the reason why Tang Yuan couldn't cultivate was actually the body of the furnace!
As a monk, it is impossible for Lin Wenxuan not to know what such a physique represents, and also to know what kind of food such a physique is in the eyes of a monk.

For so many years, Tang Yuan's physique has not been discovered by outsiders, and it still has a lot to do with herself.

But whenever Bai Qiong and Liu Yuxin tripped Tang Yuan overtly or secretly, if Tang Yuan couldn't hold on, if he asked the Tang family to go, the Tang family would not really be indifferent, and I'm afraid they would still make a move. .

But Tang Yuan kept in mind what the Tang family said, so even if life was difficult, she would rather remarry than go to the Tang family.

Perhaps, in Tang Yuan's heart, he also felt guilty towards the Tang family.

The Tang family gave birth to her, but in the end she ran away with a man, the third son of the Lin family in Qingzhou.

For a while, Lin Wenxuan felt a little complicated.

"So it turned out to be like this." Lin Wenxuan sighed slightly, "Luo Luo, let's go back, go back and see mother, and then go back to the sect. Since the Lin family has got the news, Lingyun Pavilion and Yujianzong will also know , we will act together when the time comes."

"Okay, let's go back and see mother." Lin Luo responded.

The brothers and sisters went to Patriarch Lin to bid farewell, and Patriarch Lin naturally persuaded him to keep him.

Lin Patriarch originally wanted Lin Luo and Lin Wenxuan to wait for the people from the ice area to leave before leaving. The most important thing was to let the two brothers and sisters establish a good relationship with the young children of the Lin family.

Even if there is some rift with Lin Shiya and Lin Qingyan, he hopes to resolve it before Lin Qingyan leaves.

It's a pity that the brothers and sisters insisted on leaving, and said that if there is a chance the next time the ancestral land is opened, they still want to fight those monsters.

Patriarch Lin responded with a smile, and finally sent the person out with Lin Zimo himself.

The brothers and sisters returned to Songjiagou as quickly as possible, and they knew very well that they would spend less and less time going home in the future.

Since there is still enough time, they definitely want to spend more time with Tang Yuan.

Tang Yuan was very happy to see her son and daughter back, and even ate an extra bowl with dinner.

Ever since Tang Yuan recovered from her injury, her appetite has also gotten better and better.

It may also be because of the nourishment of Lin Luo's spirit grass, and the fact that the Wu family sisters tried different ways to nourish Tang Yuan's body. Now Tang Yuan is in very good health, not to mention her rosy face, and she won't feel chest tightness and shortness of breath even if she walks a little more.

Hearing that the siblings were about to go to a secret place, Tang Yuan's face turned pale.

"Luo Luo, Wen Xuan, you two must protect yourselves outside. If something happens to you, mother doesn't know what to do."

(End of this chapter)

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