Chapter 362 The Inner Ghost
Everyone is silent, and now there are only more than 100 people in Xunxianzong plus their elders and teachers, which is miserable enough.

If those disciples living outside are still alive, then it is indeed like what the Great Elder said, there should be more than 200 people.

The Xunxianzong, which was so special at the beginning, was the starting point for entering the world of cultivating immortals, but now it has become like this, which is embarrassing.

For a time, there was a big gap in everyone's heart.

But if that's the case, let's continue to hold on!

Elder Xiao looked at Lin Luo, "Lin Luo, we want to revive the sect, but now we lack everything. Whether it is cultivation resources or disciples, they are all lacking. Temporary residence at the outer gate of Lingyun Pavilion is not a long-term solution. , we still need our own sect. I took the time to go back and take a look before. Although our sect has been destroyed in many places, it can still be rebuilt. What do you think?"

Revitalizing the Zongmen does not necessarily require changing the location and rebuilding it. Everyone is also full of affection for the original place of Xunxianzong.

Not only Xunxianzong, but also this Youzhou City, which is a place they are familiar with.

Elder Xiao's words aroused the approval of several other elders and teachers, and they all nodded, thinking that choosing the location of Xunxianzong in the original sect was the best.

Don't forget, the suzerain Si Jing and the great elder died in the sect.

Re-opening the sect in the original place of the Xunxianzong can also comfort the spirits of Si Jing and the Great Elder in heaven.

"I think this is very good, but we still have a lot to do, and it is not so easy to reopen the sect. At least, the people in Jiusha Temple and Wanyao Valley don't seem to give up looking for us, maybe They have other actions." The Great Elder said.

When it comes to the Hall of Nine Demons and the Valley of Ten Thousand Monsters, everyone feels a little worried.

That's right, now there are only more than 100 disciples left in Xunxianzong. If they are found by people from Jiusha Temple and Wanyao Valley, there may only be one result of complete extermination. This is a situation that no one wants to see.

"Elders and teachers, after dealing with Xunxianzong, will the Nine Demonic Palace attack the other four sects?" Lin Luo asked.

Elder Liu frowned slightly, "We have thought about this guess before, and it is indeed possible. Now that the Hall of Nine Evils has become more powerful, I don't know whether Wan Yao Valley is cooperating with it or has been merged into the Hall of Nine Evils. Not very clear. It's a pity that we haven't met any disciples who are alone in the Hall of Nine Demons, otherwise we can check it out."

"Elder Liu, I have a doubt in my heart. I don't know if everyone has thought about this question." Lin Luo stopped here and saw that everyone was looking at her, but she didn't mean to speak. They seemed to be asking her with their eyes. , she continued, "Our Xunxianzong actually has a lot of resistance. It stands to reason that we wouldn't be so passively beaten by the disciples of Jiusha Temple and Wanyao Valley. They seem to know our strength. The internal situation of the sect is well known about the actions of the disciples, and even the least number of disciples are doing tasks, and most of them only do it in the sect, which is enough to explain the problem."

The others looked at each other in blank dismay. They had thought about this problem before, but they didn't think about it carefully. The main reason was that they didn't have many disciples, so they couldn't think about it.

Now that Lin Luo pointed it out, they realized that things were far from that simple.

Perhaps, they should really think about it.

"Lin Luo, what do you think?" Elder Yin looked at Lin Luo and asked.

Lin Luo took a deep breath, "I think that Xunxianzong should have an inner ghost, and it is far more than just one. Although Xunxianzong is not as good as the previous five sects, the structure within the sect is not small. However, the Hall of Nine Shades is able to fully grasp the situation of Xunxianzong. I think it is related to the wide distribution of inner ghosts. There may even be elders or teachers who are members of Hall of Nine Shades. Of course, I have no doubts. It means that if there is an inner ghost of the Hall of Nine Evils among those present, then the remaining disciples will also cease to exist."

After hearing Lin Luo's words, everyone's expressions were not very good-looking.

Of course, they were not angry with Lin Luo, but they knew that Lin Luo's guess was probably true.

Xun Xianzong encountered a catastrophe, and the other party knew the situation of Xun Xianzong well, even knew where there was a path or a place to escape, so he must be very familiar with Xun Xianzong.

Except for Xunxianzong's own disciples who know that even if the Nine Shattered Palace has all hands and eyes, it is impossible to do it.

Then the only possibility is that Xunxianzong has more than one inner ghost.

I thought that when the disciples entered the sect, they would check it out, but I didn't expect that the people from the Jiusha Palace still sent many people in.

"Hey, the Hall of Nine Demons played a big game of chess. I should have thought of it earlier. When Lin Luo found out that the disciples of the Palace of Nine Demons had mixed in in the outer courtyard, we thought it was an intrusion. But we never thought that it might be the Nine Evils. The people who were arranged by the evil hall, but the disciples didn’t find out that the people around had Hydra tattoos. We should have asked the disciples to check together with a few people, so that we could find out.” Elder Xiao A look of regret.

"It's not necessarily true. At that time, I fought against the other party, and I guessed that she might be the inner court or the elite court. Later, the elders announced that the disciples reported the hydra tattoos to the people around them, but no one found out, which means that they also hid Identity. It's not that there are no people from the Nine Evil Temple, but they hide it too well, and they must be afraid of being discovered when they infiltrate the disciples, and they have hidden the tattoos on their bodies so that they were not discovered." Lin Luo said.

Lin Luo's thoughts coincided with those of the Great Elder, and he also thought that things were not that simple.

"Since His Royal Highness Jiu Sha is determined to take action against Xun Xianzong, I'm afraid the screening will not find anything. What I am worried about now is whether there are any ghosts among the disciples." The elder looked solemn.

If there are still people from the Jiusha Temple among the remaining disciples, then there is a high possibility that they will really have nothing left in the Xunxianzong.

"Investigate, we must thoroughly investigate, all kinds of temptations, we must not let the inner ghost stay among the disciples." The third elder slapped the table angrily.

Lin Luo was relieved, this was the most important purpose of her visit today. Only by making sure that there were no threats among the disciples, could Xunxianzong slowly start to revive the sect.

Several people chatted for a while, and suddenly the sound of the bell came to mind outside.

Hearing the bell ring three times, Lin Luo's expression changed drastically.

"Elders and teachers, I'll go back to the sect to take a look. This seems to be the death knell. I heard my senior sister say it before!"

The Great Elder also knew the seriousness of the matter, "Okay, you go back quickly, if there is anything to do, just send someone down to follow us."

"I see."

Lin Luo immediately walked out of the room and walked up the mountain at an extremely fast speed.

Xiaota's voice sounded, "Luoluo, don't worry, maybe you remembered wrongly."

Lin Luo was in a state of confusion, thinking of Liu Yi in his mind, even though he knew that his cultivation was good, he was still very worried.

(End of this chapter)

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