Chapter 369 What Is It?

Ghost Mian is the person who has been with the Lord of the Nine Demons for the longest time, and he is also afraid of the Lord of the Nine Demons losing his temper.

"Hall master, calm down. The masters of Yunhai Peak and Jingsi Peak are really smart. After discovering our disciples, they didn't kill them. Instead, they followed them to the entrance of the underground palace. In the back, they sneaked in. , and laid an ambush in advance, and caught us off guard. Thanks to the Hall Master, otherwise there will be troubles and delay our business." Guimian sighed.

There is a hidden underground palace outside the Hall of Nine Shades, not everyone can come directly to the headquarters of the Hall of Nine Shades.

This time the people of Lingyun Pavilion discovered that underground palace, it seems that they are going to change places.

In this regard, the Lord of the Nine Demons Palace should be angry, after all, that underground palace took him a lot of thought.

"A bunch of trash, if it wasn't for the lack of time, I wouldn't be bothered to train another batch of people, and you will all die today!" The Lord of the Nine Demons snorted coldly.

"I beg the Lord to calm down!" All the people kneeling on the ground begged for mercy.

Neither Ghost Mian nor Zou Jie dared to speak, they could feel the surroundings were very cold, that was the anger from the Lord of the Nine Demons.

Don't look at him sitting lazily on the top as usual.

In fact, the master of the Nine Demons Palace is very angry, and everyone knows it well.

After a while, the Lord of the Nine Demons Palace slowly raised his left hand and made a gesture to stop them from speaking.

"I won't talk about the rest of this seat. This time, the Qingxuan Secret Realm is about to open, so stop everything you are doing. Our people can't get in. This time, all the forces have to go. The Nine Evil Palace has not yet To the extent that they can become enemies with all forces, those old things of Zixiaozong are difficult to deal with, and I am afraid that Bingyu will also come, let alone I have other plans."

Ghost Mian breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly spoke.

"I need my subordinates to wait for what to do, and ask the palace master to express it."

"Please tell the palace master clearly." Zou Jie also said.

The Lord of the Nine Demons Palace was silent for a moment, probably thinking about what to do. While everyone was waiting nervously, his voice finally sounded slowly.

"It's very simple. Our people can't enter the Qingxuan Secret Realm, but their young genius disciples must go. Send some disciples to guard the Yin family's territory. As long as those sects want to go, they will stop them on the way. Shoot and kill! When we meet the right ones, our people will pretend to be among the disciples. Those sects want to train more Jindan stage people, and also want to prevent the disciples of the Jiusha Hall from entering, it depends on whether I agree. Promise." The Lord of the Nine Shades snorted coldly.

Zou Jie immediately flattered him, "Hall Master is wise and powerful, I am far inferior to him."

"Get out of here, get ready now, and kill the disciples of the various sects. I want to see how many disciples are enough to kill those self-proclaimed decent sects! In addition, let all ten elders Action, you don't need to sit in the hall, I will stay in the hall during this time." The cold voice of the master of Jiusha hall sounded.

Everyone was sweating profusely, "Yes, Palace Master."

In the entire hall, except for the ghost face, everyone else went out.

"Hall Master, if you stayed in the hall recently, would this subordinate also go with the ten elders to deal with the disciples of those sects?" Gui Mian asked.

The Lord of the Nine Demons Hall shook his head, "You don't need to stay in the hall, I have other arrangements for you, you just do what I ask."

"Yes, this subordinate understands." The ghost replied with a face.

The ghost dared not show any disrespect to the master of the nine evil spirits. After listening to the request of the nine evil spirits palace master, he left respectfully.

Now there is only one person left in the hall, the Lord of the Nine Demons. He was silent for a moment, and his figure disappeared in place.

In Songjiagou, in the small courtyard of Tangyuan, the atmosphere is a bit dignified at this moment.

Besides Tang Yuan and the Wu family sisters, there were two uninvited guests, one was Bai Qiong and the other was Lin Zhanpeng.

"Third brothers and sisters, Liu Yuxin did something wrong in the previous incident. We came to apologize this time. I hope you can let go of the past and go home." Bai Qiongmu said with a face but asked for peace.

If you just look at her face, you can't tell that she said such low-key words at all.

Moreover, when she was speaking, her body was also very stiff, and she came to talk to Tang Yuan unwillingly.

Tang Yuan didn't speak, but looked at Bai Qiong with heavy eyes.

If it wasn't for her body not being able to practice, and cutting off all contact with the Tang family, Bai Qiong and Liu Yuxin wouldn't be able to squeeze her overtly or secretly.

Lin Zhanpeng knew from Tang Yuan's expression that she was very unhappy, but now they could only obey the old man's request.

"Yes, third sibling, the old man is very worried about you, you should go back with us." Lin Zhanpeng's attitude also softened.

If Tang Yuan could not be brought back, the old man would definitely lose his temper. Back then, the old man was most satisfied with Tang Yuan, but he was not satisfied with Bai Qiong and Liu Yuxin's two daughters-in-law.

It was for this reason that Bai Qiong and Liu Yuxin hated the existence of Tang Yuan very much. They bullied the old man after she retreated, and the results also developed according to their ideas. Tang Yuan still couldn't stand it and left with the children.

Under normal circumstances, the blood of the Lin family cannot be taken away.

But at that time, both Bai Qiong and Liu Yuxin desperately wanted Tang Yuan to leave, so they didn't stop them at all.

Who knows, now that Feng Shui is turning, Bai Qiong has to come to ask Tang Yuan to go back?

Tang Yuan looked calm, "The Lin family is not my home, so I won't go back, my home is here."

The Wu family sisters had been very worried that Tang Yuan would soften her heart and agree. They knew from Lin Luo how badly Tang Yuan was bullied in the Lin family.

Hearing Tang Yuan's refusal at this time, he was also relieved.

"Please go back, both of you. Since Aunt Tang said she would not go to the Lin family, then our sisters will stay here with her." Wu Le said coldly.

If she had known who the rest of the Lin family were, she wouldn't have had a good face.

Lin Zhanpeng's face darkened, "What are you guys, you dare to talk to me like that!"

"You are not a thing!" Wu Huan exploded immediately, "You know what you have done, don't think that my Aunt Tang is easy to bully! Aunt Tang will not say anything, but don't forget that there are elder brothers and younger sisters Now, the two of them won't let you bully Aunt Tang!"

"That's right. I've sent someone to inform my sister that she will come back. You have come here twice. The last time was the steward of your Lin family." Wu Le took over the conversation.

In fact, she did not inform Lin Luo. Tang Yuan prevented the Wu family sisters from telling Lin Luo, so as not to disturb Lin Luo.

Seeing that the time for Lin Luo to go to the secret realm was approaching, Tang Yuan worried that Lin Luo would be distracted.

Lin Zhanpeng and Bai Qiong didn't look very good. The person they sent last time was Fu Can. Fu Can came and got rejected, but he didn't dare to break in directly, so he had to go back in despair.

This time, the couple did not get rejected and were invited in.

However, he also didn't get any good looks, not even a cup of tea!
(End of this chapter)

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