A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 372 The Invincible Signboard

Chapter 372 The Invincible Signboard

In the room in the backyard of Shen Jian Villa, Sun Yunhan was lying on the bed with a man beside him.

This man was pinching the waist of Sun Yunhan who had just experienced a love affair. She supported her head with great enjoyment, and even lifted the man's chin with one hand.

The man was originally Sun Yunhan's face-to-face recently, and he looked very handsome. It was also she who used some shameless means to get him into the mansion.

"Xiaotian, what do you think of the people I sent out? Have they completed the tasks I set?"

As he spoke, Sun Yunhan kissed Oda on the mouth.

Xiaotian looked indifferent, "Miss, you're worrying too much, Shenjian Villa is famous, it's not a problem to deal with a few people."

If you look closely, you can see the sadness in Oda's eyes.

For the sake of his family, he sold himself to Sun Yunhan, even his dignity was trampled on by her wantonly, and he had no way to resist, now he can only commit himself temporarily.

Xiaotian was different from other men, he didn't just sink in, and he still wanted to resist in his heart.

Unfortunately, it was too difficult.

Sun Yunhan didn't know what Xiaotian was thinking, she was quite pleased when she heard what he said.

"You're right. They're probably dead. I'm just waiting for good news."

At this moment, there was some noise outside, and Sun Yunhan also sat up, put on his clothes, and walked out the door.

In the yard, a person who should not have appeared appeared.

"Miss Sun, please stay safe." Lin Luo glanced at Sun Yunhan lightly.

Sun Yunhan's expression changed, "Why are you here!"

"Why am I here? Naturally, I want to thank Ms. Sun for the gift you gave me. After all, you arranged so many people to deal with me. With such a big gift, I won't go there in person to show my lofty gratitude to you." Lin Luo sneered, "There are still some conflicts between us. We had written off everything with you before, but if you sent someone to kill us, don't blame me."

"What do you mean, where are our people? I have so many people, don't tell me?" Sun Yunhan didn't dare to continue, and immediately yelled in the yard, "Come here, there are assassins."

Lin Luo stood there calmly, not at all worried that Sun Yunhan would call someone out.

Today, she just wanted to solve the trouble once and for all.

Not long after, many people poured out of the yard, and they surrounded Lin Luo.

After hearing the news, the owner of Shenjian Villa Sun and Mrs. Sun also rushed over, neither of them knew what happened.

"Who are you and why are you breaking into our Shenjian Villa." Sun Zhuangzhu said in a deep voice.

Lin Luo finally set his sights on Sun Zhuangzhu, his brows were full of displeasure.

"If you ask who I am and why I broke in, you should ask your good daughter! If your daughter hadn't sent someone to kill me, my mother, and two sisters of the opposite sex, I wouldn't bother to pay attention to you. It's just the Sword Villa, self-righteous." Lin Luo snorted coldly.

"Bastard! You don't care about our Shenjian Villa so much, someone, take her down for me!" Madam Sun was furious.

After the words fell, everyone rushed towards Lin Luo.

Sun Yunhan also took advantage of this time to run to Mrs. Sun's side and buried her body in her arms.

Xiao Tian followed Sun Yunhan, seeing her like this, a trace of disdain flashed in his eyes, if it wasn't for the protection of Shen Jian Villa, she would have already died without a whole body!
Lin Luo didn't show face to the people of Shen Jian Villa, and directly used the White Feather Sword to use the Falling Flower Sword Art, using spiritual power.

Now if Lin Luo uses mental power, it will be the strongest with the talisman array.

If it is using spiritual power, it is naturally the strongest in the Nine Swords of the God of War.

To deal with people like Shen Jian Villa, there is absolutely no need for spiritual power to use the Nine Swords of the God of Fighting.

Sure enough, it was just a simple Falling Flower Sword Jue. The people in Shenjian Villa were no match. They fell down a large area, and the rest wanted to do it, but they were blocked by Lin Luo's spiritual power, and they didn't dare to do it at all. .

Zhuangzhu Sun and Mrs. Sun were completely dumbfounded. They only saw that the other party was a little girl, but they didn't expect the other party's strength to be so strong.

"You, you are a talisman master!" Mrs. Sun trembled all over.

At this moment, Sun Zhuangzhu understood that his daughter had provoked someone she shouldn't have provoked.

"Miss, I'm sorry, it's the old man who has no way to teach his daughter, and the old man will definitely discipline her strictly in the future." Sun Zhuangzhu whispered.

He could feel that even if he tried his best, he might not be able to beat the opponent.

Therefore, Sun Zhuangzhu could only humbly beg for mercy for his daughter.

The only daughter, of course, can't see that she has something to do.

Mrs. Sun was furious, "What nonsense are you talking about! Why are you talking like that? She is just a little girl. She doesn't know our relationship with Zixiaozong. If you dare to punish your daughter, I will dare to punish you!"

Up to now, Mrs. Sun still hasn't figured out the situation, and she still thinks that Shen Jian Villa won't be able to deal with even a little girl.

Zhuangzhu Sun also became angry, "Shut up! If you hadn't insisted on going your own way and pampering your daughter all the time, she wouldn't have been brought up like this."

"I'm the only one who dotes on you. Don't tell me you don't dote on me?" Mrs. Sun was not to be outdone.

The two quarreled in front of everyone, but they still didn't care about the current situation.
Lin Luo's mind is full of black lines, no wonder Sun Yunhan has such a temperament, just look at how unreliable this couple is.

"Okay, if you want to quarrel, just quarrel later, I will do my own thing now."

With that said, Lin Luo took a few steps forward and shook the white feather sword, making the white feather sword hum.

Lin Luo approached Sun Yunhan step by step, and Sun Zhuangzhu and Mrs. Sun stopped arguing, but stood in front of Sun Yunhan.

"Girl, if you have something to say, please say it. My daughter is wrong. We are willing to give everything." Sun Zhuangzhu sighed.

It's only because I didn't teach my daughter well at the beginning that it caused her to do so many wrong things now.

"There's nothing to say. I'm going to kill Sun Yunhan today. I hope she won't do this again in her next life. It's not just a one-time conflict between me and her. The first time I saw her, she gave me a kick, which made me suffer. Internal injury, molested my brother again for the second time, and then molested my friend. I originally paid her back, which was considered a write-off, but she should never have hit my mother with her idea and wanted to kill my mother " Lin Luo snorted coldly.

"I'm sorry, we didn't teach her well, please give us a chance." Sun Zhuangzhu begged.

Mrs. Sun also knew that things were not going in the direction she thought, "Girl, we can do whatever you want, and even if we can't, people from Zixiao Sect will help."

"Hehe, isn't it a coincidence, Zixiaozong? Actually, I am also very familiar with the young master of Zixiaozong. His name is Chu Yan. Am I wrong?"

Hearing this, Mrs. Sun and Master Sun looked at each other, and they both saw shock in each other's eyes.

The shield of Zixiaozong, which has always been invincible, doesn't work now!

(End of this chapter)

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