A story of a peasant girl from a poor family

Chapter 378 Lin Zimo hates people

Chapter 378 Lin Zimo hates people
Miao Yan looked at Lin Luo with some amusement, and it could be seen that Lin Luo had made some breakthroughs in cultivation in the past half month.

However, she and Lin Zimo also had some changes.

"Zimo has been thinking of you on the road, and told you to see that his cultivation base has improved a lot now, and he will also make your eyes shine." Miao Yan said with a smile.

Lin Luo also laughed, "The improvement of Zimo's cultivation is also good for us. The square where the altar is located in front of us has set up a lot of formation barriers. Many people who come here have tried it with spiritual power. Breaking the formation, but failed. That's why I said, it's great that Zimo came, otherwise we might not be able to get in at all, he came like a timely rain."

Although Lin Luo couldn't feel anything here, and he didn't know whether Lin Zhanhong was here, he still had to go and see.

There is no other reason. Lin Luo searched for a long time in the secret realm at the fastest speed for half a month, but still found nothing.

Therefore, this place became Lin Luo's last hope.

Since it is the central altar, it is very likely that Lin Zhanhong is here. Although there is no special feeling at this moment, it may be because of the formation.

Lin Luo also asked the small tower in a low voice if there was any other person's breath under the altar, but unfortunately the small tower couldn't feel it, and only said that the area under the altar formed a world of its own.

The small tower is not omnipotent, so there are many things it doesn't know, and it's normal.

"So that's the case, then I'll go and have a look now." Lin Zimo said.

"Okay, be careful, don't do it directly, just look at it first, and wait for brother to come." Lin Luo reminded.

Lin Zimo nodded and walked towards the square.

Miaoyan thought for a while, and followed Lin Zimo.

When the people around saw Miaoyan and followed Lin Zimo again, their faces became more and more ugly.

Some people even followed Lin Zimo and Miaoyan to the square.

Lin Zimo didn't pay attention to the surrounding situation. He stared at the surrounding square with burning eyes, and he had already seen the enchantment.

"Miao, it turns out that so many formations have been fused together." Lin Zimo was amazed.

Miao Yan's expression changed, "Zimo, can you unlock these formations?"

"I..." Lin Zimo's words were interrupted after only one word.

"Junior Sister Miaoyan, the formation is indeed a very troublesome thing. Don't listen to this kid's nonsense. We have already notified Cao Rong, the master of the formation. At that time, as long as Senior Cao Rong opens this formation, you can fight with us." Let's go in together." A barely handsome man said.

This person is a disciple of Yujianzong, his name is Wu Xianjun, he can be regarded as a second-generation disciple, and he is somewhat well-known in the world of cultivating immortals, at most, he is not as good as those chief disciples.

And that Cao Rong is indeed a formation master in the world of cultivating immortals, and even his own uncle.

When the people around heard Cao Rong's name, their eyes became a little hot.

Although outside the secret world, the formation master is not as high as the talisman master.

However, the situation is different now. In this secret realm, the needs of formation masters must be greater than that of talisman masters. After all, they can't even enter a square, let alone see the altar.

Miao Yan looked up at Wu Xianjun, "Oh, that's right."

that's it?
Wu Xianjun's face was not very good-looking, "Junior Sister, don't trust others too much, he is just a brat, how can he be comparable to me, Master Cao Rong?"

In the eyes of Wu Xianjun, Lin Zimo is just a soy saucer, even if he can see the dot matrix method, he is definitely not Cao Rong's opponent.

Miaoyan was funny in her heart, and couldn't help but want to tease Lin Zimo.

"Zimo, look, people look down on you and think you can't break the formation, but you don't respond? Sister, I'm always a little disappointed in my heart!"

"What reaction do I need? It's just some people with bad brains barking here, so I don't care." Lin Zimo looked arrogant.

Wu Xianjun was very annoyed when he heard it, especially in front of the wonderful words.

"Brat, let me see how long you can be proud. When my uncle comes, I want you to look good!"

Lin Zimo's eyes widened, "No, aren't you? You are such an old man, yet you still have to find the elders in your family and complain when you encounter something? I remember Luo Luo said that like you, you only know Those of my elders are giant infants. Except for a larger size, they are similar to newborn babies in other places, so they are called giant infants."

When Miao Yan heard this, she couldn't help but glanced in Lin Luo's direction, then raised her hand to cover her lips and smiled lightly.

Even though the movements she made were small, they were still noticed by everyone, and even looked at Wu Xianjun with some smiles in their eyes.

Needless to say, Lin Zimo's analogy to Wu Xianjun just now is really appropriate.

"You!" Wu Xianjun was so angry that he almost vomited blood.

The brat in front of him speaks so badly, how dare he say that!
"What about me? I'm here to look at the formations by myself. Even if I can't open these formations, I'm not ashamed. Unlike you, you only know about my elders. If you have the ability, you can break the formations yourself. It doesn't matter if you're not a formation master, if you have enough spiritual power, you can directly break the formation, I'll wait and see." Lin Zimo provocatively crossed his arms.

Wu Xianjun was completely speechless, because he had already done it before, and even with all his strength, he couldn't break through the formation.

Just like what Lin Zimo said, he couldn't open the formation with his own strength.

Even if his spiritual power was exhausted, Wu Xianjun couldn't break the formation.

Immediately, Wu Xianjun took a few deep breaths before slowly looking at Lin Zimo.

"Since that's the case, if my uncle breaks through these formations in the future, I'll come and see what you have to say." Wu Xianjun said coldly.

Lin Zimo didn't care at all, "Okay, then I'll wait and see."

After finishing speaking, Lin Zimo turned around and left, returning to Lin Luo.

Miao Yan didn't speak, but followed behind Lin Zimo without saying a word, ignoring Wu Xianjun who was still in place.

The farce here was seen by Lin Luo, and she was not at all worried that Lin Zimo would fall behind in speaking.

Obviously, the other party couldn't talk to Lin Zimo at all, of course she wouldn't help, after all, Lin Zimo was not forgiving in verbal fights, and none of the Lin family were his opponents.

At this moment, like a victorious rooster, Lin Zimo walked up to Lin Luo with his head held high.

That appearance seemed to say: Luo Luo, praise me quickly, I am so amazing.

Lin Luo couldn't help chuckling, "Zimo is really powerful now, and Fourth Uncle Lin probably won't have to worry about you being bullied anymore. Even if your cultivation base is not very high, your mouth is unforgiving. No matter what, it can cause trouble for others."

Lin Zimo nodded, as if what Lin Luo said sounded a bit weird, but since it was a compliment, he didn't need to think about it.

"Luo Luo is right. I'm not afraid of them now. We have so many masters here. Brother Wenxuan is coming too."

Lin Luo couldn't help shaking her head, and now she got to the point.

"Zimo, have you seen those formations? How is the situation now?"

(End of this chapter)

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